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Just got fired from a job for the first time. Not sure how to react.


Well-Known Member
So I just got fired from my first job ever( fired for the first time), I can't say it was unexpected, but it's still a shock. Where Autists often fail is with work and yet I have had a good run, although I usually get to bad place with my boss at some point. I wasn't exactly a team player and the company was trying to save money and figured they could have 2 people for cheaper and nixed my position.

I think my biggest issue is that I have a hard time compromising. When I think something is right I will only do it my way and won't take advice. I AM not sure how to work on this.

Any advice?
Seek an employment counselor and discuss your next steps. Also update your resume and send it out to employers. Good luck to you.
I think my biggest issue is that I have a hard time compromising. When I think something is right I will only do it my way and won't take advice. I AM not sure how to work on this.
Any advice?

Take instructions from a superior not as advice, but as an order. You might try to explain your own way first (very tactfully), but if they don't go for it, drop it and do it their way. That is how all organizations work.
The step after being fired is seeing a employment counselor. Question yourself, are there any other job that you rather take up like a career change?

Update your resume and good with your job hunting.
Thanks for the advice everyone, I'm trying to forgive myself, but i keep blaming myself... even though i didn't really want to be there. My goal right now is product development of an idea I have. The other idea is helping kids and Adults with Autism and other diagnosis by teaching them how to cook and chose better options. I AM looking into organizations that do this in my area, it is sad that adults with Autism don't get nearly as many supports as their younger counterparts. I feel like we are available to create data for organizations as kids and left by the wayside as we age.

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