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Hello there!

Heya! 25 years of classics here. Feel free to connect! Homer is my fav followed by---wow----hard to pick. Euripides? Aeschylus, Cicero, Tacitus, ...mercy. I love them all and have spent literally the last 25 years reading nothing but primary source classics so I would LOVE to connect! PS Obsessed with Homer here, too. Memorized 300 lines in Greek. The Iliad :) I like you already!
Heya! 25 years of classics here. Feel free to connect! Homer is my fav followed by---wow----hard to pick. Euripides? Aeschylus, Cicero, Tacitus, ...mercy. I love them all and have spent literally the last 25 years reading nothing but primary source classics so I would LOVE to connect! PS Obsessed with Homer here, too. Memorized 300 lines in Greek. The Iliad :) I like you already!
Wow!!! Hi, I would love to talk, especially since I have definitely been unsure if I should pursue it as my major/main academic focus. I'm obsessed with the Greek tragedies, particularly Sophocles at the moment actually. I've only gotten into the classics truly in the last few months so it's so exciting how I have so much more to learn and read, I'm definitely in love. So nice to meet you!!!
I would love to hear about both your experiences further if you've ever posted/will post about what it was/is like in for you and others of your generation, I know a lot has changed.
Going to school was hard for me. I had obvious dyslexia. Only in those days you were just consider below average. Like most children, I believed what I was told by those in authority. I got good marks near the end of high school. Not enough to be able to get into college however.

I was blessed to get a job in the unit record dept of an insurance company. That was my introduction to the computer industry. No matter how hard I tried to get into higher education, my reading skills held me back. Yet I thrived in the computer industry. There were no educational requirements in that industry as there is today. In business I tested as a person with an unlimited potential for accomplishments. That was 100% the opposite of how I was rated by our educational systems.

I was at the top of my field in the computer industry. I had my own company for 20 years.

What has not really changed over time is ignorance. Those in authority believe that they always know best. That being the nature of our human intellect. In my case I find it best to look for deeper insights from spiritual sources. I am a big advocate for tapping into that divine wisdom we all carry within the self. My close friends and I are all involved with self empowerment.

Humanity has crossed a marker. We are now on track to ascend instead of self destruct. As a result there will be gradual change. Society will start to learn about a great many things. Humanity does have a lot to celebrate. Not the least of which is those of us who are on that autistic spectrum. This more evolved thinking we have is a blessing which has not been recognized as precious. It will be some day.

Heroditus is entertaining. I'm still waiting for those people with mouths on their bellies to be found though.
Wow!!! Hi, I would love to talk, especially since I have definitely been unsure if I should pursue it as my major/main academic focus. I'm obsessed with the Greek tragedies, particularly Sophocles at the moment actually. I've only gotten into the classics truly in the last few months so it's so exciting how I have so much more to learn and read, I'm definitely in love. So nice to meet you!!!
I love the plays, too. I think Aeschylus is my favourite, but I do love Aristophanes, too. He's under-rated because he is generally considered just in a comedic light. However, he wrote during the Peloponnesian Warand the politics involved are rife. He was sued twice by Cleon and there are many allusions of various leaders we know about. Have you read Thucydides yet? It is a core work which lights up so many others. Plato's Symposium is one allusion after the other about names and places and events in the Peloponnesian War. You simply cannot understand the Symposium without understanding the Peloponnesian War. Plus, it's a great read. Oh, and double down on your Greek. :-D

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