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Tony Ramirez

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  • I though my new Christian friend I meet at the coffee shop finally ghosted me because I been trauma dumping on so much in text messages. The last text was actually positive. She just got back to me two days later just now apologize because she was sick. She is so kind.
    I been trauma dumping to all of my Christian friends and they all understand and respect me. I have not lost or ghosted any of them.
    I can't stop listening to between the sheets samples songs redone from the 90s and early 2000s. Even though they were during lonely times thru still made lifted my sadness.
    I should have tried to go straight to finding a trade, then employment after high school instead of the trama of college then maybe I would have never developed bipolar later in life.
    I feel worse now knowing I have both bipolar and ASD.
    Ah, I see - I thought it was good to know, I didn't think about the friend aspect, sorry you feel worse about it - hopefully you will get better even you fell worse, now that you know about it.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Being ostracised when I was 18 to my early 20s caused me to develop my bipolar mmy family had no history and you can be born without it. It can be developed through PTSD.
    I actually also have bipolar disorder I did not know for many years now most likely developed due to being bullying by boys and ignored by girls which is why I been so emotional, hyper, not sleeping and socaliable lately. Psychologist said I was on a verge of an nervous breakdown since being off bipolar Seroquel. Put me back on topolax per my request because I did not want the other drug due to possible weight gain.
    I thought the day was going to start out bad like it did last night but it ended up great. I has a great yoga class. After class I even had an discussion with a nice female student who listened to me, did not ignore me with the teacher. I hope the rest of the day is good.
    Woman talking about there relationships is now getting to me again and making me angrier again.
    You're doing it again, Tony.

    Telling yourself crummy stories and having bad feelings as a result.

    @Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    What a turn around the past hour made. I had a positive encounter. I am happy again.
    I really envy and resent people who got to experience dating or having a relationship around the traditional normal timeline which is either teenage years or the beginning of their twenties, it's a youth I will never have
    Having real friends. They makes a big positive difference in your life and your mood.
    I am glad to see other autistic people having support in their lives and it gives me hope
    So happy to hear that you are enjoying your friendships, Tony. :blush:
    Women are so nice to me now and acknowledge I exist. It just feels weird because most of my life they were never really mean to me they just completely ignored me.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Good going. Maybe you were like me, not really noticing the attention. I had to do a lot of introspection and now recognize the times a girl/woman would have liked me to connect but I was too clueless or afraid to act.
    No matter how close I try to get close I can't stop my toxic behaviors.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I know but I just keep falling into bad habits. I thought I finally stopped but I still failed
    I am going to meet my friend this week to talk in more detail. I am also seeing my therapist tomorrow.
    @Tony Ramirez
    I don't know whether you've noticed that your moods ebb and flow, similar
    to the tides. Positive, negative, positive, negative.
    Welcome to the club, me bucko.
    I smiled entered yoga class tonight positive and right away cute yogi next to smiles back, said hi and told me her name. We even chatted after class. What a difference smiling makes with people even women approaching me even though I have messy hair and I am unshaved it does not seem to matter.
    If those women are approaching you then more than likely they are just doing it out of friendliness and kindness but never to express romantic or sexual interest
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I know that. Really.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    It's just when I was younger most women would ignore me and would not give people the of day. It messed me up badly later in life. Only now I am recovering from the trama.
    My YouTube recommendations are starting to skew to the dark side again.
    That's where the cookie monster lives
    I've said it before, I'll say it again. The algorithm on YouTube dictates all of that. It's majority the programming guessing what you'd like based on watch history. Though it also has the capacity to push unrelated content at us. Which gets pretty obnoxious.
    You can always learn to periodically purge your own YouTube history forcing the algorithm to start all over again. Sometimes I think their algorithm was created solely by a dimestore psychologist. :rolleyes:
    I found out this week that I truly have friends that will stand by me and accept me as I am.
    Did you find them, or make them yourself? Tell me your techniques.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    They are from church. They stood through me even through all my info, drama dumping which I know they are my true friends.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    You now know that you have social value. Use that thought and be confident about approaching a woman for a date. Yes, some women will decline your offer (I hate the word, "reject."). Some women may only look upon it as a free meal. And a good number will accept to get to know you better.
    I dodge a bullet for nearly oversharing drama dumping last week to someone I barely know. Through God and luck the email did not go through.
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