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Anyone have depression?

Moving on, on the topic of what you guys were talking about before, the way you are dealt with by those trying to treat you, I have some experience with this stuff, so I'll tell you what I know. If a depressant that your Psychiatrist puts you on doesn't work, that doesn't necessarily mean that none will. Just keep trying until you find one, or a combination of meds, that works for you. And as for how the doctors and social worker people deal with us, you have to understand that they won't be totally genuine with you, simply because that's what they were trained to do. People who deal with the mentally ill usually make the mistake of treating everyone they deal with with the same brush, so to speak [in many cases, treating people that way becomes a habit so that they even treat other "normal" people like that]. What I'm saying is, that a lot of these people aren't trained for the specific way to give treatment to someone who has Aspergers, and so a lot of the offensive way they treat you is coming from the fact that you're not the only patient they have, that they're also dealing with people who have much more severe conditions than you, like mental retardation, schizophrenia and other significantly more severe conditions than Aspergers. Its not fair, yes, but its the truth.
Does anyone have depression whether mild, moderate or severe? Ever feel down or sad because of your loneliness or social difficulties? Have you ever had a moment where you thought that life wasn't worth living anymore?

Yes to all of the above!! I was diagnosed with depression about 10 years ago (give or take). I have definitely felt sad because of my loneliness and/or social difficulties (thank God for my DLW [Dear, Loving Wife]....otherwise, I dunno where I'd be!!) :)

And, if I had $1 for every time I've thought that life wasn't worth living anymore, and thought about just ending it all, I would be SO FILTHY, STINKING RICH that it wouldn't even be FUNNY!
i was slightly depressed age, i dont know, maybe five or seven, i'm not sure. but then i wasnt depressed all the time. i've been mildly depressed all my life. i've been much more depressed since the death of my cat and lost my appetite.
i cant find something that makes me happy and i know a relationship wouldnt make me happy, because i know me well enough by now to know i cant handle a relationship, and i used to fool myself into thinking that would be the solution to my depression, that it would be like a long lasting, natural, anti depressent, but i think deep down i always knew it wouldnt.
Oh yes, I have had depression many times. I have been told I have an additional emotional regulation difficulty. I get stressed easily.
yes, for a long time now. its gotten to the point that even with anti-depressants the foods i actually enjoy eating are getting very few, it may be due to aspergers but i have sever trouble looking after myself(health issues, dental problems, over weight, sleep switching over so im awake at night and asleep during the day, ibs to the point anything fatty or dairy i eat goes straight through me)

i cant keep friends and can't stand being around people so i've got no job.

to be honest it was a struggle deciding to join this site,
yes, for a long time now. its gotten to the point that even with anti-depressants the foods i actually enjoy eating are getting very few, it may be due to aspergers but i have sever trouble looking after myself(health issues, dental problems, over weight, sleep switching over so im awake at night and asleep during the day, ibs to the point anything fatty or dairy i eat goes straight through me)

i cant keep friends and can't stand being around people so i've got no job.

to be honest it was a struggle deciding to join this site,


Good for you making the decision to join the site. I can relate to some of what you describe (mainly the dental problems, but also the depression issues.) Hope you're able to find some people who can help you. :)
I am a lot better thanks to my medication. I still have issues sometimes (ironically enough, mostly connected with s*x...and I say "ironically enough" because Sertraline (generic for Zoloft) has been known to knock a man's sex drive flatter than I-80 between Des Moines, IA and Omaha, NE!! (And I've ridden that stretch of I-80...trust me...it's flat.) But, my writing seems to have helped in that regard. :) (Something about the brain being the body's largest sex organ, or something like that, I dunno)...:p
I listen to reggae and run 5k and 10k's to deal with my depression and anxiety. NOTHING will knock the lights out of a depressive spell like physical exertion. Plus, all the weight I've lost allows me to feel better about myself.

I know that not everyone can run, but I recommend at least walking or riding a bike. Get out doors, get some fresh air. Heck, Ben Franklin used to sit naked in front of an open window for what he called "fresh air baths". Not saying to do so, but I think ya'll get the jist of it.
I think I've been in a situational depression in the last two weeks. It seems like every time I overanalyze or overthink about stuff I start getting depressed.
It's very difficult when just about everything in my life seems to trigger it. Heh.

I seem to be okay today, but these last two weeks have been so bad I could barely go to work.
Yes, us aspergers people do seem to have more depression than normal people. I have had a lot of it in my life too. Medication helps. Right now, the last two so years I have not had medications. I still get depressive though but I try to manage it with regular exersise. I run a lot, more rough terraine the better. It helps my mood and makes me feel I can cope with life. Though sometimes I run too much and get sprains. I would rather be totally physically knackerd and wiped out from a long distanced run than frustrated and depressed. Somehow physical pain is more bareable for me than psychological pain.
I have depression. I don't eat much anymore. I dropped from 105KG to 95 KG in 2 weeks. Terrible, huh? Yeah well anyway.

When I told my mum I have depression, she laughed and said "********."

I cried obviously because my mother and father don't understand my disability enough. We aspies get depressed. My mum only knows about the social side of aspergers and nothing else. She always says to me "Why the heck do you sit on the computer all day or collect stuffed toys? You're 18. Get a job.". It's a part of me. It makes me worse that I can't explain why to my mum.. I can't help my obsessions..
My cycle of depression.

Paca goes running. Feels good about himself.

meets girl he likes. Feels good about himself.

attempts to court girl. Fails miserably. Hates himself.

becomes depressed.

locks himself in room and reads.

becomes wiser. Feels better about himself.

Realizes that the wiser he gets, the more hopelessly disconnected from his generation he becomes.

Becomes depressed again.

Goes running, feels better about self.

repeat, repeat, repeat
We seem to be hypersensitive and take things so very hard. It takes so long to get over a setback. It seems nearly impossible to explain to other people why it feels so bad and that it is debilitating. Although I am doing relatively well at the moment, depression is always ready to rear its head. All it takes is a setback that other people seem to be able to handle much more easily. I feel as though we need so much more understanding than we are ever given.
I've always felt that no one wants to hear what I have to say, so I usually just keep my thoughts to myself. I'm finally starting to feel comfortable here though.

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