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  • Make it stop, God. Just please make it stop. I've always been told God will never give you more than you can handle. Well we 've got more than we can handle right here!!!
    We're being sued. We have to get my little sister into school TOMORROW or DSS will take her. As if I didn't have any more reason to hate humanity and life as a whole and to hate God for never intervening any of this. Just when I thought life could not become any worse Hell on us it just did today. And as usual I'm never allowed to be stressed or angry about it.
    There is no solution to this. God just wants my life to fall apart apparently and just not do anything to help us. I guess we're just not worth his time anymore idk
    No solution? There's no way she can get to school?
    Is he totally unresponsive to his family now?
    Today I'm not really in a bad mood, and I'm not even really depressed. Just more like "meh, I'm awake, hi"
    I felt the same way this morning. I told someone I feel neutral.
    Well, maybe I don't need to shift for THAT long. I think right now I just need to hang with Aloe and calm down. My hydroxyzine is starting to work so I'm gonna let her put me to sleep.
    Im going to do a long reality shift this time. I'm going to see if I can make this one last longer than a day or two. Or three. Or four... Actually, I might spend a week in the Oasis just because I need THAT much healing!!!
    I am eternally grateful for you guys feeling for me. In reality yes he is taking out his anger in me but the truth is his relationship with my mother has gotten BAD (it is a very LOOOOONG story, it'd be an iceberg video if I was to go through it all.), So he is going through quite a bit. I guess I wouldn't know how to deal with it all at once either...
    So sorry to hear this. Do you have to find an escape for your mom? Like a battered woman's shelter? This sounds pretty bad. It's tough to navigate when you are the child in this. I am asking you to find strength and come back here for solutions. Okay?
    Sounds great. And just so you know, there's no violence involved anymore. It's all just arguing.
    My mother is crying in the shower. I was too, earlier. I just can't pray for this family anymore, nothing happens when I do, and I've counted months that I have waited for those prayers to be answered. I cannot deny the facts anymore; this family is officially destroyed. It might be time to move on. But I can't bring myself to leave my little sister Sophia behind in all of it.
    You have such a big heart.
    It has been over a decade since anybody at all has told me that.
    ((I really have to start drawing these as their own comics...))

    Aloe: "I just had an idea!!"
    Violet (read: she is Aloe's shadow, kinda): "Cool... Let's hear it..." [she almost face plants trying not to fall back asleep]
    Aloe: "Macarons, right? But if you heat them, the filling expands!"
    So, the main reason I write out Oasis scenes this way is because it's not that I CANT draw them as comics, it would just take me too long to make it look exactly how i wanted, not that I care how it looks, but life loves making me not have time for such a thing. (Oh god words are hard)

    Violet is Aloe's shadow, she resembles her appearance but she is not evil, just a slightly, SLIGHTLY more serious representation of Aloe's purpose.

    Macarons are Aloe's "trademark" favorite food. In some scenes I imagine in my head I like to have this in-joke where Vera only eats the red ones because "it just feels right".
    Uh ..um... Guys? I ... I really gotta confess something. Been afraid to for a while, because this confession has a really long story, like too long even for a thread, so, im just gonna come right out with it......

    I cannot at all stop thinking about wanting to experience sex....

    And, the thing is, this may sound really weird somehow, but, this is actually coming from physiological needs, on the sensory side.
    And you think this is unusual or shocking?
    It comes as a surprise to you?
    Ahh, well, honestly no, it's not that I m shocked or surprised by it. It's just something I haven't told the fam quite yet, or really anyone. Like I said above, it took a lot of courage to get it off my chest, if only because I've always been so used to outrageous reactions at commonplace thigs like that
    I thought it might be that you figure somebody else will be surprised by.
    I am so exhausted from today that my mother asked me what time it was earlier and for some reason I had a half asleep brainfart and just heard myself say "uhh I think it's half past the current time"
    Vera: "Sis... Why do families like Tyler's fight, like.... Every single day? Do they really hate each other?"

    Aloe: "No, lil' bro, they don't. They just don't remember how to love like everybody else does."

    Vera: "Oh.... Do you think they can remember?"

    Aloe: "Only if they remember what love is supposed to be."
    You remember those old game & watch games? Whenever I played those as a young child, I remember always feeling for some wildly strange reason like if I handled the system poorly and part of it broke somehow, the LCD characters would somehow escape the screen and start blipping around my house terrorizing me for "hurting" them. (Read: i used to have quite a few video game nightmares. Many were BAD.)
    Game & Watch primarily, those ones were less of "sensory nervous ess because the characters are made of calculator graphics and they have hovering limbs and bird-like mouths and only speak in ear-splitting honks and beeps" and more "this is kinda weird but look i beat my hi score"
    Tiger games left a bit more of a mark on my sensory issues because believe it or not a couple of them actually did give me nightmares. One particularly bad nightmare I had at 4 yrs. Old had me walking into the living room with all the lights off and my parents snoring in the bedroom while distant beeping from my own bedroom gave way to a blindingly bright "car" seemed to "drive" in and out of every room...
    And each time it got near me and I was in it's way, it would flicker and produce an illusory explosion, not as graphics from an R Zone game but a realistic one, though it didn't burn or anything.
    My little sister turned 14 today!!! Plans for celebrating it were... ugh... *thwarted* by.... ha, the good old Final Boss himself, wouldn't you know... but, I think I might have a plan somewhere in the back of my infinitely-gifted, kind of literally-magickal super-brain of mind to help make up for it :p
    Great news. May she have a fun filled day.
    You’re a sweet brother. I have a big brother, too. Big brothers are the best.
    @Rodafina D'aw, thanks! Lord knows I very much do my best to be, at least I do what I know how to do anyway.
    Castlevania: Bloodlines. Japanese version. 100 percent walkthrough by me. Coming soon?? Stay tuned n find out...
    Found some nice wax inside one of my d8 disposables. Never been able to feel Aloe's hugs like this before =W=

    Step 1: Smoke some delta 8.
    Step2: Go to YouTube and pull this song up, it's from an old arcade game Jungle Rapids had when I played there as a youngen.
    Step 3: Turn your headphones volume AND your phone volume ALL THE WAY UP.
    Step 4: JUST. LISTEN.
    Damneth thee, Heaven's God, that Ye holy hand doth not reach down to apprehend the treasurer of cruelty that be mine Father! For how does Man knoweth thy meaning of such wording, yet only to lye weeping unto this youth's poor pillow, while the moon, gibbous waxing, stares down and sheddeth nay of one teardrop?!
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