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LED Lights?


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I am really sensitive to fluorescent lighting and want to get rid of the fluorescent bulbs that I have in my apartment. Unfortunately, that means I may have to go back to incandescent bulbs that are difficult to find and draw more power which may raise my electric bill. What are your thoughts on LED lighting? I've never really been anywhere that has LED lighting, so I'm not sure if I should buy a couple or not to try them out. Does anyone with light sensitivities have problems with LEDs? Thanks!
LED lighting is nice. I replaced the bulbs in my apartment with them and I'm super happy. They even have bulbs designed for a warmer glow rather than cool white.
LED lighting is nice. I replaced the bulbs in my apartment with them and I'm super happy. They even have bulbs designed for a warmer glow rather than cool white.
Oh, the warmer glow sounds nice! Are those types of bulbs more difficult to find that the "cool white" lights?
I'm also really sensitive to fluorescent, and have since made the switch to LED bulbs. I am extremely satisfied - the light is somehow less dull without being harsh, and they use little electricity and last forever. I couldn't be happier with LED as an alternative to fluorescent.
I'm also really sensitive to fluorescent, and have since made the switch to LED bulbs. I am extremely satisfied - the light is somehow less dull without being harsh, and they use little electricity and last forever. I couldn't be happier with LED as an alternative to fluorescent.

Yep. Expensive, but they do the job. And I got a 60 watt equivalent LED at 6100k for my home office area better known as a dining room! (I hate soft white bulbs for work with their "jaundiced" projection of light. Much prefer cooler bulbs at a higher Kelvin scale.

If I move I'll just have to remember to take all my cool whites with me. ;)

Now if I could only find an OTC cool white 18 watt CFL bulb for my kitchen!
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I have been switching to LEDs. Expensive but I have been shopping the sales and prices have been coming down. Picked them up at Lowe's mostly.
I don't have any issues with them. No flickering or irritating noises like with fluorescents.
Don't know about where you live, but here with LED bulbs being 5000% more expensive than incandescent, its not cost effective. I'll never save that much in power, especially in a rental where I'm going to leave the bulbs behind. But flouros were the same before LEDs came out, and they never lasted half as long as stated.
Other than that, I found the early LED bulbs really really harsh and hated them. I think they have improved somewhat though.
I heard -don't know if it's true- that the only way for EDITED: fluorescents to be cost-efficient is leaving them switched on for some time. If you constantly switch them on and off, an incandescent bulb might be the solution for your problems.

(I personally think that the color of the light of an incandescent lightbulb is warm and makes me feel very good when I see it. On the contrary, LEDs give me chills in a creepy way).

EDIT: Nevermind!! I meant fluorescent lights, not LEDs in the first paragraph.
I've replace all my lights in my house with LED's or halogens. I can not stand the flicker of florescent lights. Especially ones powered from magnetic ballasts. Although the flicker on electronic ballasts is barely noticeable. I still use florescent's out in my shop. Both my LED's and florescent's are neutral white (5000K). Unlike florescent's, both LED's and halogens produce a full spectrum light, which does not distort colors like florescent's do with their jaded light spectrum.

OMT: You want to keep LED lights cool. if the driver on them get too hot, It will wear out faster and the light will start to flicker. And when it does. It flickers really bad.
I have only just started picking up the LEDs, a few at a time. They are definately more expensive. But the energy savings per watt and not having mercury are big pluses in my book. The thing will be if they last a good long while. If not the expense could be prohibitive. I think I have about 5 in use now, the oldest about 5 months in use and so far so good. That includes 2 in outside fixtures exposed to the winter.

I think I have the cool white ones, but haven't noticed anything different. I think if I had them where I was reading I would pay more attention to the quality of the light.

Oh, I did already also go to LED Christmas lites entirely. I really like they are cool to the touch and relieve my nervousness over a tree fire. I had one string failure & couldn't figure out why.
I get an advertisement popping up at the top:


Appropriate for the topic being discussed, but probably not appropriate for most of us here, LOL :)

I don't have an issue with LED, but flickering lights just drive me nuts for some reason.

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