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What it's like to have a panic attack


Well-Known Member
I haven't done this in more than two years, but since I'm in a panic cycle again I decided to record my attacks. About 2 hours later the attack is subsiding, though it's still hard to catch a full breath.

seems like it's not going through?
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Sorry to hear :(

Panic attacks are really scary

I had one major attack about 25 years ago that I had to seek help with because it felt like my heart was going to explode,but I do not have a history of repeated attacks that I considered to be worth noting.
I've never had a full blown panic attack, nothing beyond the heart racing and being convinced I would have a hear attack if I didn't calm down, but not to the point that I couldn't function enough to know to get to a quiet place, sit down and take a few deep breaths.

I've known people that have far worse ones and, actually think they are dying. I'm sorry you have to go through that but, it will be informative for all of us to read more about panic attacks form a first hand perspective so, thank you for posting this thread.
Ha I actually tried to upload the recording of me having the attack but it didn't go through.

I have had panic disorder, not just random far-apart attacks, for more than 11 years though I can have up to four year remissions between panic cycles.
Hurting89 You should be able to create a YouTube account, if you don't have one, then upload the video there and embed or link it here. If it's audio only, a free Soundcloud account will allow you to upload it, then you can link to it here.
I had a panic/anxiety attack back in 2014. I was at work when it happened. I was already suffering with high anxiety levels when the incident happened. Working with my therapist, I made a safe zone to go at work to relax/calm my anxiety. Whilst in my safe zone a new incident happened outside, I wasn't ready to deal with it so my colleagues did but my safe zone didn't feel safe anymore. I felt trapped, felt useless that I couldn't help, my heart started to beat fast and loud, I started to shake, getting hot and sweating. My breathing become fast and heavy, I fainted/blacked out. I came around and I was on the floor, I was gasping for air, it was becoming worse and worse. I was cold and still shaking but I felt hot and sweaty.

Paramedics came and I ended in hospital. Doctors told me about panic/anxiety attack and that I was hyper ventilating.
I had a panic/anxiety attack back in 2014. I was at work when it happened. I was already suffering with high anxiety levels when the incident happened. Working with my therapist, I made a safe zone to go at work to relax/calm my anxiety. Whilst in my safe zone a new incident happened outside, I wasn't ready to deal with it so my colleagues did but my safe zone didn't feel safe anymore. I felt trapped, felt useless that I couldn't help, my heart started to beat fast and loud, I started to shake, getting hot and sweating. My breathing become fast and heavy, I fainted/blacked out. I came around and I was on the floor, I was gasping for air, it was becoming worse and worse. I was cold and still shaking but I felt hot and sweaty.

Paramedics came and I ended in hospital. Doctors told me about panic/anxiety attack and that I was hyper ventilating.
I've had about 3 incidents like this, once in the crowded school hall where they were showing a medical video. I fainted, and when I came to I found myself lying outside in the corridor. The second time I was in a crowded bus - I started feeling sick and dizzy, luckily the bus stopped before I actually fainted and I was able to get out. Another time was after an earthquake, after which I was feeling sick and faint, and I had to lie down to recover.
I've had them before too. It becomes impossible to think straight, my breathing is not right, can't function and have to lie down or I faint wherever I happen to be. It takes several hours to really go away, and then after that I have to sleep a while. Once it happened while driving. Lucky I pulled off immediately into a parking lot.

I now know what triggers them and make sure to not go to those places.

Also, for a brief time I went to a special therapist to help because they got mor numerous and worse right after someone close to me was in a bad motorcycle accident.
Hello everyone, it turns out these episodes were no panic attacks at all (though I am prone to actual panic attacks on occasion) I actually had pneumonia which was exasperating my asthma making it difficult to breathe. I was taken by ambulance about two weeks ago in a fully blown bronchial spasm. I have been on prednisone for two weeks and the "attacks" have stopped. I couldn't even tell how sick I was and you know what? I never even heard a wheeze and had no cough. I assumed it was all anxiety.
Sorry to hear that...now you have your answer tho :)
I've only had one, it sucked. If you tend to have panic attacks carry a paper bag with you so you don't hyperventilate is the message I'm getting from everyone's descriptions. :)
i think i had a small one not this Tuesday but the one before though im not sure as never had one before so don't know exactly the feeling. it occurred after a particularly embarrassing message i sent someone, not knowing how they would react i panicked and was immobilised by fear in bed for most of the day.

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