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WHAT is the stupidest thing u can think of

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The dumbest thing I can think of?? Hmm. Back in grade-school, we were served a dessert with lunch. teachers would walk around and make sure that each child had actually consumed their lunch-food prior to eating their dessert, otherwise they'd get in trouble. It struck me as being stupid at the age of..eight? nine? What were they gonna do if we ate dessert first??
WOAH that is kind of unusual. That wouldn't be normal at all in Australia.
Yeah, even as a guy who didn't like the 13th Doctor's series, that's a stupid comment.

For the record, I started dropping off during Matt Smith's era and dropped off completely during Capaldi's run because the writing just kept getting worse - Twice Upon A Time been the last episode of Capaldi's run I watched and I wasn't impressed with their portrayal of the First Doctor.
I did give Jodie a chance but the bad writing, Chibnall refusing to take any criticism, Jodie ripping off the personality of the 10th Doctor (played by David Tennant) for her incarnation and that god-awful Timeless Children episode just made me apathetic to the show.
Roundabouts that are being added everywhere at a huge cost to taxpayers, when we could add traffic lights or more stop signs. Plus Florida peeps don't even know how to drive on them. I have driven in Mexico and Britain, so l don't mind them.
In the UK, they hold British Farming Awards. What's even worse than that? The UK has awards for best parking garages! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
In the UK, they hold British Farming Awards. What's even worse than that? The UK has awards for best parking garages! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

We also have a sporting association dedicated to the racing of lawnmowers. Unsurprisingly, it was thought up in a pub in 1973 over a few pints, although the person who thought of it was a Rally co-driver; the sport also happening in a few places in America as well as Australia:

Whether it's from weird online radicalization, internalized self hatred manifesting as misogyny, or any of the various theories proposed, it's just not a healthy thing for men to really believe. Not at all a reliable or accurate philosophy.
Admittedly I used to be a nice guy/incel and I'm very glad I've been fortunate enough to have opportunities which helped me grow away from that way of thinking.
When they announced the next Doctor Who would be a woman, among the negative responses, one person said 'Time Travel is for men'.
Oh, that's sad a stupid. If time travel is for men, then why did the first Doctor bring his grand-daughter along? Have they not heard of Rose Tyler or Donna Noble? yeesh
They look significantly more awesome, though. :)

Their Australian office is in my home town Adelaide. I wrote to them asking if I could come and see some of these things and take some photos but all they did is add me to their promotional mailing list.

I'd love to see them in action.
Their Australian office is in my home town Adelaide. I wrote to them asking if I could come and see some of these things and take some photos but all they did is add me to their promotional mailing list.

I'd love to see them in action.

The thought of seeing them in action reminds me of this music video I saw for "Drone Racers" by GUNSHIP.
(The actual "race" starts at around the 1:44 mark):

Probably the dumbest burglars ever.

In this video, a burglar and his accomplice attempt to break a window to gain entry into a building by throwing a brick at it - with hilarious results:

I've heard of "self-owns" before, but that takes the cake. :D

Whether it's from weird online radicalization, internalized self hatred manifesting as misogyny, or any of the various theories proposed, it's just not a healthy thing for men to really believe. Not at all a reliable or accurate philosophy.
Ma Nature does most of the selection process on the males. You have twice as many female ancestors as males, because some males such as Genghis Kahn are related to substantial portions of modern populations, and many others had no children, including some who were still called fathers and behaved as such.
Being selected out is a genuine condition that millions of men have to deal with. If a woman is a marginal mother, she will get support for the sake of her children. Marginal men just get ignored, or ridiculed and abused for noticing the women trying to attract other men.
The teaching of chemistry and physics back when I was a kid: learning formulas about random chemical reactions without knowing why, learning to plug seemingly random stuff together so that a tiny light bulb goes on, when there's so much unbelievably fascinating stuff you could teach kids in these two fields.
Probably the dumbest burglars ever.

In this video, a burglar and his accomplice attempt to break a window to gain entry into a building by throwing a brick at it - with hilarious results:

I've heard of "self-owns" before, but that takes the cake. :D
I can’t stop laughing, I’m crying :tearsofjoy:
I can’t believe people are this stupid. But that’s hilarious.
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