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  • There is a cat in our building, apparently its owner has passed away. I petted her a little and gave her some canned food. I keep thinking of adopting her but i am not sure if it is a good idea
    I am allergic, i work full time and live in a very small space
    I am hoping that i will not cry at work tomorrow. I made so many mistakes. It is probably better for me to stop working for a while.
    Trying not to get too emotional but i am very grateful to my employer. This was the first real job i had, and despite all the difficulties my employer was so supportive.
    How do i deal with guilt i don't know. I really hate myself.
    If this goes on i might make more mistakes at work and it will cost. I can't deal with self hatred and guilt any more
    Feel like vomiting all the time
    I messed up yet again and missed a deadline
    I want to quit, it is not working out but there is no one who can replace me
    I will admit my wrongdoing and say i am fine with whatever decision my employer makes
    I feel better about not wanting to get married/have a relationship after chatting with my coworker
    My coworker however told me, that the purpose of that is to ensure future generations will grow up to be good people that uphold the religion's values. Since i have no intention to have children, and that i am trying to uphold the values and promote them, it does not matter that i dont marry.
    I am not a religious person at all, but i do feel the pressure to get married and have children and i thought this pressure came from religion to be a pious person.
    Hearing my more religious friend, say those things have comforted me.
    Yuck. You should decide not to get married based on your personal preference. Not on popular belief.
    I am trying to not trust people too much even though it makes me feel alone
    Loneliness is better than being used
    I am craving french fries and onion rings so much.. But my diet..
    If your diet allows for it, you could always fry up some onions and potatoes in olive oil!
    I could try that maybe, (alas i have already ordered some chicken and fries)
    Lol. Onion rings, French fries, sign me up. Lol
    I can't do this any more. My employer is too angry at me and i feel like the only solution is to quit before things get ugly.
    Sorry. Can you schedule a exit interview, damage control? Explain that you didn't have the needed resources to effectively do your job? My attorney was in trouble for not canceling expensive medical appt that wasn't needed. But he left firm and now is a first circuit judge. Good luck , try to center yourself, and get thru this.
    He also got in trouble for letting me sit in on a deposition. Attorneys are human.
    Another coworker is quitting already so i might not be able to for a while.. Yet again.
    I cried at the office today. My employer was very angry at me, my coworkers noticed and tried to comfort me. I just burst into tears
    The work environment, in which so many people get so stressed out, and in which there are so many insensitive people, can be such a mine field for ND people.
    It can be so hard to spend the day feeling buffeted by other people's reactivity.
    I hope that you are able to soothe and recharge from such a difficult day.
    Thank you so much. I feel grateful for this job actually, i really learnt a lot. But no one understands how difficult it has been, and they misjudge my abilities
    In some ways, we ND folk live in a private world with secret challenges. That can be so hard.
    That's why I've been so thankful for this forum. The other folks here "get it" and I feel less isolated.
    The guy whom i thought was shy invited me to his home. I am angry at myself for even considering dating him. He is basically looking for a hookup
    And i explicitly told him i am NOT comfortable with meeting in a home environment
    Oh boy. That happens a lot l am afraid. That describes 75% of them.
    I feel very stressed at my job. Wanting to quit for the.. Nth time but idk how my employer will react
    Have you thought about applying elsewhere?
    Yeah its always at the back of my mind. If everything continues like this i will get fired anyway
    Then maybe consider applying elsewhere then you can feel better about this. Feeling helpless, and stuck, just keeps you in a rut. You can always apply and chose whether to accept. Sometimes my best jobs came because l was in a job l hated, that pushed me to apply elsewhere. :)
    People really don't understand how low social intelligence affects me and they expect me to be normal. I had enough of it
    I keep hoping i am wrong about people. If everyone is really as cruel as i imagine to be i am too scared to live in this world
    When l think about things l have come thru with family, etc., it's incredibly shocking and disheartening. I have lost faith in the general public, because cruelty exists on more levels, and for many different reasons that l can comprehend. So now l try not to think about it.
    I encountered a lot hatred towards woman in Florida. I never experienced this in Hawaii, MN, CA. In AZ, there was no rights for native American woman. Quite sad. In Mexico, there are numerous reports of woman and children being killed and dumped.
    I feel too naive and dumb for this world as an autistic woman. I cant understand when someone lies to me and people's behavior is downright unpredictable to me. They get angry very easily.
    The guy who flirted with me a few weeks ago apparently sent flowers to my friend also. People sure do move on fast lmao
    I guess for these type of people these things are pretty easy. They seem like aliens to me and emotionless
    He is a serial flirter. Some men just flirt with every female they meet, because they just need one yes.
    People's takes on relationships and attachment styles really baffle me. Some people can even like multiple people at the same time which is repulsive to me
    Why is it that i get hurt when someone loses interest in me when i know we are not even compatible with each other..
    My only friend understands nothing about me. People here dont seem to comprehend the idea that "social intelligence" exists and is a thing
    I definitely think this world would do a lot better if we focused on emotional intelligence over regular IQ as well. The way things are (and are measured) breeds a strange level of narcissism and ignorance that ends up ultimately hurting people
    That's true too but what i meant was, they think everyone has the same social intelligence they do. That they have normal friends, have relationships, can connect and make friends easily. They dont understand the difficulties we face bc we can solve math problems
    Understand that well. Autism is a weird thing: it reduces most of us to very few friends...or even one. And even they can have difficulty "getting us" at times. The saddest hallmark of autism is its biggest one: solitude...kinda like how Brain describes it on Arthur.
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