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Current book(s) you're reading?

A classic for to-be auditors :p

I've had Chris Kyle's Autobiography American Sniper on my night stand for quite some time now and have yet to open it. Don't know why...just...haven't. I think I shall start it at some point today...

I was actually one of the hundreds of Patriot Guard Riders who showed up at his Memorial Service in Arlington, TX and then the next day down in Austin, TX for the funeral. I have to admit...it's probably one of the most memorable missions I've ever been on.


Also a must-read.

How do you know you are in good state to compete in the world?

Try analyzing yourself and others. It's hard, but it's fun :)
GOOD book! You read Executive Orders by Tom Clancy??? DEF an interesting read, politically speaking anyway
not yet, this is my first Tom Clancy book but I really like the way he writes his books. I am going to go through the entire Jack Ryan/John Clark series and will probably move on to Clancy's other books too.
"Asperger Love" - Amy Harmon

"War and Peace" - Leo Tolstoy

"The Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress" - Hsi Lai

"Diccionario Ingles - Espa?ol - Tagalog" - Sofronio G. Calder?n (although I tend to skip over the Tagalog)

"Symposium" - Plato
Hi Ylva! *waves*

Currently suspending fiction in favor of Carl Sagan's The Demon-Haunted World...read half of it, lent it out, never saw it again; so I just picked up a copy yesterday at the used bookshop.

I love reading Sagan (and watching his series)...feels like an old friend. :cool:
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I just finished Without Remorse and started Patriot Games by Tom Clancy (the second book of the Jack Ryan/John Clark series)

A Tom Clancy fan. Nice! The only fiction writer I like. Though he has written alot of non-fiction too in the past. I have nearly all of his books. Have you read "The Bear and The Dragon" yet? That and "The Hunt for Red October" are my favorites. Red Storm Rising is the last one I've read of his. I found it disappointing. It seemed as though Clancy may have gotten bored when writing it or something. Not nearly as detailed as his other work. Your thoughts if you've read it?

The Asperger Social Guide

Teach Yourself Icelandic

Psychopath Free
How to Say Goodbye in Robot - Natalie Standiford (but in swedish)

And a swedish book about humans in a bio-psycho-social perspective.
I finished Demon-Haunted World a while back, which turned out to be one of the best non-fiction books I have ever read...Highly recommended!

Now I am reading From Eternity to Here, and, while I have only finished the first chapter (I just started today), I am finding it quite engrossing. Sean Carroll is one of the best science writers I've read, and I wish he were a bit better-known.

I started reading Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! and I have to confess, I found it rather boring. I might pick it up later.

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