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Everyday Life

I used to be oddly at ease with social settings, or at least with appearing at ease. I could be charming and polite and blah blah blah. Basically, everyone is always shocked to find out I have Aspergers. This was even true when I had just gotten back from New York. I tore up the entire town so...
1 min read
Everyday Life
I go to the same bar. I find it comforting. The people ignore me for the most part, but not this last time. Attractive people were flirting with me, and trying to make normal conversation. I drank more, I could feel my eyes dart around. The words coming out of their mouths was just meaningless...
2 min read
Everyday Life
I share all about all brain-freezing things in life, from business, sports to even... buses. I aspire to complete an accounting certification, preferably the Chartered Public Accountant (CPA) . Some of the time, I share a few thoughts on economics, management and financial matters. I...
4 min read
Everyday Life
Earlier this week on facebook one of The Netherlands? philosophy programs put a query? they do have those daily on facebook, to spark debate and argument and I usually chip in. This one was a tad interesting though. One of our nations universities (Universiteit van Utrecht) is going to...
5 min read
Everyday Life
I always have a powerful vision guiding me that whatever I do should lead me to a sense of completion, in whatever things I do. I value completion because my purpose is to empower the society as a whole. The society should give hope to all, through continuous tangible and measurable progress. I...
I decided to start my personal blog here as I did in the russian asperger's community. So, I started from the short description of myself an my life. "Scaramouche" is a name of one of the clown characters from the french Comedia dell'Arte. I choosed it due to interest to the Renaissance times...
My mother is always unhappy with me going out in the same boyish outfit every day ? T-shirt, fitted hat, long shorts and overly-colorful sneakers. She says if I wear like this every day, I?ll never find a girlfriend. I just said, ?okay?? I know better, though. I?d rather spend a ton on...
6 min read
Everyday Life
Only because blog posts on here only allow one video blog entry.. RUBBISH! If you wanna read them all and see the videos I've posted (which are awesome btw) go HERE 26/08/2012 Possibly having Asperger's Syndrome. Although I feel I'm having less freak outs, tantrums and low times, both...
1 min read
Everyday Life
Working Twice As Hard To Be Seen As Half Normal - Blogs - Aspies Central - Asperger's Syndrome and Autism Forums I do not agree that I should work to be half normal. If normalcy is our goal, and we know when we did our best, we'll only achieve half normalcy, then it's really something to...
7 min read
Everyday Life
Felt the need to get this out. I think this will help my friends and family understand a little bit of why I am the way I am. I am still not exactly comfortable saying that I do have autism, or what type, or to what extent, without a diagnosis; even if I was, that doesn't give most people much...
I feel like there is no "planet" that i belong to other then being on one totally by myself. No matter where I go to try to talk to others that have the same interests as me, i never really feel like i am "part of the group". i always feel like i am on the outside looking in, watching the world...
My closest friend is my sister. We've always been close, but many times she has mentioned that she only put up with me because I'm her sister, and if we weren't related we probably wouldn't be friends. I admit, I complain a lot, and I'm incapable of reading in between the lines, I don't listen...
2 min read
Everyday Life
I had always been highly motivated in everything I do. This is especially true, more so for a few causes I really believe in. They are: (1) Ensure appropriate education in mainstream environments, e.g. schools and universities (2) Bringing an inclusive workplace in Singapore that accepts...
I hope that we have a lot of social contacts to work on, but that we work on our individual selves. The dream of 'By Aspies For Aspies' is outmoded, because what is the good of having only Aspies? Surely the world is much more larger than merely Aspies, although we're somewhat oppressed. But...
3 min read
Everyday Life
Our utopia: The weather is cool at around 50 to 70 degree Fahrenheit (or 10 to 20 or so degree Celsius) around the year, sunny almost all the time, the water is plentiful with no water restrictions in the summer, there are no floods, no earthquakes, the occasional wildfire that is effectively...
3 min read
Everyday Life
My interests include looking at current and future developments in Singapore (and other countries), and see how we can develop our cities, where more than 50% of the gloabl population lives, to see how can we make our cities more liveable. Zoning is not the solution. The solution would be having...
I not entirely certain I understand friendship either, in the most popular sense, after all were supposed to excuse the behavior of these certain few people and not behave in certain ways with them because we are closer to those people we call friends than we are to the ones we define as...
2 min read
Everyday Life
Money is the currency of modeRn life though it isn't the currency of love. I always hear complaints that he hasn't got enough money to have a girlfriend and a house. I'm also concerned that many of us do indeed worry about having no money left to feed our families even in Singapore...
4 min read
Everyday Life
......................... So then Monday came around and I kept her off school, if i'd have sent her in no doubt she would have had a meltdown, plus her soiling had become worse, it was every 30 mins now. I called the doctor to check how high a dose she can have of movicol with her kidney...
7 min read
Everyday Life
Had a terrible week of meltdowns and tantrums(me and my daughter). Last Tuesday(not yesterday) she came home from school and was in a bit of a mood, I could tell something was brewing and that she was upset, I asked how her day was but got a usual "it was alright". She didn't want to play she...
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