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  • Only 264 days till Christmas!
    I was just thinking the same thing while delivering papers and being snowed on...!
    Yes, snow flurries here brought on the idea for me as well.
    “This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever.” - Attributed to Sigmund Freud (on the Irish)
    Happy Birthday Tom!!! Hope there are many more healthy and happy ones to come :)
    Thankyou very much LucyPurrs! I'm doing well so onto the next! :)
    Modern pots will boil when watched. If you are unsure it should say 'Watchable' somewhere on the bottom .
    When the past fades to the point you no longer see it, it is just scooting up to wait for you ahead.
    If the universe decided to have a second big bang, today, would it ruin your plans?
    There are a lot of littler bangs that will ruin my plans...!
    Interesting Camel Facts: Their eyes have three eyelids and two rows of eyelashes that prevent sand to enter their eyes.
    In the Algonquin language, moose means eater of twigs.
    The left and right side of your brains are enemies. Why else would we have two nostrils?
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