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  • Have marked one year of being in love with the same autistic lady - and I like this. She does too. It's nice.
    We are probably getting married once we get further along in our careers.
    "Excellent argument: however, yo mama"
    My favourite is from a Russell Peters stand up. He does a Chinese accent and goes:
    "Your momma is soo fat...that when she jump for joy...she get stuck."
    8 hour shifts plus long commute equals about 10 or 11 hours of the day turned for just work. Pay is ok tho.
    @tree you bet I am, and soon I can afford to do it, too! It's a good situation.
    @tripleU it's not "easy" but figuring out how to fit right in has been actually kind of neat. My car broke down and I have to spend a lot of time fixing it this evening. But it works out in the end.
    Get an elephant that won't break down, lol
    I caught a mockingbird!
    The mockingbird is an insectivore which makes this somewhat complicated but they do thrive on cat food and other things. Usually I had seed eating birds.
    Good luck to you and the birdie. I hope she/he is flying again soon!
    Girlfriend and I gave it some water and we have it waiting and resting in a produce crate on one of my old shirts.
    Her sister already named it "Peanut." We do not know if it's a boy or a girl.
    Shabby chic furniture does, and always will, look like seagull crap.
    I just bought a quartered oak gramophone from England. English oak is the stuff of poetry and fable... and it's buried under a shade between "seagull squirt" and "white woman's Instagram."
    Sad. I hope the acetone needed to strip the paint doesn't do too much harm to the oak.
    I use citrus base removers and will probably strip afterwards with denatured alcohol and then refinish in orange shellac. It should turn out all right!
    My girlfriend hates "modern farmhouse."
    My new job is awesome, and there's a plant boss in New Models now curious about something I am inventing, so perhaps in a few years it might get more awesome.
    Sorry I haven't been posting tons lately--I like all you all; just very busy with some things I need to do!
    Hey. You are successful. WHY are you apologizing? Own it.
    I started a job today & I like this one better.
    What? Is this another friggen success story? Yay.
    @Aspychata you can say that, I guess--I went in for orientation at a factory & the trainer suggested at the end of the day I check out applying for IT instead of production or welding. Now I like that idea but I would rather "earn my stripes" on the assembly-line.THEN I can go up and see about something more.
    I hope I can apply for an apartment next and go get a place to live.
    I'm half excited & half grateful about being able to go to work at an actually adequate job, not this minimum-wage nonsense where I can't live alone or start prepping for a family.
    Taking a vacation from blue light: dark midnight, radio dial lamp & a plain candle. I love the dark like this--it does not hurt to look at; it looks the way quiet feels.
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