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  • "So this, I bestow thee, three folds times nine, your reality, your memories, they're all naught but MINE...'
    "You wake in they day, you dream in your slumber, but the deeds ye have done me, they rise up in number..."
    I think I'm ready to cast my first hex. And my first target? Maddog.
    You'll see, tree. Let's just say, when I'm done with him... the rabbit hole will be very different for him.
    What I am saying is that your attitude towards him varies on pretty regular basis. Nothing about your intentions.
    Here's my current attitude towards him: NEVER CROSS A WITCH!
    ...I'm taking photos of EVERYTHING around me and EVERYTHING I do so I can never be accused of excuse-making or lying ever again
    Wouldn't 24 hour video be more effective than still shots/photographs?
    Like Aladdin's Genie, my phone has iiiiiiitty bitty living space.
    Got accused of popping my own air mattress even though I wore sport shorts with no belt. Sick of this kind of crap so from now on...
    I CANNOT let Maddog find out or see it, though...he'll cut it open again and I'll spend another hour screaming. We'll get kicked out then.
    Update: Got more of it out, flooded it with peroxide this time cause these antibodies won't stop attacking it.
    Okay, I managed to squeeze more of it out and put some peroxide over the exit where it was oozing. Hopefully that'll send more antibodies.
    I can finally say I know what it's like to die. It's.....kinda like a boring dream where you can't breathe.
    The Cable Boys was white trash, lived over on Carver's Creek. They were mean as a snake and sneaky as a cat and belligerent when they speak.
    Going inactive indefinitely. I just don't feel like the same person I used to be. It feels like theres a different spirit in my body.
    What kind of spirit?
    Dissociative disorder, maybe? Possibly caused by all the stress in his life?
    Okay. Can you do something to release stress?
    How would I go about setting up a GoFundMe? Or is that against the rules to talk about on here...?
    Are you in the USA? If so, SSI would be more sustainable.
    I have SSI but I dont think it would support my intended goals.
    Feeling so hurt I can't even bring myself to get up to use the bathroom.
    That could pose problems after awhile....
    I know I said my quest for Japan starts today...but I think I chose the wrong time... ._.
    What are we doing tomorrow night brain? What else pinky? Try and take over the world.
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