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  • Every once in a while I get an urge from nowhere to sing the Banana Boat song. Could it be someone trying to communicate with earth?
    The lawn is a legion of enemies that must be slain in very specific patterns.
    that reminds me the teenager needs to go play with the lawn mower today thanks Tom
    Oh this is also true when waterblasting driveway,deck etc..
    it is amazingly satisfying to see your geometric bridgehead advance inexorably reclaiming enemy held territory.
    Aspergers is a two edged sword. You can cut thru stone or split your head open.
    I fell asleep and dreamt I was on a station on another planet. There was life. A bug like thing and a living oven mit.
    I wonder if its possible to time-skip? That is only live every other day. Or just one day a month. Like a rock skipped on a pond.
    Love Kurt Vonnegut.

    I wouldn't want to skip days unless I could age half as fast. I have too much left to do.
    Yes, age is only for the time enter. So age one day a month for example.
    I have a time skip rope, if ya wana borrow it
    I can't find Wibbleton. Do you have directions?
    Not sure, but its 15 miles from Wobbleton. Goggle Earth? ;)
    What America needs is a Queen. So lets just pay the damn tea tax and become a colony again. Wouldn't that be fun!
    The Papertowels fell out of the rack again. And I didn't do anything. I am such a wus.
    I was sorta waiting to hear the rack and paper towels landed on the neighbor's roof or something. ;)
    I wanted to throw it in the trash but my wife would shame me. :( (lol)
    Ah. Best possible solution - you're a wise man. Happy Father's Day btw. :)
    And although all my dirt is the same, I would sell it in 3 grades: Good, Fine, & Extra Fancy.
    If I was King of a mountain of dirt, everything would be wonderful.
    My smallest dog growls like the possessed girl in the Exorcist. I think shes saying 'Your Father eats dog biscuits in the bad doggie place'
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