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Well they can have it!

I sure wish we lived in simpler times, too. I'm not old enough to have lived when people could leave their doors unlocked and nowadays people have more than one lock on their door. I would love to experience such freedom from fears that I could go to sleep with my window open and rest peacefully, but that's just not realistic anymore. What a shame that good people are made to sort of cocoon themselves inside with a gun in their nightstand...just in case. o_O
I grew up in an area where we never locked our homes,left keys hanging in the ignitions of our vehicles and could leave your wallet on the seat.
I guess I lived in a blissfully naive area.
Parents dressed in costume to walk along with
their kids for Trick or Treating.

Or they didn't dress up.
Or maybe they didn't even go along, because kids
would go out in groups.
Or you went with a slightly older sibling.

There was a 'spooky' house on the corner where the
weird old people lived. It was spooky because they
looked like dried up apples and their house had been
a playhouse on the estate of some rich guy before
they bought and moved it to our block.

In 4th grade we had to write about our favorite
holiday. I picked Hallowe'en. I liked dressing up,
generally as a cat or a gypsy. I liked the novelty
of going out in the dark. I liked everybody
walking around having a good time.

And I definitely liked candy.
Getting an apple was a disappointment that
just had to be tolerated.
While I personally detest Halloween, I don't detest the people who enjoy it. Like I said before, live and let live. I wouldn't appreciate people hating me for loving Easter. My downstairs neighbor loves Halloween and has a party every year. I always offer to donate some home baked goods because I know I'm the one with the problem. This year, I'm making Halloween bark for them.
I've often found myself wishing I could ride a train and get off in 'Willoughby', (without dying though!) I'd like to think good old Rod Serling based it on a real place.
How can someone not like Halloween? The costumes, the trick-or-treating (greeting kids at your door, handing them candies and decorating), the awesome parties for grown-ups and children alike, the scary stories and, of course, the good-old horror movie. I love Halloween!:grinning:
How can someone not like Halloween? The costumes, the trick-or-treating (greeting kids at your door, handing them candies and decorating), the awesome parties for grown-ups and children alike, the scary stories and, of course, the good-old horror movie. I love Halloween!:grinning:
I'm happy that you find enjoyment in Halloween. We don't always agree with each other and that's okay. I hope you have a safe, fun-filled Halloween as I will be cocooned in my bedroom :)
I stay indoors and watch vintage horror movies with my wife. Usualy stuff like the original Halloween movie, and similar, not the remakes. I am normally ready for bed around 10pm. We don't pass out candy, to much stress trying to control 3 dogs and we live at the end of a long cul de sac, so when we did give out candy, we ate most of it ourselves as we had like 3 kids come down to our place. We just close the blinds and keep to ourselves these days. Mike
I love Halloween, what other day can you dress up and be whaterver you want to be? I hold it dear to my heart since it was originally an Irish Holiday known as Samahein, as for the social pressure I seclude myself and do my own thing. I liked trick or treating as a kid but now I am an adult I turn all the lights off and either gorge on sweets and watch horror movies or go to a bar or party!Halloween was originally a Celtic Holiday cherished by both Irish and Welsh! I am both Irish and welsh so I hold dear to the roots, chistianity opposes it though but is ignorant.
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I love Halloween, what other day can you dress up and be whaterver you want to be? I hold it dear to my heart since it was originally an Irish Holiday known as Samahein, as for the social pressure I seclude myself and do my own thing. I liked trick or treating as a kid but now I am an adult I turn all the lights off and either gorge on sweets and watch horror movies or go to a bar or party!Halloween was originally a Celtic Holiday cherished by both Irish and Welsh! I am both Irish and welsh so I hold dear to the roots, chistianity opposes it though but is ignorant.
I am a Christian and that's first in my life. I don't care who does or does not hold these values.....I DO! I respect everyone for their beliefs or unbeliefs, but I'm not backing away from my faith. Candy can be eaten any day of the year. Dressing up is for the kiddos. But, you go ahead and enjoy your special day and I'll do the same when Easter comes.
I could go the HD route and ride in as Peter Pan on Peter's Panhead :D
Easy Rider! One of my all time favorites. That is where we first saw Jack Nicholson, another one of my all time favorites. And Dennis Hopper. Good movie!
Both of the bikes that shared the starring roles were heisted right after the filming and may still exist ;)
I stay indoors and watch vintage horror movies with my wife. Usualy stuff like the original Halloween movie, and similar, not the remakes. I am normally ready for bed around 10pm. We don't pass out candy, to much stress trying to control 3 dogs and we live at the end of a long cul de sac, so when we did give out candy, we ate most of it ourselves as we had like 3 kids come down to our place. We just close the blinds and keep to ourselves these days. Mike
I'm happy that you find enjoyment in Halloween. We don't always agree with each other and that's okay. I hope you have a safe, fun-filled Halloween as I will be cocooned in my bedroom :)
Like AspieOtaku mentionned, the Irish and Welsh traditions (as well as the Celts) gives this particular night a mystical fun. The Wiccans commonly believes that this night is the night ''where the veils are thin'', in other words, where one can see fairies, angels and demons more easily than any other time of the year.

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