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Would it be unacceptable to continue to wear a face mask?


Fellow DbD Enjoyer
V.I.P Member
There are people in other countries that wear face masks quite often, so after what's been going on I've considered continuing to wear one in public, even after COVID-19 isn't an issue. It's mainly because I get sick very easily and I think doing that would be a good idea, but I realized that it'd probably be weird to do that in the US. Before this I never saw anyone wearing masks in public. I can see how doing that might even seem suspicious if you go into stores and other places, since masks cover half your face.

Do you think it'd be socially unacceptable in some way to wear a mask in public after COVID-19? Why or why not?
There are people in other countries that wear face masks quite often, so after what's been going on I've considered continuing to wear one in public, even after COVID-19 isn't an issue. It's mainly because I get sick very easily and I think doing that would be a good idea, but I realized that it'd probably be weird to do that in the US. Before this I never saw anyone wearing masks in public. I can see how doing that might even seem suspicious if you go into stores and other places, since masks cover half your face.

Do you think it'd be socially unacceptable in some way to wear a mask in public after COVID-19? Why or why not?
Asian people often wear them in their own countries and abroad. Medical masks will be easier to get away with than a bandit-style one, of course, but if it's helping you keep from getting sick, that's actually a really good idea.
There are people in other countries that wear face masks quite often, so after what's been going on I've considered continuing to wear one in public, even after COVID-19 isn't an issue. It's mainly because I get sick very easily and I think doing that would be a good idea, but I realized that it'd probably be weird to do that in the US. Before this I never saw anyone wearing masks in public. I can see how doing that might even seem suspicious if you go into stores and other places, since masks cover half your face.

Do you think it'd be socially unacceptable in some way to wear a mask in public after COVID-19? Why or why not?

I think in general, for a long time after this, wearing a mask will get a lot less noticed. Some people will think it is weird or stupid or whatever. But overall I think it has become the new normal and that will continue for a long time. But who knows. Things like that are hard to predict.
There are people in other countries that wear face masks quite often, so after what's been going on I've considered continuing to wear one in public, even after COVID-19 isn't an issue. It's mainly because I get sick very easily and I think doing that would be a good idea, but I realized that it'd probably be weird to do that in the US. Before this I never saw anyone wearing masks in public. I can see how doing that might even seem suspicious if you go into stores and other places, since masks cover half your face.

Do you think it'd be socially unacceptable in some way to wear a mask in public after COVID-19? Why or why not?

I do not know. I have been wondering about this too but because I like wearing a face mask. Because wearing a face mask is so common in some Asian countries I think that even after the virus it could become normalized in the U.S. for a while afterwards.
Where I am now, I'm having to wear one every time I go into a shop - which I hate because they get me all hot and bothered.
Think it's more acceptable now. I have to agree. l feel more mysterious and nobody can see my expression. l can chew gum furiously if l want, and nobody can tell. Also feel men leave me alone more so it's a win win for me.
I don't see why not. Personally I like the anonymity, although I don't like the muffled feel of it. I take it off as I leave the shop or crowded place.
I don't like the restricted feeling of them, but, where I live it is mandatory or you get fined.
I'm in a "hot zone" area of the state.

It will probably be less noted after the pandemic than it once would have been.
Although certain places like banks especially, were already telling you to take off caps and sunglasses
before entering the lobby. Can you imagine how they would react if you went in with a bandana type
after this is over?

The disposable procedure type I have found is the most comfortable and least noticed.
In the UK wearing a mask in enclosed public spaces is mandatory and that includes shops, trains, busses and malls. I think it is much the same on some other countries in Europe.

So wearing a mask is public is quite in order and to be encouraged.
In the UK wearing a mask in enclosed public spaces is mandatory and that includes shops, trains, busses and malls. I think it is much the same on some other countries in Europe.

So wearing a mask is public is quite in order and to be encouraged.

There are exemptions to mask wearing, so shops, public transport etc have to take this into consideration.

You do not need to wear a face covering if you have a legitimate reason not to. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • young children under the age of 11 (Public Health England do not recommended face coverings for children under the age of 3 for health and safety reasons)
  • not being able to put on, wear or remove a face covering because of a physical or mental illness or impairment, or disability
  • if putting on, wearing or removing a face covering will cause you severe distress
  • if you are travelling with or providing assistance to someone who relies on lip reading to communicate
  • to avoid harm or injury, or the risk of harm or injury, to yourself or others
  • to avoid injury, or to escape a risk of harm, and you do not have a face covering with you
  • to eat or drink if reasonably necessary
  • in order to take medication
  • if a police officer or other official requests you remove your face covering
Face coverings: when to wear one and how to make your own
Here, even before Coronavirus, it was not uncommon to see people wearing masks, particularly in crowded urban areas, like the metro system or other public transport. So I imagine that many people will continue to wear them after the pandemic has passed.

I don't like the feel of them, and I feel restricted like I can't breathe, so I don't think I will continue to wear them in the future. I can't wait to take it off!
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This is a great post. I appreciate it because guess what?? Wearing a masking has helped me to STOP MASKING! HA! Let me explain.

I no longer feel the need to always give that stupid smile or force my lips to do things that are natural. I can just stare and let my mouth relax. It's still hard with eye contact. People still say, "HELLO! I'm talking to you!" And I have to force that, but not to have to smile AND eyes contact, and make proper tics and expressions is AWESOME!!

Yes, I will wear a mask, maybe forever...............
This is a great post. I appreciate it because guess what?? Wearing a masking has helped me to STOP MASKING! HA! Let me explain.

I no longer feel the need to always give that stupid smile or force my lips to do things that are natural. I can just stare and let my mouth relax. It's still hard with eye contact. People still say, "HELLO! I'm talking to you!" And I have to force that, but not to have to smile AND eyes contact, and make proper tics and expressions is AWESOME!!

Yes, I will wear a mask, maybe forever...............

This is why I have been happy to wear a mask. It is another way for me to hide when I am out, for people to not see the expression on my face as well. I hope I can keep wearing one for a long time.
Where I live in western Canada, the only people I ever saw wearing masks in public in the past were Asian people, and I've been told that in most of those cultures if you aren't feeling well the norm is to wear a mask...

Then Covid came along, now all sorts of people are wearing masks outside and inside... I don't personally see much need for anyone to wear a mask when in areas with low foot traffic, or when driving around, but I won't judge, I just observe that... And on hot summer days I'm not sure I could practically wear a mask for long, I sweat enough without wearing a mask

So far I have only worn a mask two times, because I limit my time inside buildings and haven't had much need to spend extensive amounts of time inside any buildings...

However... In my city they have just passed a bylaw requiring wearing a mask at any public indoor space (that includes privately owned stores), I'm not a huge fan of it myself but I'm not anti-mask as such...

In my opinion, in non-crowded areas of outdoor public space, there is a tiny chance of catching anything with watching physical distancing, I am very careful with that...
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I had to wear one prior to the pandemic for about a year, due to chemo and being a 'walking petrie dish' as they say. It just became second nature after a while and no one seemed to care. But don't forget to watch the hands. They are what is more likely to get you in trouble I think. Wash/sanitiuze them before you take off you mask and maybe change outer clothing.
I have half a mind to acquire a plague doctor mask and wear it when I go out.

I’ll carry the stick as well, for thrashings.
I'm thinking the plague doc garb may be a hit this Halloween. Of course trick-or-treaters may be avoid like they have the plague. Maybe they should wait til next year for the plague doc costume :(.

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