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What do YOU consider rude?

-When the one person that asked you something interrupts you.
-People talking of you as if you weren´t there. When I was in high school I remember some girls talking ill of me infront of me. Like I was so insignificant that they don´t even bother to low their voices or anything.
-When people insist or even get mad if you don´t want to drink.
-when someone tryes to make you talk infront of people. Like "Hey, tell them how ... what ever". And now everyone is looking at you.
I guess I'm very rude, without realising, so I don't mean to do it intentionally. For example, my friend always has to ask me if I've said please to someone and I'm very quick to tell someone what they are talking about is boring me. What I find rude from NT's is when they touch my food or my face. Or when I go to my friend with a problem and she just disregards what I'm saying.

Do you ever get accused of acting like an expert on any of your special interests and talking down at others without properly addressing the points they've made, even doing this to people who are actually experts and even work in the field?

I think most of us (Aspies) run our lives by rules. The rules are the ones we were taught, or learned by whatever means, that are for proper people to follow. NT's, mostly, consider that they as an individual do not need to follow rules except if the other person has some kind of power over them. As in a cop or a parent or a boss. So if they break a rule and are rude it is OK and you are wrong for calling them down. And you must follow the rules exactly from their own perspective.

But one person on the spectrum might live by violently different rules to others. There are some differences between Progster and me, at least in regarding to music, as I found out on another forum.

An NT is locked into knowing and understanding other NT's mindset. When they encounter an Aspie or person on the Spectrum, there is an obvious discontinuity. Because they cannot follow or predict almost every word and action, they go into a mode of defense and offense. If they cannot follow, predict, you are the problem and they will become disdainful and abusive.

In my experience and based on what I was told by a mentor, who herself was diagnosed with A.S in her teens but no longer meets the criteria, there is a similar discontinuity even when one person on the spectrum encounters another, as I found out once on YouTube with one aspie female vlogger getting fed up with my commenting on what her mentor said were my interests, and another later blocking me.

While N.T behaviour is generally tolerated in others, especially by those who exhibit it, this does not seem to be the case with aspie behaviour.

I also experienced this on that other forum, at there was a bit of involvement with a user there knows as Storm Petrel.
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People, particularly Americans, insulting me on YouTube or wrestling related sites in the comment section just because I do not "mark" for their favourite Superstars, this includes the likes of Seth Rollins and particularly CM Punk, mainly because for some odd reason, the Internet Wrestling Community (IWC) has a "Man Crush" on former WWE Champion CM Punk.

Also, I tend to get annoyed when people online don't use proper grammar, your equals you're! FFS how hard is it?! :(
any girl or woman who I would attempt to interact with,as well as girls or women who I would be dropped the alien bomb on like I was back in high school,but somehow back in my 4th high school,I didn't feel that way surprisingly.

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