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Favorite Quotes

Captain Beefheart!
I had to put a Beefheart quote after that one. Those two increasingly remind me of my best friend in high school, who was rather obsessed with Zappa. He was the one who first told me about The Velvet Underground, something for which I'm very grateful now. We've lost contact over the years. He went on to get a university degree in Germanic Languages (why oh why?!), I dropped out, becoming increasingly disillusioned by the education system we have here. I saw a Captain Beefheart documentary a few months ago and I couldn't help but think we would've made a good Zappa/Beefheart cover band, or something. Him being more of a cerebral figure, and me being just a mad cap captain. I read he's a literary critic now. Bastard. If I ever see him again I'll slap him in the face with this Zappa quote:

"If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to a library."
- Frank Zappa
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*must resist being contrary, must resist being contrary* *can't resist* So here's another Thompson:

"A word to the wise is infuriating."
-Hunter S. Thompson

One I came across recently and quite like. It's maybe not applicable to everything or every situation but, for some, I think it says quite a bit:

"I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of science, whatever the matter may be."

-William Thomson

Lecture on "Electrical Units of Measurement" (3 May 1883), published in Popular Lectures Vol. I, p. 73
“I was surprised, as always, by how easy the act of leaving was, and how good it felt. The world was suddenly rich with possibility.”
- Jack Kerouac
Junuh: This is becoming embarrassing.
Bagger: Oh no, sir, it's been embarrassing for quite some time now.
- The Legend of Bagger Vance
Vance: You wanna quit, Mr Junuh? You can just go ahead & creep off somewhere, I'll tell folk you took sick. Truth be told, ain't nobody gonna really object. In fact, they'd probably be happy as bugs in a bake shop to see you pack up & go on home.
Junuh: You know I can't quit.
Vance: I know. Just makin' sure you know it too.
- The Legend of Bagger Vance
Junuh: Listen, you want to talk to me about my grip, fine. Talk to me about my swing, fine.
Vance: You don't wanna hear about the fungus?
- The Legend of Bagger Vance

(Sorry, can't help myself. There are just so many excellent lines in this movie!)
"At least I know that I don't know; question is - are you Bozos even smart enough to feel stupid? .. Hope so!" ;) name that Aspie?
He's a bit of a modern Shakespeare with wordimithish stuff, (my word for rhythm in the words...lol). Shakespeare also made up many words...Google search :Shakespeare made up words, here I'll go look! ;)

one of Shakespeare's best! Funny pic...
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"At least I know that I don't know; question is - are you Bozos even smart enough to feel stupid? .. Hope so!" ;) name that Aspie?

I've had this thought SO many times. For 15 years I was stuck in a town of backwards, inbred, redneck morons who believed they were all brilliant, but would've believed the earth was flat & the moon was made of green cheese if those statements were made by the right person. They thought they were the pinnacle of sophistication but the favorite pastime of teenage girls was trying to get pregnant so dude would have to marry them. Marriage, of course, is an ironclad guarantee of getting a Happily Ever After … or so they believed.

Google tells me it's Eminem, I had no idea he had such insight! Funny thing is, my sister loves him but doesn't get me … she probably doesn't get him either, she just likes the beats.
Google tells me it's Eminem, I had no idea he had such insight! Funny thing is, my sister loves him but doesn't get me … she probably doesn't get him either, she just likes the beats.
I like how others hear it too!!! ...maybe im not crazy!? Or, we are all a bit nuts!!!? Not sure witch....?
I resent the small town backwards redneck moron remark...I am not so sure if I was a result of inbreeding tho...
I resent the small town backwards redneck moron remark...I am not so sure if I was a result of inbreeding tho...

I didn't mean to offend you or anyone else, but my description comes from 15 years of observation while I was trapped there and chose not to partake in their 'hobbies'. I call out 'inbreeding' because I saw how severely they rejected anyone who wasn't born there (myself being one) … most newcomers to our school mysteriously disappeared after about two weeks (possibly due to the KKK chapter up the road, but who knows) … and because of their favorite pastime of trying to get pregnant.

Nitro these comments weren't aimed at you, and I seriously doubt they apply. The people I'm describing wouldn't be able to understand anything I've written here. Please don't take it personally when it's not about you.

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