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Blog entries by Spinning Compass

Spinning Compass
3 min read
We've all heard about how law enforcement agencies use psychics to solve crimes, right? Well, twenty years ago, I got to see how that worked, sort of. If the circumstances hadn't been so tragic, it might have even been a comedy of errors. Because it certainly didn't work out the way it does...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
Well, it looks like I am going to have to wait until next week to find out why Paul had Timothy circumcised as Pastor is still preaching from Acts 15. I actually am starting to feel a bit better about this church. Mind you, I am still agnostic, I haven't answered the "altar call" and don't...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
One of the things I have noticed about physicists is that they get paid an awful lot of money for just sitting around thinking of weird things the rest of us don't. Recently I came across Maxwell's Demon, which apparently is one of the most famous thought experiments in modern physics. James...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
Once again I am reading ahead just to see what next Sunday's sermon is about. A lot is happening in Chapter 16. First of all, Paul has acquired a new partner, Timothy, who is half Jewish and half Greek. Now there's a story right there, how Timothy's parents met and married seeing the two...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
Yesterday the pastor started off his sermon on Acts 15 along the same lines as the blog I wrote the other day. He spoke of the Jerusalem Council and how councils decided matters of doctrine (at least for the first 3 or 4 centuries). But then he stopped and switched gears. Go on, go on, I...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
Once again I decided to read ahead to see what material we will be covering this Sunday. We are now up to Chapter 15. Our heroes are back in Antioch in Syria when they get word that some rival preachers are in town and are going around telling the male Gentile converts they have to be...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
I see that Harold Camping has said that he miscalculated the date of the Last Judgment and Rapture and that it is now for sure going to be October 21. Myself, I think it is either going to be February 30 or 31. You can pick the year. According to the New Testament, one of the signs of the...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
The most influential person in my life was someone I never met. I didn't even know his name until I reached high school and had to read his novel Walden Two. I am talking about B. F. Skinner. B. F. Skinner was a behavioralist in the grand tradition of Ivan Pavlov. You know, the guy who rang...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
Well, it is as I somewhat suspected. I have wandered into a nest of Calvinists. This is not too surprising as Calvinism is pretty influential in this area. For those of you who don't know much about the Reformation, John Calvin and Martin Luther were contemporaries. Luther was the one who...
Today's sermon was about worshiping idols. The problem that I, as a person with Asperger's, have with that concept is that as it is currently defined it is so broad-based to be almost meaningless, and open to numerous interpretations and manipulations. First of all, what is idolatry...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
Well, I decided to jump ahead a little bit and see what our friends Paul and Barnabas are going to be up to next week in Chapter 14 of Acts, and as it turns out they are going to be quite busy. Among other things, they heal a man who has been unable to walk since birth and are mistaken for gods...
I should have known. Paul and Barnabas are fleeing for their lives, and guess who is responsible? Who is always responsible, according to the New Testament? The Jews! That's who! Always the Jews. Seems like they had nothing better to do back then than to stir up trouble--and I mean big...
About a year ago I rescued a Persian cat that someone had thrown out. I saw her when I was coming home from work one day. She was crossing the road and turned to look at me with the saddest expression I ever saw. Her coat was so bedraggled, it was obvious she'd been on her own for some time...
Lately I have been watching season 2 of the delightful British series "Lark Rise to Candleford", and also reading Upton Sinclair's "Oil" (which the movie "There Will Be Blood" was based on). Now "Lark Rise" is set in the 1880's and "Oil" opens in the year 1912. Only 30 years separates them but...
One day the Apostle Paul and his companions were walking along a dusty road in what is now Turkey when all of a sudden a bright light shone around them and Paul fell to the ground. When he awoke, his companions were nowhere to be seen. Instead, he found himself in a city. But it was like no...
When we last left our merry band of apostles they were all down at Cornelius' villa on the Mediterranean enjoying a pig roast and potluck and eating all kinds of things they'd never thought of eating before. Since then there have been some big changes. Peter is now out of the picture and the...
I have been watching a series of videos entitled "The Elegant Universe" about the quest to find a theory of everything. Now, math is definitely not my strongest subject and I get hung up even thinking about atoms and their constituent parts, so this is way over my head. If I understand the...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
It is funny how life seems to run in patterns sometimes. The other day I blogged about a sermon I heard that disturbed me because I thought it was sending misleading messages about communicating with people, and today my employer held a class on listening skills! It was called "Listening in a...
Well, I returned to the little church I have been attending off and on, and at first it started pretty encouraging. I was talking to one of the members about my conflict between faith and science and how it relates to my Aspergers. It turns out he is a teacher and has several Asperger students...
Thinking about Lamentations has made me start thinking of Job. Personally, I think Job is far and away the most subversive book in the Bible. I am really surprised that it made the final cut for both the Jewish and Christian versions, because if you read it carefully, it turns a lot of...
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