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58 self diagnosed newbie

suddenly realized what autism is. one day about two weeks ago i was looking for nutritional ideas for better health and stumbled onto a YouTube video about autism and health. it seemed to me like being retarded? nah im not autistic or am i? when i saw so many relatable characteristics with me and autism in others i have to admit this was exactly the way i grew up. not liking other kids my age and relating to older adults is what struck me so hard. others on here are artist like me. it filled in those lonely days i couldn't find any friends to play with. i remember filling an entire wall with drawings in my room. when i think back about it, it just proves to me how single minded i got. conspiracies was another big deal with me, my god, this too is another thing we all go through? i realize im a "high functioning autistic" i am aware of these things and can "mask" them and there are are different levels. well hello anyway, lol
Hi lateundiagnosed

welcome to af.png
Welcome, haha . l filled an entire wall in my bedroom of drawings. Also hung out with older people. Never really looked for friends that hard even in high school. Still don't look for them, but the few people l like are really fantastic people. Never went the conspiracy route but my ex is way out there. Hope you find answers and enjoy this site.
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thanks all for the warm welcome ,i will be coming back a lot ,this is so interesting to learn at such a late age. i dont know why it took so long for this to dawn on me. i used to go see counselors in my 20s and was diagnosed with "borderline schizophrenia". ive mellowed out with age and dont feel paranoid and anxious as i once was. just in stores around a lot of people and noises, but ive learned to ride the waves because i know it will go away and that its just a symptom not the actual problem. i sort of figured out all this before i realized i had autism. there is a name for it?
Hi lateundiagnosed. Welcome. I realized and was diagnosed at 59. It just wasn't a thing when we were growing up.
Funny, My room was also covered with my art - blacklight posters that I would sit in my room and paint while listening to my favorite music. (@Aspychata lol)
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There are lots of interesting threads here and lots of interesting people.
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You'll find lots of cool people here to chat with, I'm sure!

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