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Hoping this is "my" community


New Member
Hi guys,

I’m 26, married and a mom to a non-autistic five year old. We live in the southern US.

I've been in therapy for years and through that work have realized that I am most likely (like 95% sure) on the spectrum.

I am in the beginning stages of pursuing an evaluation, but so far it's looking like it will be cost- and distance- prohibitive, so it might be a while before I can actually have one done.

I have become very isolated and lonely - most of my jobs have only lasted a few months despite having an advanced degree and I have zero friends. My last two friendships ended badly after I realized that they were toxic relationships.

I'm really hoping that I can find some people on here that I can connect with and that I can begin to learn how to manage being on the spectrum while living in a world that really doesn't mesh well with being on the spectrum.

Finding this out about myself has been both a relief (my whole life makes sense now) and terrifying.
Hi KD7, I came here looking exactly what you are looking for and found many reasons to be happy. I discovered that I was not the only one struggling with socialization, for example. I found comfort in people's replies and I also read blogs and posts everyday (actually, I think it is my new hobbie).
Welcome. I hope you like this place.
Welcome to the Forums! I hope you make new friends and enjoy your stay in the process!
I just joined too.:).Put my first posts up yesterday. So we are newbies together.
So, Hi. I hope we can be buds. I am a mum too, to some Autistic and some neurotypical adult children and possibly one "psychopath brain" child (13) but, he doesn't behave badly, because, as he tells me often "You taught me morals, mum". He (well, we both, I guess) wants to get his brain checked out to see if that is true, he also wants to be a neuroscientist.

None of us has been diagnosed with ASD (yet), although, I was misdiagnosed years ago with BPD and now with PTSD and my not-high functioning Autistic son is diagnosed with cognitive impairment and developmental delays.
I hope to get me and my Auti son to see Tony Attwood someday as he practices close by.
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Can someone point me towards a "how to use this site" post? I have read through the rules and guidelines but did not see anything that talks about the meaning of the icons on each message, etc.
Can someone point me towards a "how to use this site" post? I have read through the rules and guidelines but did not see anything that talks about the meaning of the icons on each message, etc.

If you hover over them with your mouse if you're on the Desktop site it'll say, but I'll say what they are anyways.

In order of Appearance:

Thumbs Up = Like

Green Check Mark = Agree

Happy Face = Funny

Gold Star/Medal = Winner

Blue i = Informative

Heart = Friendly (Can mean "I support You", and can also mean "I love This", depending on the context of the post)

Wrench = Useful

Rainbow = Optimistic

Paintbrush = Creative
That made my heart melt. How old is he? I have a son too and he says the sweetest things to me sometimes.
He just turned 13, is already, about, 6 foot 2 and very mature for his age and really smart.

I do love him so much, even though his traits and character can be very challenging. He has said more than once "They are three ways that I could become a psychopath, mum. One, if you died, two, if I was abused and three, if I don't get some help and therapy. "
It's kind of scary, but I think my Aspie brain deals with it pragmatically and it just means I'm going to have to monitor him closely and be very diligent throughout these adolescent years .

I'll have to try my best to pursue very appropriate supports and hope for the best; that no outside influences lead him astray.
If you hover over them with your mouse if you're on the Desktop site it'll say, but I'll say what they are anyways.

In order of Appearance:

Thumbs Up = Like

Green Check Mark = Agree

Happy Face = Funny

Gold Star/Medal = Winner

Blue i = Informative

Heart = Friendly (Can mean "I support You", and can also mean "I love This", depending on the context of the post)

Wrench = Useful

Rainbow = Optimistic

Paintbrush = Creative

Thanks! What does the karma thing mean?
He just turned 13, is already, about, 6 foot 2 and very mature for his age and really smart.

I do love him so much, even though his traits and character can be very challenging. He has said more than once "They are three ways that I could become a psychopath, mum. One, if you died, two, if I was abused and three, if I don't get some help and therapy. "
It's kind of scary, but I think my Aspie brain deals with it pragmatically and it just means I'm going to have to monitor him closely and be very diligent throughout these adolescent years .

I'll have to try my best to pursue very appropriate supports and hope for the best; that no outside influences lead him astray.

I think it is amazing that you are facing that head-on. I grew up in a family where things were swept under the rug - I have yet to see an instance in which it was helpful. Your son is very lucky to have you as his mother.

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