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New User, 37, Aspie, ADHD Anxiety from NYC Web Developer


New Member

My name is Alwayz
I work in Advertising as a Web Developer
My concern is being able to provide for myself, Ive made money but, my issues have gotten older as I have gotten older. I have been a junior developer for 9 years while others have moved up the ladder. I was fired from my job at age 37, I was fired from my last job for lack of attention to detail.

Honestly I find the whole experience INTERESTING, but I need to get my act together.

The next step is putting up my new website 5 years in the making due to perfectionism.

I thought I might be more motivated to life my best self if i signed up on aspiecentral.

Being an aspie, its a bit difficult to not let the unproductive tendencies over come me.
But the good thing is that after reviewing this board, I am really going to try and act as if I didnt let my doubts stopped me. Faking it till I make it

Are there any aspie groups in NYC
Looking forward to getting to know some of you.
I learn best by modeling, and imitating behaviors or even design styles
I also have trouble with vague directions

I believe there is help for all of us. It's a journey to master your strengths after being told you cant do it. I'm determined...

Welcome to AC. I'm sure if I was still working I'd be doing some kind of web development. Other people built the things; I taught them to do tricks.
I'm in Australia.
I'm a web designer and internet marketer, and I run my own web design and inbound marketing agency, only me and my wife + contractors.

I love the work, but it also helps to be more invested than if I was an employee.

Do you find that your own website is always the toughest to build?

Welcome to the forum.

BTW, [joke]You developers are weird [emoji2][/joke]
Ah, thank god there's someone else like me with Asperger's, I also got dismissed from my last job for "lack of attention to detail". That's apparently something we're meant to be good at. I thought I was the only one! I think it came down to more of them not giving me precise enough instructions though, I'm also cursed with not being able to ask for help a lot of the time.

I think of my sight as laser focus, if I'm not looking directly at something when searching then chances are I will miss it even if I'm doing my best to focus on searching. I guess it's a weak central coherence thing.

I have no knowledge of New York, never been there let alone live there. It shouldn't be too hard to find one though, Google your area and autism/asperger's groups and you should find plenty.

Hope to see you around.
hi alwayz,welcome to AC,the best autie/aspie community on the internet. :D
i think you are a very passionate and determined man and you have the capacity to go far,if you get the right support and understanding,as well as reign in some of your weaknesses.
Welcome! I have struggled all my life with insufficient directions. When left to do things my way I am usually the most efficient person around. The down side is that I am easily frustrated when forced to follow someone else's process, especially if it is inefficient or vague.
Welcome! I have struggled all my life with insufficient directions. When left to do things my way I am usually the most efficient person around. The down side is that I am easily frustrated when forced to follow someone else's process, especially if it is inefficient or vague.
I am exactly like this.

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