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Hello everybody!

We are a research team from the Institute of Music Physiology and Musicians' Medicine (IMMM, Prof. Dr. Eckart Altenmüller) of the University of Music, Drama and Media based in Hanover, Germany and are currently conducting a large-scale online study on hearing and emotions.
For this we are currently looking for subjects from non-musicians to professional musicians. No previous musical knowledge is required! We are also looking for subjects with autism spectrum disorder.
The survey takes about 30 minutes and includes audio samples and videos. We would be pleased, if you could support our scientific work by your participation.
Link to the survey (best done with headphones and stable internet):

Pass the survey on to friends, colleagues, family etc. Everyone can participate (including neurotypical persons).

Thank you for your help!

Best regards,
Your Institute for Music Physiology and Music Medicine
(Email: [email protected])
I didnt finish the test yet because the end with the ASD test is boring for me I'v done it 20 times in the last months.

If I have something to say, I dont think your test will be able to connect emotion recognition and sound recognition without working memory interferring too much on the test.

IMO working memory issues can interfere greatly with the results of your test. Because for someone with no knowledge in music with all the weird notes it's hard to remember that.
Half way throught I couldnt concentrate anymore.

Maybe you should do seperate sessions with less note and not all the notes in one go.

If you applied the same process to the emotion part of the test, we would have had to see 50 emotions in a row with their correct answers, then the faces in a random order one by one with a list of all the possible answers, I'm sure you can trick someone able to recognize emotions very well like that.

In addition I find the emotions test online ( not a critic of your test in particular this is how its done all the time) very easy because you have a limited amount of answers available, most of the time when I see a face in such a test my first impression is never in the available answers but then I work it out with the 4 possibilities.

You can see its a bit disproportionnate because with faces we dont have a wide spectrum of emotions to choose from but with sounds we have to remember all the weird letters and then choose from all the possibilities.

Especially here with people having asd and adhd like symptoms,working memory if often impacted.

I hope your test provide you usefull informations anyway.

Edit : In addition maybe it would be easier to classify your results if you actually ask if the person doing the test has an official diagnosis of anything.

You have questions of your test repeating and one being not translated.
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I didnt finish the test yet because the end with the ASD test is boring for me I'v done it 20 times in the last months.

If I have something to say, I dont think your test will be able to connect emotion recognition and sound recognition without working memory interferring too much on the test.

IMO working memory issues can interfere greatly with the results of your test. Because for someone with no knowledge in music with all the weird notes it's hard to remember that.
Half way throught I couldnt concentrate anymore.

Maybe you should do seperate sessions with less note and not all the notes in one go.

If you applied the same process to the emotion part of the test, we would have had to see 50 emotions in a row with their correct answers, then the faces in a random order one by one with a list of all the possible answers, I'm sure you can trick someone able to recognize emotions very well like that.

In addition I find the emotions test online ( not a critic of your test in particular this is how its done all the time) very easy because you have a limited amount of answers available, most of the time when I see a face in such a test my first impression is never in the available answers but then I work it out with the 4 possibilities.

You can see its a bit disproportionnate because with faces we dont have a wide spectrum of emotions to choose from but with sounds we have to remember all the weird letters and then choose from all the possibilities.

Especially here with people having asd and adhd like symptoms,working memory if often impacted.

I hope your test provide you usefull informations anyway.

Edit : In addition maybe it would be easier to classify your results if you actually ask if the person doing the test has an official diagnosis of anything.

You have questions of your test repeating and one being not translated.

Hey lamnotarabot,

thanks for participating in our study and also thanks for your detailed feedback. Unfortunately most questionaires are standartised so we are not able to change them if we want a valid result. But we tried to design the study as comfortable as possible for our participants.
Also we will take care of the one non-english Question.

Best regards,

Your Team of the Institute for Music Physiology and Music Medicine
I took the test, but as @Iamnotarabot said previously, with no musical training, the music notes question was impossible. It also was extremely painful to listen to with the white noise after it, I couldn't deal with it and had to put random answers in just to make it stop as quickly as possible.
The face/emotion one was interesting, but sometimes the emotion I recognised wasn't there at all and some of the words were obscure in meaning.

As a last note, I do realise English isn't your first language, so I understand that it's not easy to get everything right, but, for example, on one of the emotion questions, one of the answers was "aubservient", which isn't a word - I can only guess you meant "subservient", unless it's a really bad spelling of "observant". There were many small spelling errors everywhere, please, put it through a Word document beforehand. Some of the questionnaire's questions repeat themselves; such as one coming up in German, then 2 questions later, the same in English. One of the sections had "Strongly Disagree"/"Completely Disagree" twice at the top of the margin, so I can assume they were meant to be "Strongly/Completely Agree" on the right.

Please proof read and spell-check or ask someone who is proficient in a language to help out, little things like this make a study look much more professional and coherent.

Good luck with your study.
"Your Team of the Institute for Music Physiology and Music Medicine"

Oh good, I am glad you are finally here. I was wondering if you could look at my ankle. I hurt it doing the Mazurka the other day and it still is bothering me.
Especially here with people having asd and adhd like symptoms,working memory if often impacted.
I’d be interested if you can expand on this. It’s something I’ve thought about, but not seen discussed before from a AS/ASD perspective.
I took the test, but as @Iamnotarabot said previously, with no musical training, the music notes question was impossible. It also was extremely painful to listen to with the white noise after it, I couldn't deal with it and had to put random answers in just to make it stop as quickly as possible.
The face/emotion one was interesting, but sometimes the emotion I recognised wasn't there at all and some of the words were obscure in meaning.

As a last note, I do realise English isn't your first language, so I understand that it's not easy to get everything right, but, for example, on one of the emotion questions, one of the answers was "aubservient", which isn't a word - I can only guess you meant "subservient", unless it's a really bad spelling of "observant". There were many small spelling errors everywhere, please, put it through a Word document beforehand. Some of the questionnaire's questions repeat themselves; such as one coming up in German, then 2 questions later, the same in English. One of the sections had "Strongly Disagree"/"Completely Disagree" twice at the top of the margin, so I can assume they were meant to be "Strongly/Completely Agree" on the right.

Please proof read and spell-check or ask someone who is proficient in a language to help out, little things like this make a study look much more professional and coherent.

Good luck with your study.

Hi Monachopia,
thanks for participating and just like Iamnotarabot thanks for the detailed feedback. We worked on the issues both of you mentioned and now everything seems to be corrected.

Your Team of the Institute for Music Physiology and Musicians Medicine
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