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Following Interesting People on Social Media?

I was curious if anyone else likes to follow some people you find interesting on any of your social media accounts. I've had a fascination and admiration of goth people and I follow quite a few goth models on Instagram. My favorite goth model is Valentin van Porcelaine.

I don't know if any of you are on Instagram, so I will post the link to his Facebook account instead.

That is odd.

Aside from the weird think with the link, I don't follow "interesting people" on other social networks as I don't use other social networks; Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and others are just an automatic repulsion to me.
I did try Tumblr once and hated it, while I've heard so much bad stuff about the other 'mainstream' social networks that I stay away from them.
I have never considered Following "interesting people."
Now, for a minute or so, I am considering it.
Still not.
My twitter account is used mainly to follow some famous or pseudo-famous people. I don't have any friends that use twitter so that's all it's used for.
There was a time when I was younger and more interested in fashion that I followed models and photographers in magazines and newspapers, but that was before social media so essentially the same thing.

Also rock groups and their comings and goings, and blues singers. Was intrigued for a long time with the life of Marilyn Monroe, Patti Smith, Janis Joplin and John Lennon, so I read whatever was available to me about them. So somewhat similar in that I was interested in certain people and their lives.
I'm "friends" with a lot of the stars of Australian soap Neighbours on my Facebook.

Mainly cos I fancy a lot of the women :D
I follow some people I don't know on Twitter. I'm very animal friendly and usually end up following vegans or others into animal rights.
Actually, most of the accounts I follow on Instagram are of dogs. Some dog owners make accounts with pictures/videos of their dogs either pretending to be their dogs or just showing their antics as an owner. I follow a lot of adorable pitbulls.
Susan Bennett what is the voice actress for siri followed me on twitter a few days ago so I followed her back. And unfourtiounatly our president elect loves the platform so I'm following him.
i follow some people who also have severe/moderate classic autism with intelectual disability and a special interest or skill such as art as it helps me to relate to others in similar situations-martin finn and carly ryan for examples who are AMAZING singers-martin doesnt even speak verbally but he sings like a pro and carlys mum who i know on facebook,tirelessly runs a organisation that helps autistic people all over the spectrum called 'stepping stones across the spectrum':

i found out about both carly and martin on the UK BBC3 autistic superstars show and became a fan,but most of who i follow on facebook or blogs are of cats,i used to follow a pet capybaras life as well-now theres an interesting animal.

your welcome to add my support cat;mr shadows own page if you like following cats:
unfortunately not updated for a while as my mh has suffered and ive kept off social media.
I'd like to follow Amory Lovins (environmental writer) but I can't find him on LinkedIn. Perhaps he saw me coming... ;-)

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