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Tony Ramirez

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  • Just went out tonight. Colors are amplify to the extreme. I thought it was at first it was an update to my phone and tablet. Thought it was strange my MacBook had enhanced colors too. Now even watching TV after days the colors are intense. This is autistic burnout.
    What about the colors of non-electronic items?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Same. Outside, especially at night looks different much more vivid. Living in the city.
    What a Pita it is to tune in my YouTube feed to get rid of those faith based videos. I tried removing them from my history but like wake a moole they won't disappear.
    Listening the opinion of two non Christian random lives of a guy doing a tour of a China park and Swedish women cooking food giving life advice without all that stuff I been hearing about righteousness and crap. It was a relief.
    Why am I cursed with autism when most people are normal?
    Tony, can you work with your parents now to secure housing for you for the future?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    My mom wants to mention that in the past. Now that she is more concerned about me maybe she will bring it up again. So far my family is well.
    Sometimes I like to think that nature and evolution just never wanted everyone to succeed socially
    My friend I meet at church during the lock down was there. As soon as he talked to me after the service I broke down. I told him everything. He understands. He got me through the lock down meeting in person when places were closed. I felt much better now after.
    Had to leave and go to the hallway. I could not take the people or noise. I could not even greet anyone. No one greet me. I am in the hallway listening to EDM to try to calm me down but people are still walking around. So far every person ignored me anyway.
    Maybe you looked like you didn't want to talk to anybody. So people left you to yourself.
    I'm depressed again. I am slowly losing my friends one by one because if my stupid autism and my constant oversharing/ over friendliness. I might have lost two friends again today including the new one. Most of us are destined to live alone forever.
    You only need 1 or 2 really good, solid non dramatic friends to be happy really. There's always hope!
    Are you saying you are no longer friends or no longer in contact with that woman whom you said you just recently started a platonic friendship with
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    No. Just with my oversharing I am afraid that soon she will not want to be friends with me no more. I just am worried because I texted her earlier two days ago, stupidity over shared again but this time she did not respond.
    I think I finally found a nice platonic friendship with a kind caring woman for once ever in my life.
    So happy. This is fantastic news. You are a success story at the forum.
    Today at church was dedicated to me. My friends were there, even the one I recently made at the coffee shop who gave me hug. She was touched by the speech I gave on stage. I was cheered on stage. I finally felt accepted and loved.
    Wow! Well done, Tony. So happy you got this positive recognition and attention. A speech on stage? Wow.
    The word boy does not bother me. I actually like the word friend now. But put them together and when I read and hear then annoys the heck out of me.
    So I dint have bipolar. Never did I always just had type 1 ASD. I has bad side effects like tiredness, dehydration and diarrhea from two new bipolar meds that I stopped taking after an intervention from my mother. My friends know bipolar people and they describe them I don't have bipolar or mood swings.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    No I was not.
    Why did you get bipolar medications if you don't have a bipolar dx?
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    From my psychologist who insists I have bipolar and autism when everyone else knows I just have ASD type 1. My parents are looking for a new clinic since he is the only doctor there.
    When people ask when I ask the year I was born 1977, most of the time they don't believe me? One person recently though it was 1987. I use to be ashamed but a lot of cool things happened in 1977.
    My 18 to my entire 20s was the worst years of my life. Being ignored then being betrayed by fake friends. Then ignored again made me not trust people for 15 years. After my sister nearly died I took a chance and slowly started to trust people again. Now I have a full network of true friends that I trust for support. The 40s are the best years of my life.
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