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  • Extraordinary Attorney Woo is proving to be really enjoyable. I kind of wish the main character was real and we were friends.
    It saddens me to see so many people here burdened by things they can't change and the self hatred that comes from that. While there are so many horrible people out there living their lives not facing any consequences or not feeling the least bit of responsibility. Life is not fair.
    Dog V4 offers a hug.
    Hugs back. I feel like i am already lucky enough to pass as "normal" but some people are not and they are being abused bc of that. Its horrible
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Yes, me too. It makes me sad to see people struggle with things. And not be able to do anything about it or help.
    I have three files i must work on due Monday and it is really stressing me out
    Sending virtual support your way...
    Taking everything personally, esp. People's negativity is not the way to go. I might not be enough for them but i am enough for myself
    Staying home today. I feel physically sick as well as depressed. Cried a lot yesterday from anxiety.
    My friend does not return my texts but i don't feel bothered by it. What bothers me is that i made her uncomfortable and in a difficult position. She does not want yo be my friend but feels forced to continue this friendship
    I am trying to keep a distance from my parents but it really gets on my nerve when she insists that i attend family get togethers.
    Play pretend is all she knows
    She cant accept my autism. Even watching a show about autism triggers her like its some big trauma.
    Experiencing other people's discomfort because of your autism is traumatizing.
    I am grateful for my mother but i have also accepted her internalized ableism. I am gradually starting to become more independent and i am grateful for that too
    Therapy made me understand that my relationship with my mom affected my thinking that i was unlovable, still to this day i think everyone has internalized ableism inside and i will never be accepted as i am if i dont mask
    My mom invited me and my friend to the New Years party. I feel so out of place there and dont want to go.
    I am way too old to spend time with my parents' friends. Everyone there is old and their sons and daughters have their own plans.
    Everyone talks about empathy and camaraderie, until someone is too different from you to relate. Choosing to protect and care about people different from you is more important
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    I also think that caring about others with different values, cultures, perspectives, ... Is very important. So I totally agree.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    It's not pure evil, but it is a nature of disregard. If only because the only type of true consideration we can do for the unrelatable Other is done as a type of play. It pokes at the self in stimulating ways. It entertains and molds self-image. But because it is play, it only works for a little bit, only sometimes. When there's room for it.
    @Knower of nothing:
    I don't think that is true. Just bc you can't relate to someone does not mean any help you give them is fake or play pretend. Humans also have the tendency to help those in need, and protect them. At least the potential.
    There are beautiful green parrots flying outside my window. I wonder if they escaped from somewhere?
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I would guess yes. Unless you have taken some very strong painkillers or something today, then they could possibly be imaginary parrots. ;)
    We have wild parrots in florida. It's bizarre because l have only seen them in pet stores.
    I am not made for hookup culture. The way these people behave is incomprehensible to me. Wdym your feelings instantly disappeared and you started liking someone else?
    It's why I rejected the concept of "dating" and stuck to making good friends, when in some cases blossomed into something better over time. No rituals, subterfuge, silly games or expectations required.
    When i have feelings for someone, i can't just switch them to someone else. My feelings dont work that way. They also last a long time. So it is so strange to me how quickly people change
    I think what's worse than the flippant one night stands, is the 'badge of honor' that a guy slept with a bunch of women. So what? If women sleep with a bunch of guys, she is considered a 'easy' catch. It's all twisted.
    I may have made a decision to cut off my only friend. She is flirting with the guy she was trying to set me up with.
    Under such circumstances this person may in fact amount to only what I'd call a "fair weather friend". An acquaintance who may be trusted only so far. Who may prove to be more of a liability than an asset to you.
    I am not sure. Maybe she thinks it is okay since i ended up not liking him but it is still weird to me. Since she wanted to set him up with me
    Personally I think your suspicions are valid. Do others here concur? But then I have posted many times about my own limited sense of trust.
    Just feeling proud of myself and my achievements. With little to no help i have come a long way in my life. And the best thing is i no longer dislike myself
    That is awesome you found happiness with yourself~
    Feeling this way was impossible for me in the past. But even things that seem impossible happen in this world. If it happened to me, it can happen to you too. So i hope everyone can feel this someday
    I noticed i miss my friend. I keep seeing videos on the İnternet that i want to show her but then i remember we are not talking anymore
    Is this the same friend that kept trying to set you up with guys you were not interested in?
    I sometimes feel such a thing when it comes to my own mother who died 17 years ago. When I want to share something and then instantly realize I can't.

    Yeah...it hurts. Though in your case I suppose there's always a possibility of reconciliation. You never know...
    @Rodafina no, it is not. This friend i mentioned was my best friend for over 15 years. She grew distant after a dispute.
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