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Hedgehog Instigator

Chomp chomp chomp!
So I've been prescribed Prozac to help with my issues, so far I've found (despite being horribly sick) that it makes me feel more alert, awake, and that I generally am more self encouraging. However, I have had a migraine since taking it (no not a headache, a high blood pressure puking statically vision loss of equilibrium and headache).

Is this a side effect or maybe just cause I have a fever from being sick? Any other input on how well or unwell side effects etc welcome. I have found somewhat universally that medications effect asd people differently.

Thank you
When I took Prozac several years ago, it could've been just sugar pills...no noticeable effect for me at all, even after taking them for a year. I think I quit it cold turkey because it just wasn't making a difference.

I truly hope you feel better soon. :(
I was prescribed prozac for depression and took it for over 15 years and it was only when I decided to go cold turkey ( because I complained that I was still depressed to the dr and he just wanted to up my dose). I tried to ween myself off them, but the whizzing in my head, frightened me and so, always went back to taking them, until finally, I just had this feeling they were doing me absolutely no good at all.

For a month, I suffered horrendous withdrawal symptoms; about 5 panic attacks per day; felt my head wanted to come off my neck; shocked that my eyes were normal, when I would have expected them to go crazy! One month later, all that disappeared and guess what else? I had been experiencing chronic migraines that had me in bed for 2 days and vomiting. I lost weight and miracle of miracle, no more afternoon naps and couldn't believe it but no more depression.

I did quite a bit of research after this, and discovered that there are two types of depression and I had the social one. Meaning that you need to solve the social issue and depression will lift. Prozac caused depression and severe headaches.

I do not suffer the kind of depression I used to get; I say: melancholy and take a natural herb to counteract the severe anxiety I get.

The truth is, that I wish with all my heart, I had not taken those blasted tablets in the first place, for honestly, I wasted 15 years feeling ill etc and the weight was horrendous and still battling it! I went from a size 10 uk to nearly an 18 and now, struggle between 16 and 14.
So I've been prescribed Prozac to help with my issues, so far I've found (despite being horribly sick) that it makes me feel more alert, awake, and that I generally am more self encouraging. However, I have had a migraine since taking it (no not a headache, a high blood pressure puking statically vision loss of equilibrium and headache).

Is this a side effect or maybe just cause I have a fever from being sick? Any other input on how well or unwell side effects etc welcome. I have found somewhat universally that medications effect asd people differently.

Thank you
I've never taken Prozac (I think, unless it was one of many pills I took as a kid :) )
Anyways, sometimes side effects go away in a few days or weeks after starting a new medication. When I started Topamax I felt as if I was drunk or high for a few days, it was quite entertaining. New side effects appeared later but weren't as bothersome. I stopped taking the medication after about 4 years (it stopped working).
If your side effects are severe I'd suggest to see your doctor again and change the medication or dose. If you can wait for a few weeks, you might want to do so. If severe side effects don't go away, then it's better to change the medication. Like my doctor says, medication is not supposed to make you sick, if it does we need to find another solution.
One more thing - every (or almost every) medication have a list of side effects that are considered to be indicators of serious problems. If you have one of those, it's better to see a doctor right away just to be sure.
Prozac is called fluoxetine in the UK; I took it for 10 years and I'm sure it contributed to my suicidal tendencies.. it also made me feel emotionless and disconnected, which made my depression worse.
I went cold turkey in the end and, while the effects were horrible - ringing ears, dizzy spells, nausea, crying - after about 2 months, I felt much better!
It was the second SSRI I'd tried, having had similar effects with the first (can't remember the name of it)
Statistically though, SSRI's only work on about 15% of people, so it's a mystery to me why GP's are so eager to recommend it. I've also read that people with AS/ASD respond better to one quarter of the standard dosage, though your GP may well not know this!
I agree with Suzanne on the natural herb remedies :)
I was prescribed several different meds for my brain after injuring it.
When I was prescribed Prozac,I told my doc that the pills were wonderful and she responded by upping the dosages to try to gain even more improvement.

I never took a single pill.

The two similar meds only made me dizzy and ill during the saturation periods and I have some pretty scary notes I wrote during the times I took them concerning how much more poorly my conditions were getting.

As Spiller stated,there is indications that those who have ASD respond differently to NT dosages of their chemical poisons and most of the time they are overdosed.

My banner day of improvement in my recovery began the day I flushed all my meds down my toilet not caring if it caused my death.I did was not born running on a chemistry set and did not want to live my life out as a zombie taking 25 pills a day for life...about a month later was when I started to make serious progress and switched to herbal remedies

I hate psychotropic drugs and the quacks who think they work ;)
Some folks I know took Prozac, but it just leveled their moods and kept them from being so GRARGH. (My technical term. :p)

I'd be chatting with the doctor rather quickly to find out for sure if there is a possibility those massive migraines could be related. Maybe you need a dosage adjustment or something different altogether?
Anti-depressants are not for everyone...I respond VERY badly to them. And it's very important in the first two weeks or so to be kept a very careful eye on...that's when patients are actually at a much greater risk for suicide! Oh, the irony!

Interesting to hear about all the withdrawal effects y'all have mentioned about Prozac. I had been given to understand that it was one of those rare psychiatric medications that you COULD stop cold-turkey, given its extremely long half-life.
Interesting to hear about all the withdrawal effects y'all have mentioned about Prozac. I had been given to understand that it was one of those rare psychiatric medications that you COULD stop cold-turkey, given its extremely long half-life.

That was more my experience. I was on it for a year, and quit cold turkey with absolutely no withdrawal effects.
So I've been prescribed Prozac to help with my issues, so far I've found (despite being horribly sick) that it makes me feel more alert, awake, and that I generally am more self encouraging. However, I have had a migraine since taking it (no not a headache, a high blood pressure puking statically vision loss of equilibrium and headache).

Is this a side effect or maybe just cause I have a fever from being sick? Any other input on how well or unwell side effects etc welcome. I have found somewhat universally that medications effect asd people differently.

Thank you
I am a nurse, have ASD, and suffer from depress and anxiety.
The headache you are experiencing is very common when you first start taking the antidepressant. It should go away within one month. Hang in there, your doc should have also had you gradually titrate the dose, meaning you start with half the intended dose for a couple or few weeks, then increase.
I am currently Am on Sertraline, which is generic Zoloft. Was horrid for about 3-4 weeks, increased anxiety And agitation, then suddenly, it started working as intended and I feel much better on med than off.
Prozac and Zyprexia were prescribed to me a decade or so ago... but I gave them up years ago as they were doing nothing for me. I never experienced headaches or anything like that.... I agree with Dogwoodtree... they were like sugar pills for me.

My current providers tell me there are no medications for Aspergers... but to try diet. So I consult with a dietician now.
I have OCD and take Prozac for it. In fact, I just went and met a psychiatrist for the first time (just him, the other one I went to before retired).

Does anybody know if there's a correlation with Aspberger's and OCD or other mental problems?
My current providers tell me there are no medications for Aspergers... but to try diet. So I consult with a dietician now.

I've tried the gluten-free diet for a year and it did nothing for me, but is effective for some. Also the dairy-free diet, trouble is, I find milk is a 'happy' food for me, especially when I'm feeling low, so I've only tried cutting butter and cheese out.. still no effect on me though..
As far as medication goes, have a look at the cannabis thread here:
Aspergers and Marijuana | AspiesCentral.com
Now this does work for me!

Does anybody know if there's a correlation with Aspberger's and OCD or other mental problems?

Plenty of AS/ASD people have co-morbid conditions, there's a thread on it here somewhere, can't find it for you at the moment though, but Depression, Social Anxiety, OCD, PTSD, and loads more are common.. they just add to the fun :D
I have OCD and take Prozac for it. In fact, I just went and met a psychiatrist for the first time (just him, the other one I went to before retired).

Does anybody know if there's a correlation with Aspberger's and OCD or other mental problems?
I know aspergers people under stress are commonly misdiagnosed ocd and adhd.

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