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What do YOU consider rude?

yep I agree! It's so disgusting! In the car, cramped with 4 persons my father farts, but that's something he can't do anything about. Tho that doesn't make the smell less bad.
It's less about interruptions and more about just not letting certain people speak.

Everyone needs a Haida Talking Stick.
I was driving on a twisty road down a mountain. It was one lane in each direction. Ahead of me and behind me were other cars, all of us behind a school bus. The school bus was going slowly, and there was nothing any of us could do about it. The car behind me kept honking. It was driving me nuts, since it was clear that the honking wasn't going to do anything, and the school bus was so far ahead, (a long line of cars) one wondered if it was even clear who the honking was intended for. But the guy behind me just kept honking all the same.
We watch Jeopardy while having dinner and I can't stand it when Mom and Dad talk about other things while it's going because then I can't hear the responses.
At my part time job as a cashier, nothing annoys me more than when a customer stands in front of the bag carousel but doesn't pick up their bags from the obviously full carousel, even after i've started stacking the bags on top of the carousel itself. Really, they're right in front of you and you're empty cart is right beside you, and you're literally just off in la-la land talking to someone or on your phone or looking around. I hate that so much. I mean really, if nothing else it doesn't help them get out of the store any quicker and who wants to spend more time grocery shopping than they have to.
*Rant Alert*

- People who swear excessively, like dropping the F-bomb in every sentence. It's like they're trying to come off as tough or cool, but to me it's just immature.
- Belching/passing wind openly and loudly. My dad does that in public. A girl at school who used to pick on me also belched in my face once. And she'd been eating pickled onion crisps.
- Where I work (behind the bar in a snooker hall), people who let their kids run amok. It shows total inconsideration to others who are trying to have a game. I hate when kids run riot in the supermarket too. A few years ago, two young girls who had been let loose with a trolley almost crashed it into my nan, who was in a wheelchair. You should have seen the looks my mum and I gave them and their mother.
- Interrupting people, and also people trying to talk to me when I'm on the phone. I can't have two conversations at once. Also, people who interrupt me when I'm serving someone at work.
- Drivers who harass learners. They seem to have forgotten that they were learners once.
- People trying to impose their views on others. This used to make me feel very uncomfortable and like I was walking on eggshells, so to speak; now I just tell them I don't want to hear it.
- People who ask too many personal questions, especially those who really try to push the issue when you don't answer them.
- Similarly, people who make comments about others' weight or eating habits, other than if they're genuinely concerned. I had a friend in secondary school who was like a stick even though she ate a lot, her mother and her sister were the same. Lots of people openly asked her why she was so thin and if she was anorexic/bulimic, I remember one girl asking her at lunch if she was going to throw it up later, and it upset her. For all they knew, she could have had a medical condition which she wasn't comfortable talking about. In my experience, people who are genuinely worried about someone normally speak to them in private.
- Similarly, people who make comments about others' weight or eating habits, other than if they're genuinely concerned. I had a friend in secondary school who was like a stick even though she ate a lot, her mother and her sister were the same. Lots of people openly asked her why she was so thin and if she was anorexic/bulimic, I remember one girl asking her at lunch if she was going to throw it up later, and it upset her. For all they knew, she could have had a medical condition which she wasn't comfortable talking about. In my experience, people who are genuinely worried about someone normally speak to them in private.

Yes, this too. When I went to church potlucks at my old church, because of my texture issues I would only take foods that were familiar to me - simple things like plain chicken, bread, some kinds of fruit/vegetables, etc. Since NTs seem to like weird food with weird textures, I could only find a few that I even knew the name of, so I just took those, and people would look at my plate and makes jokes about how I was apparently not hungry. Sometimes I was really hungry; I just couldn't find a lot of foods I was comfortable with. I always hated going through the line and picking out food because it felt like everyone else was watching and judging me; they were so into making comments about what I ate.
Poorly supervised children. I remember once I was at my chiropractor's, and these two little girls were running and playing all over the office. One of them even came into the treatment room where I was lying down with a hot pack on my back, and asked me a personal question. Later I heard a thump and cries of pain, and felt a grim satisfaction. One of the girls had been playing with a traction machine and cut her finger. Why on earth their mother was allowing them to treat a medical facility as a play room is beyond me!

People who are Chronically late. This story is a prime example of this kind of rudeness. I met my then future husband at an Aspie support group. Two years ago, we decided to get married and as we didn't know many people and only wanted a simple ceremony at the city hall, followed by a meal at a local restaurant, we invited the woman who had started the group. We also invited one lady who used to be my neighbor, because we needed two witnesses. The woman who ran the group was always, always late on support group day, and we would be kept waiting up to fifteen minutes for group to start. Since the group only lasted an hour, it was very rude of her.

So we decided to tell her an earlier start time for the wedding ceremony, because we didn't want her to screw it up. So she showed up on time. After the ceremony we told her which restaurant we were all meeting at, and we drove there. My other friend arrived shortly after us and we sat waiting for our other guest. But guess what? This woman was LATE. Unknown to us, the friend who waited with us had baked us a small wedding cake, and asked this other woman to transport it in her car so it would be surprise. When she finally showed up, nearly 30 minutes later, she told us that she'd stopped to run an errand. Seeing the cake, I thought she'd bought it for us. But when she put it down, I saw that it had obviously fallen over in her car! My other friend looked furious. She explained that she had made the cake and had wanted to surprise us. And did the chronically late one apologize? She just said oh, well, and shrugged her shoulders. It took all my self control not to tell her to go the hell home. Other rude behaviors I despise, are:

People starting conversations with me when I am heavily engrossed in a book.
While I am on the telephone, people trying to get my attention or just rudely speaking to me when I can't concentrate on two conversations at once.
People cutting across private property.
People touching me without permission or fondling my hair.
- Similarly, people who make comments about others' weight or eating habits, other than if they're genuinely concerned. I had a friend in secondary school who was like a stick even though she ate a lot, her mother and her sister were the same. Lots of people openly asked her why she was so thin and if she was anorexic/bulimic, I remember one girl asking her at lunch if she was going to throw it up later, and it upset her. For all they knew, she could have had a medical condition which she wasn't comfortable talking about. In my experience, people who are genuinely worried about someone normally speak to them in private.

I've had people assume I was bulimic because of my achalasia and that I am not overweight. I'd much rather be bulimic, then at least I'd have a choice whether or not to push the food back up, and not because it is stuck.

It also bothers me all the people that ask me for a cigarette or a light. I've never smoked a cigarette in my life. Maybe I just look like I do. And the people who think I'm wrong for not wanting booze, no I don't drink either. Like "what's your problem, it ain't gonna hurt ya, everybody does it". Unfortunately I live in a very smoky drunken area.

Last girl I dated, first thing she did when we met was grab my front teeth and pull at them to make sure they were real. She said most guys around here my age have dentures or just missing front teeth. This seems to be confirmed by many dating profiles I have read, where real teeth are on the wishlist.
Being Miss Etiquette I could give you a list.
1) Pointing
2) Not using your blinker
3) Cell phone usage at dinner or in theater or in store line or in car
4) Not holding a door open
5) Not raising your hand in class before speaking or leaving class before it is over
6) Not saying "thank you" or "please"
7) Not apologizing when you know you're in the wrong
8) Going out of your way to not include someone in a group activity
9) Talking about someone when they aren't there

I can come up with more - just give me some time. If you question whether something is rude, just ask me and I'll tell you. I hate rudeness.

Others may include:

10) Talking about someone when they ARE there, but completely ignoring them.
11) Not taking 'no' for an answer, because they don't even have the decency to respect your final answer.
12) People who, when they receive a call on their mobile, instantly stop talking to you and then give all their attention to someone thousands of kilometres away. Instant invisibility.
13) LOUD people!
14) Dishonesty.
15) Condescension (ex. 'Oh, you're just a child, what would you know? Don't talk to me like that, I'm your elder').
16) Being deliberately excluded from a group (ex. at work amongst colleagues) because they think you are 'weird'.
17) Idiots who fail to switch off their gadgets in cinemas.
18) People who quite literally don't seem to see me. It has often been the case that someone will almost crash into me and then they will be surprised to see me there, almost as though I had just popped into existence. Maybe this is just a common perceptual defect amongst NT's, so maybe it should not be listed here.
19) Attempts made to stifle open and honest conversation because some things are just not 'politically-correct' anymore, and therefore they should not be discussed. Isn't this a clear-cut example of discrimination against those for whom precise and clear self-expression are a way of life?
20) Hypocrisy.
Others may include:

10) Talking about someone when they ARE there, but completely ignoring them.
11) Not taking 'no' for an answer, because they don't even have the decency to respect your final answer.
12) People who, when they receive a call on their mobile, instantly stop talking to you and then give all their attention to someone thousands of kilometres away. Instant invisibility.
13) LOUD people!
14) Dishonesty.
15) Condescension (ex. 'Oh, you're just a child, what would you know? Don't talk to me like that, I'm your elder').
16) Being deliberately excluded from a group (ex. at work amongst colleagues) because they think you are 'weird'.
17) Idiots who fail to switch off their gadgets in cinemas.
18) People who quite literally don't seem to see me. It has often been the case that someone will almost crash into me and then they will be surprised to see me there, almost as though I had just popped into existence. Maybe this is just a common perceptual defect amongst NT's, so maybe it should not be listed here.
19) Attempts made to stifle open and honest conversation because some things are just not 'politically-correct' anymore, and therefore they should not be discussed. Isn't this a clear-cut example of discrimination against those for whom precise and clear self-expression are a way of life?
20) Hypocrisy.
YES YES YES!!! To all of those too!
That's music to Miss Etiquette's ears!
Poorly supervised children. I remember once I was at my chiropractor's, and these two little girls were running and playing all over the office. One of them even came into the treatment room where I was lying down with a hot pack on my back, and asked me a personal question. Later I heard a thump and cries of pain, and felt a grim satisfaction. One of the girls had been playing with a traction machine and cut her finger. Why on earth their mother was allowing them to treat a medical facility as a play room is beyond me!
This was going to be one of mine! One time I was at my therapist's office and there were children who were yelling and whining and somehow the parent's admonishments to them to shut up! only made it worse. It got to the point where I went up to the front desk and told them I was going to the other waiting room--fortunately, that's right when the little monsters left. I understand the need for the continuation of our species, but...can't we just skip childhood and have them pop out fully formed and mature?
This was going to be one of mine! One time I was at my therapist's office and there were children who were yelling and whining and somehow the parent's admonishments to them to shut up! only made it worse. It got to the point where I went up to the front desk and told them I was going to the other waiting room--fortunately, that's right when the little monsters left. I understand the need for the continuation of our species, but...can't we just skip childhood and have them pop out fully formed and mature?
I don't mind children, if they are raised well and tought manners
I remember going to a local classic car show once. Usually you'd expect such a show to have Bel Airs, Mustangs, Chargers and the like. They were even playing oldies music from the fifties and sixties. However, there was this lineup of Hummers with their basses booming rap so loudly you couldn't even hear the oldies. Jerks.

I also remember going to a local racing event and some guy ranted in a way that made it seem like the cars being used were like racing school busses. I think we were attending an ALMS race, so he was making no sense. Dad tried to explain that the old days of racing had cars that were unsafe, but the guy still went on about how "they drive school busses now" (I assume now that he meant NASCAR). The guy was full of it and being very annoying.

Dad had a friend with whom even he wondered why he even kept in contact. One day the guy took me to a classic car dealership for reasons unknown to me. We stopped somewhere for lunch, but I had to throw away my soda because he didn't want drinks in his fair-condition Audi that clearly had cupholders. He also tried to scare me by driving without holding onto the wheel. When I told Dad about that, I guess that was the last straw because he hasn't spoken to him since.
Poorly supervised children. I remember once I was at my chiropractor's, and these two little girls were running and playing all over the office. One of them even came into the treatment room where I was lying down with a hot pack on my back, and asked me a personal question. Later I heard a thump and cries of pain, and felt a grim satisfaction. One of the girls had been playing with a traction machine and cut her finger. Why on earth their mother was allowing them to treat a medical facility as a play room is beyond me!

When I was looking at a new place to live earlier this year I went to look at this house that still had the residents living there. They were present while I was touring (for all of two minutes but that's a whole other story...) including their two daughters who were probably 4 at the oldest. And the whole time those girls were running around and screaming their heads off While I was trying to tour the place. One of them even yelled at ME, "this is MY room!!" And would not allow me to enter the room. Where were the parents? Also in the house, counting their change together and being totally oblivious to their children. I thought the whole thing was so ridiculous and rude I decided not to rent the place.
This was going to be one of mine! One time I was at my therapist's office and there were children who were yelling and whining and somehow the parent's admonishments to them to shut up! only made it worse. It got to the point where I went up to the front desk and told them I was going to the other waiting room--fortunately, that's right when the little monsters left. I understand the need for the continuation of our species, but...can't we just skip childhood and have them pop out fully formed and mature?
Depends Wyv....... are you gonna help with the "popping out" part? Sounds like a really big "owie" to me.

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