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review: kong slide and glide toy for cats


this is mr shadow,my support cat

mr shadow,in predator mode watching the toy,if your wondering why he has three bowls of food its because he is the fussiest cat around and likes to choose between different types, the exta bowl is for fish food-he goes bonkers over fish food that is meant for my fish [fish food is dead fish squashed into flakes].

i had a bit of spare money the other day and decided to spend it on my boy while in pets at home [known as petsmart in america].
the kong slide and glide toy made out to be a feathery toy that glides across the surface and the cat is supposed to put their leg in the holes to chase it.
well it doesnt glide as such,i think they are magnets on the feathery bits and its magnets that pull them across the surface but to me the motor or whatever it is doesnt seem powerful enough.

however,it has kept my 2 and a half year old moggy boy entertained every day,i just leave it on and when he gets fed up he just sits and watches it so its win win.

it isnt everything i thought it was going to be though so for that reason i give it 7/10,but i do recommend it to anyone who is owned by cats.
Do you ever get the little spiders or octopuses on an elastic that you hang from a door knob, mine love these and they are very inexpensive, good because they will destroy them after a few months.

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