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The time has come to admit Jesus wasn't white!

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Mr Allen

Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member

As an atheist, I personally don't believe Jesus existed, but some people strongly believe in Him.

This is not big news.

Jesus of Nazereth was of Hebrew descent,
on his mother's side.

Any depictions of her or her son as
blonde haired and blue eyed come from
projections of the artist.

People generally find it easier to visualize and relate to
what they are accustomed to being around.
As an atheist, why then are you starting this thread?
Yes, all the pictures are wrong but he wasn't black he was a Hebrew.

But honestly, I don't understand why an atheist would start this thread other than to push discord.
Yawn, we know He was a Jew.

A non Christian historian wrote about Jesus of Nazareth as a fact, around the time. What you mean is that you do not believe a man who was known as that Jesus. arose from the dead.
Yawn, we know He was a Jew.

A non Christian historian wrote about Jesus of Nazareth as a fact, around the time. What you mean is that you do not believe a man who was known as that Jesus. arose from the dead.

Nobody arises from the dead, not even the Son of God, once you're dead, that's it! No afterlife or anything.
Its a erroneous and silly point. Scientific research moves things along, but Middle Easterners have been considered Caucasion for the last century or so. Northern Europeans, Mediterranean types, Middle Easterners are all classified as 'white' already.
No logical explanations to show it could not have happened. Those closest to Jesus knew it was the truth and one who was a doctor gave testimoney.
I once saw a depiction of what Jesus may have truly looked like based on reconstructions of Jewish remains known to be from the era. The depiction showed a man with very brown skin, akin to some peoples of India. But his facial features were neither African nor Hindu. He had a round face and curly black hair and a feathery, curly short black beard. The modern depiction of Jesus is ultimately based on the Shroud of Turin, which modern science has proven to be a forgery. Some scientists have suggested that Leonardo da Vinci may have created the shroud as a joke in order to mock an old Turkish legend about a king who is healed when he is presented with a piece of fabric bearing the likeness of Jesus. Apparently the Knights Templar were tearing apart the Holy Land to find the fabric, so Vinci decided to make one. The face on the Shroud greatly resembles Leonardo's.
Jesus was Jewish and he probably had a darkish skin color.

Jesus, also did exist, but no one knows if he was the son of God.

I believe, he is.
Yawn, we know He was a Jew.

A non Christian historian wrote about Jesus of Nazareth as a fact, around the time. What you mean is that you do not believe a man who was known as that Jesus. arose from the dead.
Even Christian Biblical Scholars claim that there was no contemporary historian that mentioned Jesus, claim that no contemporary from 4 different cultures ever mentioned him. Who is this non-christian, contemporary to Jesus historian to whom you refer?
The first gospel was written some 40 years after his(supposed) death.
The first Pauline Epistle was written some 50 years after his(supposed) death.
The famous Jewish historian, Josephus, was born A.D.37, and the paragraph addressing Jesus is admitted to have been added to his writings in the fourth century. There are much more obvious (and also admitted) forgeries that were added to his work as well.
(Before you take offense, I tend to believe that the historical Jesus did exist. I simply believe you to be mistaken about the contemporary historian.)
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Jesus is an historical figure who existed in real life. The people of his race/region range anywhere from being dark skinned to fair skinned.
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As an atheist, I personally don't believe Jesus existed, but some people strongly believe in Him.

I'm an atheist, but I believe that Jesus Christ was a real person who existed.

Being an atheist means that you don't believe in the existence of a god or gods, so it's possible to be an atheist and yet believe in the existence of Jesus Christ, as Jesus Christ was a real. hisorical person who existed.

However, as an atheist, I don't believe that Jesus is the son of God.
I believe he was an historical person. I believe he looked "Middle Eastern." It would be interesting if somebody could find out what happened to him between the ages of 12 and about 30.

I believe he was sick of the corruption of the leaders of his "Temple." I believe he was tired of people who took advantage of other people. I believe he was tired of the people who took other people's money through gambling and other things. He was tired of having to walk past aggressive moneylenders and that ilk when he had to go into the city.

I am an atheist.
The whole thing where he and his followers trashed the Temple courtyard is likely related to Jesus's hatred of rich people and people we would today call banksters. In Jesus's day, at Pesach (Passover) every Jewish family slaughtered a goat as an offering to YHVH. Of course, since there were no pickup trucks the Jewish pilgrims had to buy a goat once they got to Jerusalem. If they couldn't pay cash for a goat, they could always buy one on credit. Eventually this whole ecosystem of goat money lending became entrenched in the courtyard of the Temple. Jesus apparently saw this as blasphemous, as "Caesar" (the hated Roman authorities, which were considered to be represented by Roman money) defiling the sacredness of the holiest place of Judaism. After the rumble, the Romans riled up the Jews by suggesting that it was Jesus who defiled the Temple. The teeming mass of pilgrims bought it, and demanded Jesus's execution. I will not comment on what may have happened next-it's in the realm of faith AFAIC.
I believe he was an historical person. I believe he looked "Middle Eastern." It would be interesting if somebody could find out what happened to him between the ages of 12 and about 30.

I believe he was sick of the corruption of the leaders of his "Temple." I believe he was tired of people who took advantage of other people. I believe he was tired of the people who took other people's money through gambling and other things. He was tired of having to walk past aggressive moneylenders and that ilk when he had to go into the city.

I am an atheist.
Ok, so, here goes:
Jesus was born Hebrew.
He began studying and preaching in Hebrew Temples by the age of 11, and was regarded by elders as exceedingly knowledgable, hence the permission to preach, which was an unusual ceding.
Until the age of thirteen, he was regarded as a prodigy(sound familiar, kind of a "little professor"?), and an authority in matters religious, and dealing with ethics, as applied within the context of the Hebrew religion,
The "Law".
He was indeed a prodigy.
It is now, that we lose Jesus, in the historical records of the middle, and near east, for about 17 years.
While there are no written records(extant), there are very specific hints within the pages of the bible which rather clearly tell us of those missing years, if we choose to examine them.
The lack of documentation of disappearance leaves us rather empty-handed.
However, Jesus's return is, if I may say, somewhat peculiar.
The first occurrence, at his re-appearance, is Jesus being ordained a High Priest, in the order of Melchizedek.
The order of Melchizedek was an order of clerics, clergy, priests, that was devoted to studying all world religions. To be ordained a priest in the order, one must be well studied in world religions. In order to be ordained a High Priest, one must (presumably) be well studied in known religions.
More interesting,
is that, after his re-appearance, Jesus is no longer teaching the Hebrew religion.
Upon re-appearing, Jesus's teachings are entirely different from Hebrew Law.
Indeed, his teachings are now buddhist teachings, and more specifically buddhist parables.
The Gospel of Thomas is shining commentary on buddhist philosophy.
Jesus travelled to India, and was exposed to buddhism, and eastern philosophy. 17 years of study.
Even now, statues of him stand in Indian (Hindu and buddhist) temples.
If asked, the followers here will admit to Jesus having travelled in southern asia.
If one examines all the unfinished, nonsensical parables and stories in the bible, they are reconciled in the Gospels of Thomas, Philip, Mary Magdalene, and the Aquarian Gospels.
While controversial, their pedigree is confirmed: The council of Laodicia, and subsequent councils,
attempted to remove such anti-authoritarian teachings from the bible, however, as a wormhole was opened, when editing Jesus's later teachings, openly glaring differences in the continuity and coherency of his teachings was apparent.
The above named Gospels supply context and meaning, and omitted parts of pivotal parables and teachings, in the legacy of Jesus, the man, much to the shame of the Caesar, and the church.
I invite you to explore the Gospel of Thomas.
The above named gospels were safeguarded by the people of Ethiopia, ever the christian stronghold.
I invite you to also study this collateral subject.
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Just because some of the things people claim he did was obviously BS, it doesn’t mean he wasn’t a real person. You have to remember people were extremely superstitious in this time and could have embellished the story based on whatever ridiculous belief they had. For example, maybe he didn’t turn water into wine but was able to acquire an amount of wine from some unknown place which led to people spinning the tale that way. Maybe people just completely made stuff up to make him seem awesome (think Kim Jong-Un). Anyway I think the values Jesus taught in the bible make him a pretty cool guy. Before he was in the picture it was all rape and murder. I think of the quote “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ”. I say this as an atheist who doesn’t believe anything in the bible or elsewhere is “God’s word”.
It would be interesting if somebody could find out what happened to him between the ages of 12 and about 30.

Judging by what I know of 13-30 year olds, He drank a lot of wine, visited Sodom and Gomorrah, helped a lot of prostitutes, probably got stoned, and then he “found himself”.
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Yes, Jesus was unlikely to be white due to his country of origin, he probably existed, but he was in my opinion just a normal human being, NOT the son of God and his mother was most certainly not a virgin, but in those days sometimes a virgin simply meant unmarried. Imagine if a women these days said she was pregnant and the father was God, unless she managed to start a religious cult she'd most likely be laughed at, of course she's lying ha ha ha, but a couple of thousand years ago a lot more people were extremely gullible and superstitious, plus there were no doctors that could do tests to see who the father really was to disprove it. I also highly doubt Jesus was resurrected either or performed true miracles while he was alive, he was more likely a trickster and con man than what he is portrayed as in the Bible, it would have been so easy to get followers in those days by preaching things like I'm the son of God, while it would also have been extremely dangerous, but there's so many possible flaws to the story it's ridiculous and no-one will ever truly know who he really was while Christianity continues to expect people to believe because they're told to based on faith alone.

People seem to forget that the Bible was written by various human beings who have opinions, make mistakes and can lie if they want to, yet it's treated like it was written by a God, over the years there's been many translations and modifications which will have changed some of the original meanings too. I however believe that many stories in the Bible were meant to be just that, stories that had a meaning, I doubt very much that many of them were supposed to be taken literally and the Bible is also full of massive contradictions.
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