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Aspie and Dyspraxic


Hey guys

Last time I was here things where rough but I'm doing alot better, I've moved to a new area and just started new relationship after many years with someone who has dyspraxia.
Without going into depth could anyone tell me what to expect or some areas of trouble we both may have in getting to know eatch other ?

From what I've read there is an overlap between aspergers and dyspraxia, or am I missing something ? Not pigeonholing just after others experience.
Apparently, things of this nature will be or may be a problem:
  • Poor timing
  • Poor balance(sometimes even falling over in mid-step). Tripping over one's own feet is also common.
  • Difficulty combining movements into a controlled sequence.
  • Difficulty remembering the next movement in a sequence.
  • Problems with spatial awareness
  • Trouble picking up and holding onto simple objects such as pencils
  • Clumsiness to the point of knocking things over and bumping into people accidentally.
  • Difficulty in determining left from right.
  • Problems with chewing foods.
Fine-motor problems can cause difficulty with a wide variety of other tasks such as
using a knife and fork, fastening buttons and shoelaces, cooking, brushing one's teeth, styling one's hair, shaving,applying cosmetics, opening jars and packets, locking and unlocking doors, and doing housework,
plus problems with handwriting.

Developmental coordination disorder - Wikipedia
Lack of coordination, clumsiness, being slow at doing what is seen as an easy task, slow reaction time etc. It vary between people. Just be patient with her.
Hey guys

Last time I was here things where rough but I'm doing alot better, I've moved to a new area and just started new relationship after many years with someone who has dyspraxia.
Without going into depth could anyone tell me what to expect or some areas of trouble we both may have in getting to know eatch other ?

From what I've read there is an overlap between aspergers and dyspraxia, or am I missing something ? Not pigeonholing just after others experience.
I had never heard of this disorder; I pray your relationship is very loving and patient. It sounds like a high maintenance situation; you would have to be willing to help her in all kinds of ways. You might get overwhelmed. I'm sure this is something you have thought about. If it should be a permanent relationship you will be committing to a lifetime of that. God bless you and the best of luck to you both.
i have dyspraxia

balance problems, speech problems, coordination problems. too many symptoms to list here.
trying to keep my balance while standing on stairs, bleachers
at the beach i lose my balance when i stand at the edge of the water with the water moving in and out around me. tripping over my feet if i try changing direction while walking. bumping into the edge of doorways when entering a room. etc.
some people think i'm drunk.
slurred speech, i have problems making my voice loud enough for people to understand. when i do make my voice loud enough, it sounds to me like i'm yelling. always being asked to repeat everything i say. some people think i had a stroke. had speech therapy when in elementary school but it just frustrated me.

before joining this site, i didn't have a name for this condition or anyone else had it. glad i found this site, it has really helped me find more info about my issues.

sorry i don't have any advice about relationships and dating, never done either of these.
how much does it bother the other person
with me its worse since IVE had a hip injury ,IM also mildly hypermobile seems to be certain communities for instance in the shetland isles there is a high percentage of M.S
in Venice Italy a high percentage of fatal familial insomnia
so theres no definite group maybe its diet but it can be sporadic
two members of my family had /have different forms of M.n.d -but also cancer of the gi tract
i have a regular array of bruises
Hey guys

Last time I was here things where rough but I'm doing alot better, I've moved to a new area and just started new relationship after many years with someone who has dyspraxia.
Without going into depth could anyone tell me what to expect or some areas of trouble we both may have in getting to know eatch other ?

From what I've read there is an overlap between aspergers and dyspraxia, or am I missing something ? Not pigeonholing just after others experience.
Hey guys. Thank you for replying tho I'm unsure what to think or say.

Shes clumsy and unorganised but doesn't 'seem' to have major issues with balance\motor control. She was a coast guard and currently training to be a paramedic, you'd need good balance for both so guessing it's mild ?

Very emotional and open to her past. From talking with her she starts relationships fast then runs into problems. This is something where we differ and I'm tring to discourage, as she's planning\day dreaming too far ahead when everything is uncertain.
My main problem is understanding how she communicates (especially through text) tho I think that's more to do with me not understanding rather then her ?

Side questions

  • Is it correct to think of Dyspraxia as a spectrum ?
  • She send random photo's of herself, nothing rude just selfies. Unsure how to respond or why she sends them.

Am I thinking coherently ?
yes according to sources. its a developemental disorder ,probably cant talk-texts ( being observed) but wants to be with you
you need to ask her something explain about communication and autism
and also biomedical researchers found the speech centre in nt women is much larger than human males so speaking for women has a big role for everything
my older brother and me were most affected, me worst affected, oldest brother and older sister not affected at all.
my older brother and me were most affected, me worst affected, oldest brother and older sister not affected at all.
bad is it ?IM hypermobile but its mild now

some are really in strife as alf on home and away says (Australian)
general dodgy proprioception, tend to trip over my own feet unless I pay 100% attention to body position/movement, IOW I can't walk/talk/chew gum at the same time, or even just walk and talk at the same time. cannot multitask much, can't listen to more than one thing at a time, think about more than one thing at a time. I guess I could be called "one track mind."
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