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do your pets have a good vet?


this is mr shadow,my support cat
does your pets have a good vet or do you think they are not very good?
i am just wondering what everyones experiences are with them.
mr shadows/my rabbits/biscuits vet is called john and he is amazing with animals, he is really expert with my furrchildren,he is like the doctor house of the animal world but he isnt autistic :p he is deaf though/uses a hearing aid and treats me with respect more than the other vets in his surgery do-i guess as he knows what its like to be talked down to being disabled.

he explains things very clearly to me and when he knows i cant comprehend the information he tells my support staff or writes it down for us.
i only take shads/the other guys to see john,even though it means going to one of his other surgeries or waiting longer as all the other vets are really bad and focus on the wrong things.


currenlty,shads is suffering from bad diorreah for the past 3 days,john has just given him an antibiotic today that will last for 5 days, and shads still has a mystery severe weight loss going on,he still has his on going hyper immune system disorder which causes massive allergies to everything and makes him attack himself-pull all his furr out and cause bleeding and scars,so he is on an immunosuppressent called atopica to reduce it,he had been on piriton to but it caused a big tonic clonic seizure so i had to stop it,the atopica has reduced his irritation and overgrooming incredibly but it hasnt stopped his weight loss,john has reduced shads atopica by half and i have to keep a close watch on him for his irritation increasing.
he has been blood tested for diabetes and other stuff they all came out fine, but john wants to test his poo next as he thinks a bacteria could be causing the weight loss,so i have to collect three days of poo now,yay for poo. :D
I feel for you toothless, collecting urine or feces from a cat is not easy, as I have a tendency to gag from the smell when I have to do it. And I've had cats for many years.

Used to have a really good Vet when I lived in the city. He had a practice just down the street from where I lived. So I could walk down and see him. He was good with all my pets, but I think preferred my dog. My dog sensed that he liked him, and never bit him or growled at him or was even afraid of him like he was with other Vets he'd seen. He once bit a new Vet on the thumb, who faced him with a hypodermic instead of approaching him from the side. He'd never bitten anyone before or since.

Shad looks like a cool cat, have you tried changing his food? I did that with one of mine, who vomits a lot and has allergies. She's better, although she has a double coat and she tends toward ingesting the hair, she cleans herself a lot, and I brush her quite a bit. She's eating a hypoallergenic food that seems to help.

As for the Vet I have now, he's young and I think inexperienced. But he likes animals, he doesn't just see dollar signs when I bring my cats in. He seems actually to care for most animals.
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I'm so glad I found a great vet. He's so good with animals he manages to calm me down when I'm scared something might be wrong with my cat, that's how good he is... :D
My vet rocks. Very straightforward and honest. Explains every charge, never have surprise bills. I had previous vets that were terrible for requiring things and doing them without explaining, 8$, 12$, 6$, 22$ etc then would just give me a surprise bill of like 2-300$ bad bad

Almost everytime I go to my current it's 70-90$ and if it's more it's because it's been explained to me and I agreed to it.
We have a very good vet and our trips are always a good experience. It is as important for my dog to feel comfortable at the vet, as for the technicians to feel comfortable with my dog.

It also helps that he is a working dog, he early detects for cancer.
My dog has a very good vet but damn he's expensive, for the lasts two weeks my dog has been had skin problems and I think we've spent like $500, between appointments, tests and medicines. The vet really seems like a really nice guy, very prepared and worried about animals.

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