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  • If I rub you the wrong way, its usually because your fur has become too shaggy and I can't tell which end your head is at.
    I always wanted one of those! They would probably terrorize my chihuahuas though.
    He is mild mannered. He puts up with the other cat's projected anxiety (oh..you're big, you're going to get me, I better swat you....) unless the swatting is too persistent. Then he bear hugs the other one. 20 pound cat hugging a 10 cat.
    Chiming in late here: Maine Coons are the coolest. They are also rather dog-like: extemely loyal, often bonded to only one person, very protective. As tree mentioned, they can be quite large, and the ones i've known are very fluffy :D
    Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
    EAR WORM ALERT. You fiend...now I can't take this dark day seriously with this looping. (Thank you.)
    Guilty as charged. (yw!)
    And Mr. Bowie said "Scary monsters, super creeps, keep me running, running scared..."
    New genome research has shown neither the Romans or Vikings left any DNA signatures in England.
    The last person recieved title to land under the Homestead Act in 1988.
    Cool. I Moved 1100 miles to get here, and it was worth all the meltdowns I went through. But I am in a town with RML, and some other big employers, so it's a quiet but busy place.
    People are really nice in that area. I thought that the best part.
    Yes, that is still a truly special part of most of Montana. I am a solitary sort of Aspie but that respect and kindness makes life less stressful here.
    All those backside days in Long Beach paid off one one perfect day at the Toilet Bowl. (Note this is extreme surfers code :D)
    Wondering if The Tooth Fairy has had any measurable effect on human history.
    There is the matter of unexplained donations in the box at Sedlek Ossuary. :-]
    To the internets!
    I remember trying to yank a loose tooth with a string attached to a door knob. And I remember profit motive being a major incentive. :)
    I'm playing around with fonts & such. Gonna try dropping leaflets on the ants promising a sugar ration if they move to the backyard.
    You can scribe in ant? Impressive!
    It's a kind of brail that they rub their attenna's accross. ;)
    Maybe I can train a platoon of different ants to go in, steal the queen and then get to the chopper...
    You'll need ants in different uniforms. I hear the red ones are good against black and brown ones, but then you have RED ANTS.
    I do have a species of larger red Slaver ants outside. But even if I could get them to go in, they would only steal eggs. BUt they wouldn't go in for me. Ants never do what you tell them.
    I temporarily cleared the kitchen, but victory was short lived. They now control the living/dining rooms & are massing by the dishwasher.
    Yes, we tried twice, just in case the first batch was too old or bad or something, but they have not been using them. Yes I don't like to do it either. I like ants. But they are carrying off the dog's food! :/
    You have the small ants or the big ones? The big carpenter ants I could never get rid of even with toxic stuff, when I lived up in the high Sierra. Could you take away the dog's food, except just at feeding time? Then they might go, "oh well, guess we'll take some of that other stuff (poison peanut butter) instead."
    Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but spraying white vinegar is recommended (non-toxic, cheap).
    War in the Kitchen... The losing side (me) has to resort to chemical weapons. I hate doing it, but had no choice. Nice little ants. :(
    Unfortunately ants are resistant and chemical weapons are often the one and only solution. But I don't like that too. I'm the sort of person who try to save every sort of insects, even spiders.
    Yes. :( If it was possible to move the ant colony I would. All 7 Billion of them. But I think they are in the wall like others have been previously. We live in the woods...
    Mutilated Math - Numbers containing only the same numeral are called Spockals (ie. 222222). The most significant digit is called Big Daddy.
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