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Blog entries by Spinning Compass

Spinning Compass
3 min read
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Everyday Life
I want to let everyone know that I have no hard feelings over the censorship incident that happened last month with my blog. But I think in a way it was a good thing, because it has freed me up to work on a project that is really important to me. Those of you who have been following me know...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
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A while back at church I was asked to write a short article for the newsletter about the anti-racism discussion group I had participated in. The other members had all had their turn and now it was mine. So I wrote what was in my heart, even though I knew that some of the things I had to say...
Spinning Compass
2 min read
A while back someone told me that I did not know anything about GLBT issues because I said that the transgender phenomena, like vegetarianism and other diets, was a sign of of an affluent society; that people who are really poor do not have the luxury of focusing on being picky about food or...
Spinning Compass
2 min read
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Everyday Life
In my last blog I talked about how the protests over Ferguson and other instances of police brutality may actually be working against poor communities of color by discouraging investment in or near those communities. I talked about how one large historically African-American inner-city...
We've been hearing a lot about police brutality lately in the wake of what has happened in Ferguson and other places. While I agree that police brutality is an issue that needs to be addressed, and some communities have been addressing it long before Ferguson, there is another issue that is not...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
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This morning I went to court with my neighbors to see what it was like and to pass out information to my fellow tenants who had been served with past due/eviction notices over the weekend. It was a very interesting experience and I learned some valuable information. One is, make sure you have...
Spinning Compass
2 min read
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Everyday Life
You will never guess who called me when I got home from work tonight? My long-lost missing landlord (or his representative!) We had quite the interesting chat about how the billing arrangements are done regarding utilities. The bottom line is that he has verbally promised me that I no longer...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
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Everyday Life
A while back, as many of you may remember, I was out looking at houses to buy but was unable to find anything that I could afford. And by afford, I mean not just the payments but everything else that goes along with owning a house. About a month or so ago, a "friend" suggested that I start...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
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Everyday Life
When I was much younger, I was a pro-life activist. I picketed, I marched, I wrote letters. I believed that I was involved in a good cause, a worthy cause. And then something happened that made me cut all public ties to the pro-life movement. I still consider myself pro-life, but I do not...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
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Other Disorders
The other day I was talking to my mom about the ongoing issues with the trailer park and the possibility that I might have to move. The trouble is there aren't many places around here that I can afford. She said, "Well, what about your Aspergers? Couldn't you get help with that?" I said...
Spinning Compass
4 min read
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Everyday Life
A few weeks ago I wrote about microexclusions, which are similar to microaggressions. Another word for both would be generally thoughtless, clueless behavior which makes others feel uncomfortable and unwelcome. Because I fall into the high end of the low-income scale, I tend to notice the many...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
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Everyday Life
A big problem I have with so-called "children's stories" like "Ten Thousand Dresses" or "Heather Has Two Mommies", or even a recent one that came out in my state, "My Parents Open Carry" is that they are propaganda masquerading as children's stories. They may have been written at a child's...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
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Other Disorders
Yesterday I wrote about a children's story I heard at church that disturbed me very much. The message of the story seemed to be that people should always be themselves and that they should always be loved and accepted, no matter what. In this case, it was about a boy who despite all evidence...
In my church, it is customary for the children to be read a short story before they are dismissed to their classes. The pictures are shown on an overhead screen so that everyone can see what the story is about. I usually enjoy this part of the service, but not the story chosen last Sunday. It...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
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Everyday Life
The other day, at my art association meeting, the subject came up of a member having a private showing in his home. When his address was mentioned, another member said, "That's a beautiful neighborhood." Now, there are a lot of things you can say about my neighborhood but "beautiful" is not...
I just got off the phone with a woman from a state government office in Lansing, and it is not good news. The park is not required to have a manager, either on site or off. The park is not required to have leases. It appears we are on a month-to-month lease. As far as the meter readings are...
Well, I went to see the lawyer yesterday, and it was somewhat of a disappointment. For one thing, he did not seem very interested in wanting to talk to me and seemed anxious to have the interview come to an end. Probably because it was a "free" consultation. He did give me a phone number to...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
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Everyday Life
Well, I heard back from the power company and their response was exactly as I expected. "We are so sorry to hear of your problem . . . but you will have to take it up with your landlord as it is a tenant/landlord issue . . . also, we do not have your address in our database." What part of "the...
Spinning Compass
3 min read
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I was listening to NPR the other day and since there is an election coming up, of course that was the big subject. Their reporters were interviewing a woman out in Colorado about the issues she was concerned about. She lives in a community that has seen much better days, and like so many of...
I finally got ahold of the Employee Assistance people. Either I had jotted down the wrong number or it was given to me incorrectly. Which was a relief. I was getting seriously worried there with this cruise ship survey business. Anyway they gave me the name of a local lawyer. Guess what...
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