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Would aspies be interested in a companion doll?

Hi guys and girls,

I am going to be really very honest here. I have a problem with relationships. I have a problem with touching people and to be intimate with people. Do you also have that problem?

What do you guys (and girls) think of an companion doll where you can have sex with too? I bought myself the doll from the picture and even though i am a woman myself, i still have a lot of fun with her.

I'm just a little ashamed to talk about this to other people. Am i weird? Would other people also be interested in a companion doll? Or is it just me who is crazy?


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When I was a kid, I was always making companions to talk to. I built a "robot boy" out of my Tinkertoys once. Another time I carefully got a clothes hanger and some rope to put together some thrown out clothes to make a "person" I could spend time with. And I had quite a few different stuffed critters to confide in. As far as getting kinky with any of them or one designed for such things, no. I don't trust my luck I wouldn't have somebody nosy come along and then I'd be stuck trying to explain it as innocently as possible!
Hehe....yes a lot of people would not understand that you have a sex doll in your house. They think that you are so weird. (and they already would think that anyway with or without the doll).

But anyway, i live alone so that is no problem for me. My imaginative friend is actually quite real. Her body and her hair are really real. It was quite an investment by the way this doll. They are not so cheap, but you really get something nice in return.

I was just wondering whether there are more people like me.
She's very pretty. I probably would go with one of those plasticy/rubbery kinds too instead of a blow-up doll. I imagine those would squeak too much when moved about. Heh, given my mad scientist side, I'd probably look into crocheting a mannequin and then stuff her with cotton and beads. And the gears are already turning about cotton to bead ratios...
...Real people have sex with me... but on topic, your doll is horrifying

my dolls aren't sex dolls, and most of them fit in my hand, and are children...
Have you ever seen the movie Lars and the Real Girl? That movie describes the very notion your talking about, except imagining if the neighborhood acted as though the doll were a real person. Only difference is in the movie it was a hetero relationship
I plan on buying one if I can't find a compatible girlfriend by the time I can afford a doll like that. They are really expensive. The women in my area are very snubby and I rather just have a doll, even though I'd prefer an actual girlfriend. How much did you pay for that doll?
Hi guys and girls,

I am going to be really very honest here. I have a problem with relationships. I have a problem with touching people and to be intimate with people. Do you also have that problem?

What do you guys (and girls) think of an companion doll where you can have sex with too? I bought myself the doll from the picture and even though i am a woman myself, i still have a lot of fun with her.

I'm just a little ashamed to talk about this to other people. Am i weird? Would other people also be interested in a companion doll? Or is it just me who is crazy?

In public, most private things seem odd. I don't personally have an intimacy issue but I will say that the plethora of sex toys on the open market demonstrate that you aren't alone and should not feel ashamed. Most people seem to get hung up on the idea of a full-bodied sex toy (as opposed to a disembodied flesh-like genital sculpture) because of culture and what they believe it may represent (sexual dysfunction, interpersonal failures, inanimate personification, other taboo interests, etc.).

My only concern is whether a full-body sex accessory will help or harm your aforementioned intimacy issues, long term.
At times I wonder if I'm even antisocial enough for even a doll to just pack her stuff and leave :') (granted, that would make up for a hilarious skit)

I never really found much appeal in a doll like that, but perhaps it also depends on what you're looking for in terms of companionship. I think I'd rather settle with the opposite of this, much like in that movie She (a computer to have conversations with and be your friend; rather than a doll that's just there for physical stimuli).
I have not had the same idea as you but I am very happy that you found a companion that makes you happy. There was a documentary about men who had chosen RealDolls. They are incredibly life-like and about $5,000USD. I think relationships are important and finding companionship is an important thing. In my life, objects have become friends and it has been hard to see them go. I think as this thread goes on you will find others who have gotten dolls or who think it might be a good idea for them. I do not think you are alone. There must be many others since the companies who produce dolls continue.

I hope you celebrate birthdays and memories. Maybe you two could even get a pet. I think time spent together could be very nice and I can't see any harm. Being with other people, can be quite harmful. I think as long as you choose your companions carefully and do your best to be happy, it's all you can do.
i plan to get a giant teddy bear & use it as a sex toy,because it's the closest thing to sex that i'll ever get.i've always seen them as full-bodied sex toys.
The doll in the picture is very pretty. As with everything else, I only know of the silly blow up dolls of the past, I have no idea about how the technology has evolved in 20 years to make something more realistic. I'd like to see what's out there. $5000 is a lot, but several relationships have cost me more than that (each), plus a lot of stress and headache. Sure I'd rather be with a real person but I've been around the block plenty of times and the problems outweigh the advantages, so I'm not doing that anymore. So I wouldn't worry about it wrecking future love life.

I've thought about one before. Even when I was a kid, I used to wonder if I saved all the bits of skin that I peeled from my fingers, if I could compact it down into some realistic doll. Now I know it wouldn't work because it would decompose.
I think there are other people like yourself who don't like touching at all, but it's a small number.

There are quite a few people who like to build up with the touching because the feeling of rejection can be unbearable and a lack of knowledge of diseases, drugs possibly, and what kind of risk tolerances one can have and what options you have can all play a role too.
I did quite a bit of reading as a subject new to me I had to learn all about. First I got creeped out at the sight of removable heads but I got over it. Looks like a good median price is $2000. And apparently the cheaper TPE material is more realistic, but it can leak its oils if not stored properly. I was quite surprised at all the brands that are out there. Yes there are a lot of barbie doll types with ridiculous proportions, but they do make more normal ones, for example a 40 something gal with a tummy. They also weigh a lot as they have steel frames and joints, some weigh almost as much as a real person.

I don't know. It'd be a big investment and if I was to get one down the road, I'd have to at least see one for real first. It wouldn't even be so much a sex toy. More like a cuddlebug at night, or maybe a hand to hold on rides into the middle of nowhere. If it gives me better sleep quality then it'd be beneficial. I've never had the imagination for any kind of roleplay so there's no way I could have a relationship with it. I read that something like 50% don't even buy them for sex.

I could see the advantage for aspies in particular who like and need a lot of alone time. When you want something that resembles human contact, you have it. When you don't it goes away with no issue. It'd be difficult or not very nice to treat another person that way.
I don't mind admitting that I have a hugging pillow. I need to curl up with and cuddle something to get me to sleep. I don't talk to it. :)

A dakimakura, or hugging pillow, is surely a lot more comfortable to sleep with, than a cold, hard, rubbery mannequin (I imagine).
It would be much easier to keep private too, since it's a pillow; and also much easier to dispose of it discreetly when the time comes.
The pillowcase can have your favourite fictional character on it instead of it being some total stranger like the rubber doll, although it probably doesn't matter what it looks like when the lights are off. ;)
And you can spend the other $4,960 on pot. :eek:
Hi guys and girls,

I am going to be really very honest here. I have a problem with relationships. I have a problem with touching people and to be intimate with people. Do you also have that problem?

What do you guys (and girls) think of an companion doll where you can have sex with too? I bought myself the doll from the picture and even though i am a woman myself, i still have a lot of fun with her.

I'm just a little ashamed to talk about this to other people. Am i weird? Would other people also be interested in a companion doll? Or is it just me who is crazy?
I would love a gay male one
Have you ever seen the movie Lars and the Real Girl? That movie describes the very notion your talking about, except imagining if the neighborhood acted as though the doll were a real person. Only difference is in the movie it was a hetero relationship
I have not seen that movie, but I think I will look for it if you think it's worth watching. :)

One of my favourite movies that I have talked about before on this forum is the Japanese movie Air Doll, which is about the experiences of an inflatable sex doll who becomes conscious and sets out to explore the world, and life, while her "owner" is out at his work.
I originally thought it was going to be a freaky creepy J-horror and a bit of fun, but it is philosophical and really very good.
It's relatable. I, too, am confused by the human world, and find it to be too sad. I, too, can walk around and pass for human if I keep my distance from others, but I'm not like normal people on the inside, just like her. I feel alone and very vulnerable.
This movie always moves me. It's a very sad story, but it's also very beautiful, well written, photographed and edited.
I don't think I need warn anyone the movie contains adult themes, which are necessary and justified, not for shock or titillation.
The soundtrack is beautiful and sad, with music box and Christmas sounds, much like parts of the Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryoko soundtrack I love so much (and was just listening to a moment ago).
I feel I am getting way off topic though.. :oops:

So anyway here's a short fun video about the joy that new dakimakura can bring! :D
This relates to my post about how the dakimakura pillowcase is themed with a specific fictional character, which one can already feel a strong connection with.
(I actually want a dakimakura of this same character too, but I had my eye on a different design. One side is the same as the one I want though!)
You Watanabe is a great character because she's like just the ideal best friend, but you'd have to be a "loveliver" to get that. :)

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