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Favourite and least favourite animals

Christian T

Well-Known Member
Tell me, what are you favourite and least favourite animals, and why?

My favourite has been the graceful tiger ever since I did a school project on them when I was nine. I just found their coats so beautiful, their faces so endearing and the fact that they're swimming cats very impressive.

My least favourite would have to be snakes. I hate the way they slither and hiss and snap at you, and I can't decide whether being poisoned, strangled or swallowed is the more horrible death at their... um... scales. Although I suppose some do have tiny, vestigial side limbs that resemble claws. Just makes them extra creepy, in my opinion.

How about you?
I don't have a favorite animal exactly, but I would say water mammals are my favorite kind. I could spend forever at the zoo watching the walruses be all clumsy on land and all graceful underwater. Or the seals. When I was younger I was obsessed with whales, particularly orcas.

My least favorites tend to be small animals that move quickly and erratically, like the terrifying centipedes we get in the house sometimes that can outrun me with a vaccum, or my friend's super hyper dog, or some toddlers.
One of my favourites would have to be fish. I have just bought an aquarium tank and I'm looking forward to setting it up with some accessories in the next few days. I've always found fish very relaxing to look at as well as being graceful too. My least favourites would have to be almost any type of insect especially spiders. For some reason I don't mind bees, maybe its because they have furry backs which make them kind of cute.
My favorite is dogs...they have always been my friends, since I was a small boy. Dogs don't care if you're different.
For some reason I don't mind bees, maybe its because they have furry backs which make them kind of cute.

Mmm, I never thought of it that way. Aren't you afraid of getting stung, though. But I suppose they're not as aggressive as wasps.

Enjoy your fish.
My favorites would be Horses, Dolphins, Alligators/Crocs, Snakes, Gorillas and Orangutans.
I like most all animals but not spiders!:D
It's very difficult to decide!

Cats and lemurs are my favourites. I like cats because I am like a cat in a human body, so I feel at home with them. I like lemurs because they seem to be very interesting. I love lemurs.

I don't have a least favourite animal, unless we include human beings or mosquitoes! In this case, it's them.

Edit: actually, I really like humans, but they're dangerous and overwhelming. :(
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Interesting feline connection you have there.

Humans are animals, whether they like it or not, but that's not a bad thing necesarily. Yes, humans can be dangerous and overwhelming, but also very compassionate and... humane...
(see how language brainwashes us into thinking that human=good, and all other creatures=bad - not always, but quite often)
I like all mammals, especially dolphins (for their intelligent and gentle nature) and dogs (because they are so loyal). But I am absolutely fascinated, obsessed with sharks! Fierce, majestic, mostly solitary creatures. Their mating rituals are violent and their social rules barbaric.They survive through strength and power, and have remained basically unchanged over thousands of years. In an evolutionary sense, they are near perfect. I suppose I am fascinated because they are everything I am not. I admire their ruthlessness, and find their power beautiful. Even their body scars have their own beauty. I can't always watch certain shows though. It upsets me, but I can't help wanting to watch.

I hate spiders, centipedes (all those legs creep me out), anything that stings.
Christian - Humans are the most dangerous animal of all. Without question. No other animal has done so much damage to the earth, and committed mass murder of other humans and animals.
Pluto - I like bees too. The only stinging creature I don't freak out about if it is around me. Bumble bees are non-aggressive. Plus, they are cute because they are fluffy and roundish. They shouldn't even be able to fly because of their weight and the size of their wings. I HATE hornets. They look like they have broken legs.
My favorite animal is the sloth, by far! I doodled about 20 little sloths in my notebook during class today. I have a sloth poster in my room and I once "adopted" a sloth. :D
I also like cats, jellyfish, octopuses, chinchillas, turtles, and primates.

My least favorite animal is the spider. Spiders are scary because their bites can cause some real damage if left untreated. I don't like how their webs are either. The only kind of spider I like is the jumping spider because it's cute, small, and harmless. I'm afraid of insects in general (I know spiders aren't technically insects, but they're close enough in my book), besides butterflies, of course. I can appreciate how neat some insects are, but I don't want them near me.
Cats are my favourite - all of them from the biggest to the smallest - and I've been lucky enough to experience a six-month old tiger standing with his paws on my shoulders.

My least favourite - spiders. I'm petrified by them.
Swans are my favourite, ever since I was a child. Mostly due to an animated film, and other interpretations of the Swan Lake.
My least favourite animals are wasps, even just thinking about them makes my skin crawl.
Favorites: donkeys, rats, pitbulls (can you tell that i like animals that face discrimination?)
least favorite: houseflies, because I've seen too many disgusting housefly corpses.
I like Meerkats, they are well organised and I enjoy just sitting and watching them get on with their lives.

I dislike spiders, because they come into my house uninvited and hang around in either the most obvious places, or the least obvious places, and make webs all over the place and all over my stuff. It's the webs I hate the most.

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