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Ok, it's time for me to be brave and introduce myself...


V.I.P Member
Hi, I've been hanging around AC for a few days now and have made a few posts but every time I have thought about starting my own intro thread I got really nervous and run in the other direction. But I feel it's right to introduce myself, so I'm forcing myself to face my fear.

I diagnosed myself in January this year after decades of knowing I'm different and not really understanding why. Misdiagnoses and misunderstandings, often from not really being able to explain myself or not quite having the insight at that time. I've always been proud to be a "freak", have always shunned following all the other sheep, and yet at the same time I crave acceptance and desperately need to be loved.

I live in Australia with my husband and our two kids, at least one of whom we suspect is also an Aspie. Having kids has been such a challenge for me, and my kids have led me to finally discovering ASD as the explanation behind my lifelong struggles. Every day is a battle to stay calm and my newly purchased noise reducing ear muffs are helping me get through the crazy evening hours when the kids go bezerk! I'm in the process of seeking a professional diagnosis. I NEED to know for sure.

Things I don't like: bright lights, loud noise, screaming and jumping kids (my son jumps and I'm pretty sure he's stimming), rain on my car when I'm driving, lies, injustice, exploitation, environmental vandalism, the current Australian Government (under Tony Abbott... And I thought John Howard was embarrassing!), rule breaking/rule breakers, phone calls, meeting people, watching or playing sport, cockroaches, the self conscious feeling I get when trying to talk to someone while looking in their eyes... And more...

Things I like: plants (especially knowing about indigenous plants), gardening, self-sufficiency, birdwatching, painting, sewing, making things, word puzzles, brain teasers, trustworthiness, honesty, transparent things (coloured glass, gems, marbles, etc.), high end board games (Agricola, Elder Sign, etc. I love them to play but also to feel all those beautiful components in my hands), science, cooking and eating good food, murder mysteries, reading (non fiction mostly, but also children's and young adult fantasy fiction), learning, learning, learning... and more...

A few things I'd like to swap notes with others on:

- I am a visual thinker. I see time as a kind of line of boxes from left (past) to right (future) with the boxes as you would see on a calendar representing each day. The background is dark and hazy and the boxes have a lighter border. I can scroll through the days a bit like swiping left and right on a tablet. I've never found another person who "sees" time like this. When I've tried to describe it people look at me all funny! Is this familiar to anyone here? I'd love to find someone who thinks like me!

- Similarly to above, I see numbers in a line from left (low) to right (high) and although I can do maths the way I was taught at school my instinct is to do it by a combination of feeling/gut instinct and by visualising the line and taking the problem and using blocks of colour to halve, double, etc. for example, 210 divided by 3 can easily be worked out (21/3=7 x10=70...) but my first instinct is to see the number line and shade the block from 0 to 210, then kind of zoom out and use my eyes to visually divide it into three sections, then zoom back in to the line and see where the first section ends and look at what the number is there. So the single block from 0 to 210 is divided into three blocks, the higher two of which I just ignore because my answer is going to be in the first section. I know this is completely weird but there you have it. I always thought this was normal but it's only in the last year that I've learnt that other people do NOT see this stuff in their heads!

- I am a colour-grapheme synaesthete and am interested in others' experience of this. I'm curious as to whether synaesthetes are all visual thinkers, or whether only colour-grapheme synaesthesia is related to or even a result of visual thinking, or something else.

If this is the wrong place to put these questions I'll start threads once I've found the right place! :)

Ok this is probably unacceptably long for an intro post... I hope everyone can forgive me! So far I am loving that I found AC. Everyone is so supportive and accepting. It's nice to find somewhere that I can reveal my secret maths style and not worry that I'll be rejected.

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu! (Please treat me favourably)

P.S. My username Cosmophylla is from Eucalyptus cosmophylla, the cup gum, one of my favourite local eucalypts. Cosmo + phylla = beautiful leaves. (coz MOFF illa)
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Official Welcome, Cosmophylla. :)

I can relate to your experience of the long and winding road through misdiagnosis and ambiguity. We may have passed each other a couple of time on the way. I was both self- and clinically diagnosed in January, and it was an incredible relief to have an answer to so many questions. Things have been much better from there, and I hope you find the same.

I'm glad you found us and have finally decided to make a formal introduction. I've enjoyed your posts around the forums. It will be a pleasure getting to know you better.


Hi & Welcome,
I am a very visual thinker too, but do it in a different way. My thoughts and memories are like scenes from a movie. Memories I access by simply dropping in that place in the movie. Thoughts, are usually like acting out a scene. Sometimes I do many takes of the same scene, trying to tweak on it, or just replay it as it is desirable for some reason.
Welcome aboard :)
I hope you enjoy this awesome community here.
Best wishes.
Thank you, everyone! It's good to be among fellow aliens.

Hi & Welcome,
I am a very visual thinker too, but do it in a different way. My thoughts and memories are like scenes from a movie. Memories I access by simply dropping in that place in the movie. Thoughts, are usually like acting out a scene. Sometimes I do many takes of the same scene, trying to tweak on it, or just replay it as it is desirable for some reason.

My thoughts and memories are exactly like this, too. Sometimes when reliving a memory I find myself physically acting it out, too, which is embarrassing if I get caught. :oops: my memories are like photos and films, and I replay them many times just as you do, to try to improve on what really happened. Sometimes I wish I could just accept when my mouth fumbles or my clumsiness has seen me laughed at, but instead I have to rehash those film clips... I still frequently rehash some from twenty+ years ago... :weary:
I'm more connected to the tactile sense, than to that of sight. Actually, I've had periods of my life when I was more connected to one sense, and periods when I was more connected to a different sense. So I've gone through each of the senses, each having a turn to be the dominant one. Anyway, it was cool to hear you describe how you mentally envision time and numbers.
I'm more connected to the tactile sense, than to that of sight. Actually, I've had periods of my life when I was more connected to one sense, and periods when I was more connected to a different sense. So I've gone through each of the senses, each having a turn to be the dominant one. Anyway, it was cool to hear you describe how you mentally envision time and numbers.
That's really interesting. When I have some quiet time to myself I'll think about my own life and see if I can recall periods when I, too, had another dominant sense. At this point in my life I experience sensory overload a lot thanks to two bouncy kiddos...so it's always hard to figure out which sense is strongest when they are all firing off like crazy... My hearing is lopsided and I have tinnitus, yet despite this I can hear some things others can't. But I'm definitely always a visual thinker...

Glad you thought my weird maths is cool! My mum just tells me it's weird... But then I secretly think she may an Aspie, too. :D
Thanks for reaching out! Do you like sewing/embroidery? Just guessing from your lovely profile pic...

The avatar is actually a reference to Pink Floyd's 1973 album Dark Side of the Moon, and also symbolises being on the spectrum :)
The avatar is actually a reference to Pink Floyd's 1973 album Dark Side of the Moon, and also symbolises being on the spectrum :)

:sunglasses: I got the Pink Floyd reference and the word "spectrum" but didn't think of THE spectrum, haha :D sometimes I get oblique references and sometimes not... In this case I thought of the spectrum and the annoying way kids are taught that the rainbow is made up of seven colours, not six... That really bugs me! So I missed the autistic bit... But I like your embroidery avatar all the more for knowing it is there! :)

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