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what is your stim?

Well I guess I have no choice but to start a club for them freaky deaky chair lovers then.

In case anyone was wondering, yes. There will be jackets. :sticky_cool:

You know what I realized today? If I'm wearing something on my upper body with drawstrings (i.e. my hoodie) then I'll play with the strings. Tug on them, twirl them around my fingers, run my fingers down them repeatedly, and so on.

I chew on the drawstrings a lot. Yet another reason for us to love our hoodies. :cool:
I've started 'tippy-toeing' everywhere again. My feet just don't want to go flat, especially when I'm excited. What makes me chuckle is I have enormous feet (UK size 10), so when I stand on my toes I gain a good 6 inches in height, which makes my poor 5'4" housemate feel a bit inadequate haha :)
This one was just too funny to not share with you guys. I was making a coffee, and out of my mouth pops 'BADONK-A-DONK-DONK!', complete with hand flap and a little bounce. Now I can't stop. I also can't stop giggling. Too much caffeine I think. ^_^
This one was just too funny to not share with you guys. I was making a coffee, and out of my mouth pops 'BADONK-A-DONK-DONK!', complete with hand flap and a little bounce. Now I can't stop. I also can't stop giggling. Too much caffeine I think. ^_^

I can laugh only imagining that :p
Ok, I just fiddled my bus card into pieces. Eh. I do a thing where I have fingers on every corner of it and bend them together or slide my fingers around the edges and turn that plastic piece on every corner in precise order to create a pattern. Same applies to library card, credit card etc.
I stick my tongue out when im concentrating-actually got laughed at (in a good nature) at work for it awhile back.
I make attitude movements when I get really upset at my parents. It has to get bad,but still.
There are most likely more,but this is all i can think of right now
This one was just too funny to not share with you guys. I was making a coffee, and out of my mouth pops 'BADONK-A-DONK-DONK!', complete with hand flap and a little bounce. Now I can't stop. I also can't stop giggling. Too much caffeine I think. ^_^

That's funny and adorable, I'm not going to lie. I've been doing a lot more flapping, finger twisting and rocking onto my toes lately.
Today it has alternately been hugging my knees and rocking my feet back and forth; leaning forward against the wall and rocking back and forth; and banging my head against the kitchen counter.

What can I say? It has been...not a good day. :help:
Whenever I am trying hard or concentrating I stick my tongue out, without fail I can't stop myself in any way.

When I'm bored/pretending to listen to someone speak/uneasy/the list goes on forever, I fiddle with the tungsten carbide ring my aspie friend gave me. I love it for its gemotrical perfection, its smoothness and the fact it is black, my favourite colour.
I have rings on my fingers, so when I get antsy or nervous I will twirl them between my fingers.

Also, I have never really spoken about this. For years I go outside to a park that has swing sets, plug myself into music and swing for hours on end. And when I listen to music on headphones I pace in my bedroom. These two gets me to leave the world in essence, mainly focusing on my ever obsessive writing for fiction stories and my fanfiction stuff. Those are the main major ones that I have.
This one was just too funny to not share with you guys. I was making a coffee, and out of my mouth pops 'BADONK-A-DONK-DONK!', complete with hand flap and a little bounce. Now I can't stop. I also can't stop giggling. Too much caffeine I think. ^_^

hahaha it?s funny thing
When I was younger I'd flap my hands and rock back and forth. My main stim nowadays is what my husband calls pill-rolling (though I swear it's just me trying to get dirt off my fingers!).

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