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Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!

I'm Vergil, I'm 27 and from Europe, I'm a programmer. What am I doing here? My psychotherapist suggested that I could be on the autism spectrum and I'm looking into more detail about it, although from what I've read so far, I don't think it's ASD, but a bunch of other things that might look similar on the outside. I have some social difficulties, however, I rather think it has to do with unfavourable upbringing and poor boundary setting. I'm also a programmer and exceptionally gifted at math and other intellectual abilities and it tends to freak people out. I mean it: people are afraid. I did a lot o psychological tests for all kinds of mental health issues, because I struggle to find the right treatment and would really want to overcome my emotional difficulties, and found the tests Really Dumb (which is a whole separate story...) and my IQ apparently is above the scale for which the psychologist solemnly apologised that the test was so limited. The max of the scale was 130, I did everything correctly, so it's probably 140 or 150 (the likelihood of a given score decreases exponentially). I also think that having a bit of ADHD might contribute to some of the symptoms that the psychotherapist points to, like fidgeting. One way or another, I would be happy to find resources about ASD in high functioning adults.
Welcome, @vergil96. Whether you wind up being on the spectrum or not, you're welcome here. I hope you find this forum as welcoming as useful as I have.
Welcome! I second Kisa's suggestion that the resources section is a nice starting place, but feel free to ask about anything directly as well if you don't find what you're looking for there or via a general search. We're a pretty friendly group.
Hello and welcome. Take your time to explore the forum and see what we have to offer. Glad you found us.
Hi and welcome to the forum.
Seeking answers and asking questions is a very good way to see what fits and doesn't fit.
You're welcome here, on the spectrum or not.

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