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Based on you as a person, what superpower suits you? (think; Misifts, that tv show)


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
So, I've recently started watching Misfits, and yes I know I'm late for the party, since that show is long due, lol

Anyway, I quite liked how the main characters at least, got special powers that actually suited their personalities and lifestyles. Perhaps some in a way of evil irony.

Anyone not familiar with the show and the characters and powers;

There's this kid Simon, who is quite the introvert and often gets "ignored" by others. This triggers his ability to become invisible. And Curtis, an athlete who got caught with drugs, regrets his actions so much, that his power is the ability to go back in time and change the past. That's the examples I found most striking (I'm still not sure why Nathan got his power; to be annoying forever?)

So, with that, what power would actually be the one that would fit like a glove? It's not about the power you want, but the power that compliments, perhaps in a way, a deficit, but might also compliment something you're already good at or experience regularly.

Might be interesting to see how people perceive themselves and how they'd add an actual superpower with it.
Cool question! I like that show, well, I like the first 2 seasons. I'll have to think about it.
Cool question! I like that show, well, I like the first 2 seasons. I'll have to think about it.

I just did the first 2 seasons, so I still have 3 to go. But I heard most of the cast from S1&2 actually left and there were replacements. Despite that Nathan was annoying, I quite liked his jokes and antics. He seemed like that annoying bully in class, we all knew at some point in our life. And to add, the obnoxious one, lol.

I also couldn't help but perceive Simon as a bit of an aspie with his obsession with recording things and how organized he was (which clearly is a stereotype, lol). Well, that and the shyness and overall awkwardness.
I just did the first 2 seasons, so I still have 3 to go. But I heard most of the cast from S1&2 actually left and there were replacements. Despite that Nathan was annoying, I quite liked his jokes and antics. He seemed like that annoying bully in class, we all knew at some point in our life. And to add, the obnoxious one, lol.

I also couldn't help but perceive Simon as a bit of an aspie with his obsession with recording things and how organized he was (which clearly is a stereotype, lol). Well, that and the shyness and overall awkwardness.

I thought Nathan was hilarious...from afar. By that I mean I wouldn't want to have him around me in real life because he's incredibly annoying, and I agree, he basically was a bully.

I thought the same about Simon. The first time I watched the series, I saw a bit of myself in Simon, not necessarily with his recording stuff (though I used to be interested in doing field recordings, and I used to collect random things I found on the street, which is a kind of recording, just not audio-based). I more so saw myself in his awkwardness and shyness and his inability to respond in the expected manner. I do love how organized he was! I love organization, but I am just incredibly messy haha.

I was thinking about your question as I fell asleep last night. I was thinking about how the superpowers are based on the strong feelings held by the characters, strong feelings that are fueled by core beliefs they have about themselves/their actions/their pasts. I still don't know what my power would be, so I am still going to think about it.
what power would actually be the one that would fit like a glove? It's not about the power you want, but the power that compliments, perhaps in a way, a deficit, but might also compliment something you're already good at or experience regularly.

I haven't seen the show yet but will look into it.
I attended my local Aspie group last week and one of the parents had brought her daughter along, 10 years old, with a learning age of 5. First time I'd met her, she has blonde hair and blue eyes, just like my 10 year old son.
I smiled at her and she came over and gave me a huge hug, then we sat there playing spelling card games and chatting and laughing for the entire session! It was Brilliant!
Her mother later told me that she's normally quiet and withdrawn when she's out among people she doesn't know.. I kinda know the feeling.
My superpower would be the ability to make children who feel disconnected like this laugh all the time.. the most wonderful sound in the world! :)
I've returned to this question. I feel like answering it requires a certain level of self-knowledge that I don't believe I currently possess. Maybe, in that case, my power would be that I would turn into a fog. Yes, that's my answer. I guess the power in that would be that I could appear quickly and dissipate just as suddenly. Having moved around and traveled so much, I believe this is true for me.
Took me a bit to get back to this question I posted myself;

I've given it a bit of thought and I think that indestructibility would be my thing in some way I guess. The times I've got out of situations unharmed; either physical altercations or some nasty accidents (I once got hit by a car even) and not having a scratch.. funny how I broke the first thing in my life last year as I stubbed my pinky toe on a dumbell, but that seemed to recover quite fast. Scratches, cuts and bruises actually heal up really fast as well and I have yet to get some kind of weird infection somewhere (even with all my piercings I had in my life, I was good to go within hours again, while often it takes a few days to heal out. The guy who pierced them even was quite surprised about my fast healing process). And I guess a note of confidence also tells me that I'm not overly anxious to get involved in situations of a physical nature. I'm not as much a daredevil that I will tempt fate, but I won't back down from, say... physical altercations. It's in a way the notion that I feel I can't be harmed, that probably exists in me. I'm careful to see where I go and wont get myself in the bad side of town on purpose though, but hey.. what happens, happens and if it does I'm not even going to question whether I'll get out unharmed.

I suppose I have a bit of that Juggernaut (X-men) air going on around me in a sense I think.

Other things that I thought about, that might reflect something of me is the notion of perpetual youth, since for the past 10+ years I've seem to be stuck with a certain appearance and people all guess roughly the same age. Which means that when I was in my 20's I was perceived older, on appearance and when I was 30, I was thought to be younger. I've joked around a few times about hoping people don't find that painting of mine (which of course is a literary reference; most people seem to miss... how you so many people not know that book? I'm not even an avid reader and I read it, lol)

I guess if you ask people around me, a few could put an argument in there for immortality, for, perhaps the same reason it's part of the actual Misfits show
Quite, sure that just like Nathan, I'm quite annoying to some, and immortality would be irony in it's finest form, much like it was to him

From my ramblings I posted a while ago on how my mind seemingly operates I guess there's also the idea of that one power
That one, that Kelly acquires later, having really specific, but expert knowledge on certain topics
Took me a bit to get back to this question I posted myself;

I've given it a bit of thought and I think that indestructibility would be my thing in some way I guess. The times I've got out of situations unharmed; either physical altercations or some nasty accidents (I once got hit by a car even) and not having a scratch.. funny how I broke the first thing in my life last year as I stubbed my pinky toe on a dumbell, but that seemed to recover quite fast. Scratches, cuts and bruises actually heal up really fast as well and I have yet to get some kind of weird infection somewhere (even with all my piercings I had in my life, I was good to go within hours again, while often it takes a few days to heal out. The guy who pierced them even was quite surprised about my fast healing process). And I guess a note of confidence also tells me that I'm not overly anxious to get involved in situations of a physical nature. I'm not as much a daredevil that I will tempt fate, but I won't back down from, say... physical altercations. It's in a way the notion that I feel I can't be harmed, that probably exists in me. I'm careful to see where I go and wont get myself in the bad side of town on purpose though, but hey.. what happens, happens and if it does I'm not even going to question whether I'll get out unharmed.

I suppose I have a bit of that Juggernaut (X-men) air going on around me in a sense I think.

Other things that I thought about, that might reflect something of me is the notion of perpetual youth, since for the past 10+ years I've seem to be stuck with a certain appearance and people all guess roughly the same age. Which means that when I was in my 20's I was perceived older, on appearance and when I was 30, I was thought to be younger. I've joked around a few times about hoping people don't find that painting of mine (which of course is a literary reference; most people seem to miss... how you so many people not know that book? I'm not even an avid reader and I read it, lol)

I guess if you ask people around me, a few could put an argument in there for immortality, for, perhaps the same reason it's part of the actual Misfits show
Quite, sure that just like Nathan, I'm quite annoying to some, and immortality would be irony in it's finest form, much like it was to him

From my ramblings I posted a while ago on how my mind seemingly operates I guess there's also the idea of that one power
That one, that Kelly acquires later, having really specific, but expert knowledge on certain topics

OOooo, immortality! Watching everything across the centuries and millennia change, yet stay the same, your loved ones pass.. being an Aspie is lonely enough.. immortality? Man that's gotta be a rough deal, no?
Interesting topic!

Hmmm, I think my superpower would be the ability to communicate with animals.
I remember, when I was reading Murakami's "Kafka on the shore", I was amazed by the ability of one character, Nakata-san, to talk to cats and I thought it was so cool. I would like to be able to talk to all animals though. And it definitely fits my personality, I'm better off with animals than with most of humans, hehe.

Actually, I wouldn't discard the immortality just yet. Imagine, to be able to learn sooo much and not to be limited by time or ageing processes. Just how many special interests you could fit into eternity! Yeah, there is downside like loneliness, plus eternity is a rrreally long time so a few hard moments (to say the least) are to be expected. Still, I like to fantasise about it sometimes. Just I don't know how long the humanity will last with everything that is being done to the planet...

I've joked around a few times about hoping people don't find that painting of mine (which of course is a literary reference; most people seem to miss... how you so many people not know that book? I'm not even an avid reader and I read it, lol)

Maybe you just weren't very lucky with people? :grin: But then again, sometimes they can really surprise you. There are even a few movies based on this book as far as I know.
I think if I had a super power it would something that would help to defend and keep myself safe rather than attack someone else. I don't like hurting other people even if I'm defending myself. So, maybe a force field of some sort, to keep me safe, similar to the one the daughter Violet in the Incredibles had or Bella Swans in Twilight.
I think if I had a super power it would something that would help to defend and keep myself safe rather than attack someone else. I don't like hurting other people even if I'm defending myself. So, maybe a force field of some sort, to keep me safe, similar to the one the daughter Violet in the Incredibles had or Bella Swans in Twilight.

If I had Violets invisibility shield, I think I'd end up hiding all the time.. wouldn't manage much socialising that way :oops:
Bella's repulsion field'd be pretty cool.. though I find that, possibly as I'm so pacifistic, I never attract trouble; never been in a fight since being bullied at school and almost broke another kids arm executing a Judo shoulder-throw - I vowed then that I'd never hurt anyone again! :cool:
I haven't seen the show yet but will look into it.
I attended my local Aspie group last week and one of the parents had brought her daughter along, 10 years old, with a learning age of 5. First time I'd met her, she has blonde hair and blue eyes, just like my 10 year old son.
I smiled at her and she came over and gave me a huge hug, then we sat there playing spelling card games and chatting and laughing for the entire session! It was Brilliant!
Her mother later told me that she's normally quiet and withdrawn when she's out among people she doesn't know.. I kinda know the feeling.
My superpower would be the ability to make children who feel disconnected like this laugh all the time.. the most wonderful sound in the world! :)

OOooo, sorry to quote my own post here, but.. update on the above.. I met the girl again at my last Aspie meet (again, a wonderful experience) and had the opportunity to talk to the founder of the UK SAFE/ASAP charity, to discuss an idea I have for my own charity which, I hope, will provide a service for AS/ASD charities as well as Mental Health and Physically Handicapped charities..
Anyway, I'm about to begin volunteering for the Mental Health charity Rethink Recovery Point, as well as SAFE youth activities group, in part to gain experience with the physical and mental range of needs of the people I want to help.
I mention it mainly for anyone unable to work, or isolated generally, only as I've found that being a service user with both these charities has given me a social life, encouraged me to feel more positive and, I think (early days) led to a romantic interest.
I want to help people who are suffering the same way I have all my life and I believe this is it, my positive goal.. the start of the rest of my life :)
I'm not familiar with the show, but based on lifelong feedback, my superpower would either be calling weather (think lightning rod/thunderbolt) or be a data bank. Over the years I've acquired a number of nicknames that fit either category.
I'd be invisible like Simon, feel like I am a lot anyway....when I was a teenager I was a bit like Nathan I.e. An annoying hyper twat
My Super Power would be the ability to Lie.
This would be amazing.
I could help people by being a Skip Tracer on the phone or Pedophile Bait, on line.
I've never seen the show, but the question is fascinating. My power would be the ability to shape-shift, then I could change into any animal I choose and melt into the backwoods.
The quandary: how to use the superpower....
Most definitely invulnerability for me.

I once had 4 car batteries explode in my face filling my eyes with battery acid and I still refused to leave work because I'm the boss. They did eventually force me to but by that time my clothes had started to fall apart. I have a distinct aspie power of being able to ignore most pain and just carry on, it's like a switch I can hit in my head and then I just keep doing what I'm doing.
When it comes to complementing a defficit; a perfect memory would be the tiecket. I tend to recall odd, random facts, but often have difficulty retrieving pertinent facts. Perhaps something like Jonesy's Memory Warehouse in Dreamcatcher.

I am extremely tall, so perhaps the ability to become even more gigantic would be appropo.

I also play just about everything as a musical instrument. When I encounter a new object I will often tap it, pluck it, and press it against my ear to pick up the faintest vibrations. Riffing on this I would go with the ability to both sense and induce vibrations in any solid object.

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