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  • Been rewatching an animated short I loved as a kid. Watching it again now... holy racist caricatures. Still, I've been able to download it so tomorrow it's getting hacked up into the bits that pass modern morals and eyes.
    The worse one for me is farting just as they step in. And you are the only one. Lol. So l am always trying to close those doors.
    Whenever I see a lift and no-one is around I push the buttons so people have to wait. It is important to look at the floor indicator first or you may get a sudden surprise.
    Misty Avich
    I'm too lazy to use the elevator! It takes too much waiting and pushing the right buttons. It's quicker to take the stairs (if you're able-bodied, of course).
    Currently thinking of peanut butter.
    I don't remember the last time I put peanut butter on anything.
    I just eat it from the jar.
    @tree , I did that because I haven't got anything for it to go on.
    My one weakness is fat peanut butter cookies, soft and comforting like my mom made. But l will never say no to chocolate chips. Then spring rolls dipped in peanut butter soy sauce mixture, l need those rice wrap thingingmijig to make that.
    Can we trust these two together? Looks like mischief making in progress.

    I think not! We've just had visitors and Dog V4 went into the bathroom. Shortly after there was a rattle. He was trying to pinch a sponge from the bottom of a bucket! Still, it makes a change from him whining for the card toilet roll centre! These are under the heading of 'permitted trashing'!
    You are a very patient person. But so is Dog V4! [in his own eyes] :tongueout:
    AHA! Found what I wanted. For those wondering this is a rotary cheese grate. It has to be an improvement over the one I broke last week! It does mushroom slicing too... hopefully.
    For many years we used an ancient tinplate grater until it kept going rusty in the dishwasher. It was still sharper than the ones that replaced it! The one I broke was a half blunt, plastic piece of junk. Worked well to start with then 'faded'. Dishwashers seem to 'kill' plastic utensils.
    Any alkaline environment like salt or soap will kill plastic. Anything with chlorine in it kills plastic even quicker.
    I used to like those, except they were harder to clean than a flat one (nothing a toothbrush can't handle). Haven't seen one in ages
    The search engine Argos have couldn't find it's own arse. A search for cheese grate produced results for rat poison and t-shirts. Even searching for electronics it fails to correctly show the products searched for!
    I didn't know what Argos was, so I had to look it up. I am now tempted to search for random products and see what kind of crap it comes up with lol
    One of my searches on Ebay had so many things prefixed with the - symbol which were irrelevant that I ran out of space. Always the problem when names get re-used for a totally different product! For those interested the search was for some pre-war Rotax car fog lamps.
    Argos is a very strange British store where they hide everything and you have to find what you are looking for on a little computer screen and pay for it. You are then given a number and when your number is called, they give you your purchase! Kinda like going to a dentist, but with consumer products lol! :)
    Currently somewhere under this deadly but colourful area.

    Gosh, that looks like it "may contain thunder"! :) Be safe!
    I've seen two strikes and a hell of a lot of flashes and even more rumbles. I'm glad that we didn't get the initially claimed 54mm+ of rain though! That would've meant wet feet for me!
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