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  • Recent events have young women taking personal vows of celibacy. Maybe they'll realize that "hookup culture" is not so great.
    That's when you have to be realistic that finding a divorced woman with children is much more likely. That the older we get as single males, the less picky we can afford to be. But then the demographics of your country are different than ours.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Things have changed a lot here. And It's just a small country with more men than women. And it's modern for women to be alone and do everything alone. It's just more difficult than it used to be.
    Yeah. Much smaller populations can occasionally make for any number of social trends to move faster in either direction. In comparison, here we have so much diversity combined with a large population that things don't trend "on a dime".

    Plus a sizeable population of reactionaries who fundamentally resist progressive change. Now being enabled through our highest court.
    I am in Sacramento for a month for dental surgery and to be fitted for dentures. Once I go back home I will try to get regular internet.
    All the best with your dental surgery.
    @UberScout: I don't think that this Delta 8 THC and whatever else you're on is helping. You seem to take a flying leap into... (cont)
    Auti Saj
    Auti Saj
    Oh god, so we have 2 more.
    I'm sorry, I know that your life sucks and you have no way out. I didn't intend to attack you or anything. I just said that you seem to be using D8 as a crutch to cope, and using drugs as a coping mechanism is always a dangerous road to go down.
    is rationing my food and gasoline use to deal with wartime shortages and to support Ukraine.
    My seed potatoes will arrive early next week. Heirloom Red Pontiacs like grandpa grew.
    These potatoes will be planted at my land up north, where it does get pretty cold. But I remember that grandpa preferred red pontiac potatoes because of how hardy they are. They can handle a lot, according to him. He died in 2009 so all I have to go by is my memories of being a kid and him teaching me how to grow a garden.
    Red potatoes also taste so amazing! :) I'll have to look into if there's any more frost-resistant varieties as I'd sure like to grow another lot right now... it's great you had people growing things in your family. I was inspired by neighbours when I was a child, who grew things.
    Red potatoes also taste so amazing! :) I'll have to look into if there's any more frost-resistant varieties as I'd sure like to grow another lot right now... it's great you had people growing things in your family. I was inspired by neighbours when I was a child, who grew things.
    My car needs 4 new tires. Buying them now before the wartime oil shortage makes new tires impossible to find.
    Rubber shortage. It's scary.
    I think they had a similar situation back in 1974
    Hey, where's @GrownupGirl? She hasn't been on since 25 Feb, and she was talking about suicide. I hope she's ok.
    Maybe just taking time out? It's good you're looking out for others, thank you!
    Search for "Heater Bloc's Guide to Building a Tent-Safe Copper Coil Alcohol Heater".
    I wouldn’t put that in a tent, but I am paranoid about fire.
    I have the pdf instructions and will build one. I got it from an article on my phone's news feed so no url.
    A group of Portland anarchists invented a safe isopropyl alcohol fueled heater for the homeless apparently.
    There is likely 6-10 inches of snow at my land. Move will have to be put off until it melts. No earlier than late February.
    I thought you were already moved....
    I didn't get the home ready until wet weather had already arrived, then I sat out the dry November due to not wanting to travel during Thanksgiving. Then in early December the snow and rain started up and didn't stop. I certainly didn't expect half a foot of snow and temps too cold to melt it for weeks!
    Merry Christmas, and whatever holiday is celebrated by y'all around now. My present was a rainy Christmas during our severe drought.
    Going to rain here all next week. Seriously thinking of wiping my hard drive and reinstalling Linux Mint.
    Staying inside most of the time right now. Only going out once every few days for food and medical needs, and in the morning.
    I am so sick of cities and how desperate people have become. People steal everything they can just to make a few bucks for food. I guess getting something for $0 and selling it for $5 is a good enough profit.
    I saw a woman selling (likely) stolen cleaning products under a cheap tent in a parking lot. A world where people can only clean their kitchens if the soap is stolen is not one I want to participate in.
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