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  • Trailer Prince https://trailerprince.com/ has improved navigation. I have added navigation buttons to complement the main menu...
    ...which sometimes doesn't work on browsers other than Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge for some reason. Scroll down the homepage and you will see the button menu.
    Also added are "next" buttons at the bottom of each page enabling one to click through the website in sequence without having to go back to the home page or relying on the top menu.
    Born down in a dead man's town/The first kick I took was when I hit the ground -Bruce Springsteen
    It's my birthday. I'm 47 today. Nobody cares, of course. Including me. Just a routine PSA.
    Not that I consciously do anything illegal, but there are always CHP officers on the I-5 flatlands north of Sacramento and in the Sacramento River Canyon looking for drug couriers. They stop any car they think might be carrying dope and try to invent an excuse to search it.
    Once I was stopped for a burnt out taillight and the cop kept trying to get me to contradict myself so he could search my car. I have to remember to keep from getting tripped up with stuff like my birthday and age.
    I care :) Happy Birthday!!
    I keep telling everyone I want to die, because society's toxicity has caused my spirit to feel...Disgusting. The more i try to cope with people like Maddog, the worse the toxicity feels.
    It's just.... Pointless. Pointless and meaningless. The truth is, honestly, I just really, really want to die so I can stop feeling the cruel, unforgiving sting of toxicity...
    I still believe in you.
    You are completely right uberscout.
    Thanksgiving is a cruel joke for many. Instead of cheer and togetherness, it means anger, hatred, and endless arguments.
    @watersprite A chocolate Santa from the local grocery store seasonal items aisle.
    I agree. Holidays in general just seem to be a setup for any family to fight over anything and everything.
    I'm looking at pictures today of people I loved who are all dead, cherish, forgive, apologize
    Mom is pulling out all the stops to try to stop the move, or at least make it into a "half move" where I spend a couple weeks here...
    So that's at least 3000 calories a day just to stay alive.
    4500 feet? Uh no, the land is more like 2800 feet. Yreka is 2500 feet, Hornbrook town itself is 2100. Yep, it's cold, but I tolerate cold far better than heat anyway. As for snow, I've been following the weather for several years, and snow levels tend to be around 3000 feet.
    There's really not much snow at land level anymore, and what falls tends to melt soon after the storm. I've seen radar images where the Shasta Valley, including up towards my land, is a blob of green (rain) in the middle of a blue (snow) sea. It used to be really snowy until global warming came along. In fact, AGW is a BIG reason for this whole thing.
    Well, the weather won't cooperate, so I'm putting the move off until at least January 2022. I don't want to battle holiday crowds.
    How does moving to rural property involve holiday crowds?
    There is 280 miles of freeway between here and there, and the freeway is the main north-south road on the US West Coast, so during the end of year holidays it is heavily traveled.
    The tiny home has electrical and water leak problems, and my uncle is helping his wife move into her new RV. So, Judgment Day is any guess.
    that’s unfortunate. Hope the issues aren’t too difficult & can get fixed up.
    3rd day without my Adderall, all because of California's unreasonable laws regarding "schedule medications".
    I encountered a similar issue with ADHD meds. The NHS GP said I can't get meds through the NHS because I had my ADHD diagnosis done privately. Seemed bizarre to me.
    Well, the US doesn't have anything like the UK NHS, but we do have strict controls on "schedule medications", basically anything that is considered a narcotic like amphetamine based ADHD meds and opioid pain meds. Some states are more strict than others. California is the strictest in the nation.
    BTW I managed to get my Adderall late yesterday, I managed to get my psychdoc to write a script. I will have to see a doctor every 30 days for a new script from now on.
    Try Google Chrome. It seems as if GoDaddy hosting has a problem with Firefox and second tier browsers like Pale Moon. So, Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge if you have a more recent version of Windows, 10 or 11. I have Linux on my PC so I have to use Chrome to access the websites I have with GoDaddy.
    I have to use Chrome just to log in to and use the GoDaddy site and to access the various dashboards they have.
    Thanks oregano, Good to know. I was going to use GoDaddy for my website & have now chsnged my mind.
    Judgment Day has been pushed back due to wet weather.
    I've lived through a lot of "end of the world" dates.
    @oregano Judgment Day??? Is that what you're calling moving day, now??
    Yes, that's what I've been calling it for quite a while. The end of one "world" and the beginning of a new one. My mom was telling me for so long that there was no way I could truly live on my own without her that I came to see moving as the ultimate "do or die". The direct inspiration for the term is the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991).
    Being up north for 3 days made me realize how toxic the Greater Bay Area has become to my mental health.
    You be Robinson Crusoe, I'll be Friday?
    Jefferson: T -7 days. One week from Monday I am going to place the footings for the tiny home.
    A week or two after I get back I will have it towed up there and placed on the blocks.
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