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What’s your opinion on the new Little Mermaid movie?


I’m personally not a fan of it, probably because I grew up with old Disney movies and 80s/90s movies. I’m a bit biased, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

I have boycotted Disney ever since they sued Dan O'Neil for a clear parody, about 40 years ago.
I don’t like the new movie because of her race, but because many people grew up with a different version of Ariel. She has had her same appearance since 1989. I think Disney should have created their own black mermaid as a new Disney princess. Along the line, they could have a crossover with Ariel and the new mermaid Disney princess. Disney has proven that they can make new Disney princesses that become a huge success.

For example, Moana, Elsa, Raya, etc. I would have liked that idea much more than what they did. I’m not racist because she’s black it has nothing to do with that. I found this detailed explanation on this topic on YouTube. I’m gonna link it if anyone is interested. This topic is explained much better.

Haven't seen it. Don't plan to. Irritates me that all they can think to do is live-action versions of classic animated movies. Create new stuff, don't mess with perfection.
I’m personally not a fan of it, probably because I grew up with old Disney movies and 80s/90s movies. I’m a bit biased, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

Got the same problem. Grew up with the old ones not a fan of the new ones. Never liked live action versions of them anyway.
No opinion because I'll never watch it. I have the book written by H.C.Andersen and the cartoon made in 1989; it would be superfluous. Hollywood is nothing but a degenerate hive of scum and villainy. There's very little put out that even peaks my interest.
Not going to watch it in theaters. Trailer didnt seem interesting and the reviews have been bad. Might watch on Disney Plus to atleast give it a chance. But in general not a big fan of the remakes. Beauty and the beast was quite good. But I hated the lion king for ruining the songs. Also. The best way to describe the difference between the animated and 'life action' for me is the scene where Mufasa dies. I cry every time it happens in the animated movie. Even if I watch it 3 times in a row. But in theaters In was just sitting there without a single sad feeling during the life action scene.
Haven't seen it. Don't plan to. Irritates me that all they can think to do is live-action versions of classic animated movies. Create new stuff, don't mess with perfection.
It's strange to me that anyone acts like those movies are sacred, let alone good or even "perfect" lol They were blatant cash grabs at the time. And they can keep making these live-action remakes without taking anything away from the originals. I'm a diehard Disney devotee and I don't see the issue. Do you really like the original that much? You think it's perfect? Have you always felt that way? Or do you only care now because it's a hot-button issue?
Great to hear your daughter and you enjoyed it! This gives me a little more hope to watch it when it is brought to disney+. I still think I will feel slightly different because of nostalgia. But my children might like it because they haven`t seen the animated movie too often. (their mother is not a fan so other films are often picked over it)

Going to the theater with your kids is amazing, especially if both they and you enjoy the movie. My family and I are all fans of MCU, me pre endgame mcu mostly, and we can`t wait for them to be old enough to join us.
It's strange to me that anyone acts like those movies are sacred, let alone good or even "perfect" lol They were blatant cash grabs at the time. And they can keep making these live-action remakes without taking anything away from the originals. I'm a diehard Disney devotee and I don't see the issue. Do you really like the original that much? You think it's perfect? Have you always felt that way? Or do you only care now because it's a hot-button issue?
Eventhou I personally prefer the animated versions of all the movies that have gotten a remake I can also see the appeal to some of them. My kids generally love the remakes. The only issue I have with some of the more recent disney projects are the choices that make little sense other than being inclusive. Like a character that has pigmentation caused by sun over many many years and generations. But the character lives in a place where there is no sun. Like the animated versions at the time these are also meant to be cash grabs. Sadly for Disney it isn`t working this time. Because of above mentioned reasons and rejection from the masses.
It's strange to me that anyone acts like those movies are sacred, let alone good or even "perfect" lol They were blatant cash grabs at the time. And they can keep making these live-action remakes without taking anything away from the originals. I'm a diehard Disney devotee and I don't see the issue. Do you really like the original that much? You think it's perfect? Have you always felt that way? Or do you only care now because it's a hot-button issue?

You find it strange that people who dislike change, dislike things being changed, yet accuse someone else of having involvement because of it being a "hot button issue"?

And what do you mean it was a blatant cash grab at the time? The cartoon, while having significant differences from the book, at least followed the form of the book.

This movie does not, which is what makes it a money grab, not simply by being made.

Your response was an odd virtue signal combined with projection and reminded me of James Surowiecki, author of "Wisdom of Crowds" complaining about people changing their arguments "on the fly" as if "on the fly" change isn't how crowds function. So do crowds have wisdom or are they irrational for changing on the fly?
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You find it strange that people who dislike change, dislike things being changed, yet accuse someone else of having involvement because of it being a "hot button issue"?

And what do you mean it was a blatant cash grab at the time? The cartoon, while having significant differences from the book, at least followed the form of the book.

This movie does not, which is what makes it a money grab, not simply by being made.

Your response was an odd virtue signal combined with projection and reminded me of James Surowiecki, author of "Wisdom of Crowds" complaining about people changing their arguments "on the fly" as if "on the fly" change isn't how crowds function.

So do crowds have wisdon or are they irrational for changing on the fly?
It was a money grab in the way that movies made during late 1980 till late 1990 were simply made to make disney populair again. They were made with the least amount of cost for the most amount of profit possible at the time.
Personally I would not like to call them cash grabs, but I think Folio used that work because of the above reasons.
The rest of his post is simply just a question to make you think about your opinion. It is a trap we all fall for all the time. As mentioned above there are actual reasons for me why I dislike this remake, or other projects disney has made over the last couple of years. But it is very easy to expand your dislike of something because of the opinions repeated by others without having actually thought about those opinion themselves. It might be because the comment was not aimed at me. But I think that is what the poster's intentions were.
So I've been rewatching Taskmaster (which I thoroughly recommend) and Greg Davies says something that I couldn't agree more with:

Greg: "I think we can all agree that the musical is a loathsome art form, can't we?"
Tim: "I like musicals. I think they're sort of uplifting and weird."
Greg: "Oh, I think they're sickening. I can't truly be the friend of anyone who likes them."

Which I know is for comedic effect, but musicals are one of my red flags. I know we should be of the mindset of each to their own which I commend and try to live by, and my intolerance is very obtuse and immature. But honestly, musicals infuriate and sicken me, and I really can't put myself in other people's shoes when something triggers me so much.

As a child I used to skip past the songs in Disney films. The old Robin Hood Disney film I seem to recall only had 1 or 2 songs, and by default that became my favourite.

It was a money grab in the way that movies made during late 1980 till late 1990 were simply made to make disney populair again. They were made with the least amount of cost for the most amount of profit possible at the time.
Personally I would not like to call them cash grabs, but I think Folio used that work because of the above reasons.
The rest of his post is simply just a question to make you think about your opinion. It is a trap we all fall for all the time. As mentioned above there are actual reasons for me why I dislike this remake, or other projects disney has made over the last couple of years. But it is very easy to expand your dislike of something because of the opinions repeated by others without having actually thought about those opinion themselves. It might be because the comment was not aimed at me. But I think that is what the poster's intentions were.

Fair enough, I suppose.

Personally, working in Intellectual Property, I'd like to see more cultures start suing these companies for bastardizing their Cultural Heritage.

I had a drink in celebration of Egypt filing suit against Netflix for making Cleopatra black instead of Greek and Persian, which she was, and marketing the movie as if she were black in fact.

They did this despite it being the case that literally no one who knows anything about the Ptolemaic dynasty could possibly believe that. Until Netflix, 0 people in the know, were debating the clearly written description of looks and lineage of the Egyptian Pharaoh.

What Netflix is doing is a blatant money grab using the stupid identity politics of today as the catalyst to create controversy to get people to go watch it, and I hope they lose a lot of money because of it.

H.C. Anderson's book, The Little Mermaid, comes from a specific time and culture and as such that form should be followed, or else they should be sued for stealing of Cultural IP.
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Fair enough, I suppose.

Personally, working in Intellectual Property, I'd like to see more cultures start suing these companies for bastardizing their Cultural Heritage. I had a drink in celebration of Egypt filing suit against Netflix from making Cleopatra black instead of Greek and Persian and marketing the movie as if she were black. This being the case despite literally no one who knows anything about the Ptolemaic dynasty could possibly believe that. Until Netflix, 0 people in the know, were debating the clearly written description of looks and lineage of the Egyptian Pharaoh.

What Netflix is doing is a blatant money grab using stupid identity politics of today as the catalyst and I hope they get taken to the cleaners over it.

H.C. Anderson's book, The Little Mermaid, comes from a specific time and culture and as such that form should be followed, or else they should be sued for stealing of Cultural IP.
I feel the same way when change is done for the sake of being inclusive. Especially because the inclusiveness only seems to be geared towards 2 groups of people. While excluding others. This does not always have to be the case when race is changed. For example Nick Fury. And not because it is mr. Jackson. But there is no reasoning against the change. But we are getting way of track. Let's try to get back to the topic and see what people thought about the movie this post is about.
I haven't seen the movie but I have seen the original little mermaid a few times. She is sitting on a stone in Denmark, she has been sitting there since 1913. It's a bronze statue, back in the 1960s someone actually stole her head. Denmark was in an uproar. It was never recovered and a new head had to be made. Then someone stole her arm in the 80s and then her head again in the 90s. She has had a rough life.

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Haven't seen it, but have heard and read about it. Would I give it a go? Sure, but having grown up with the original animated versions of Disney's live-action remakes I'm biased towards those. I'd recommend that people watch both the originals and the remakes to see where their tastes lie and, well, because why not?

I'm aware of the small but very vocal minority of people who will slam this film for a certain reason, which is a shame. I say if you're going to criticize a work, you should be looking at the whole and not the bits you find triggering because of whatever biases you've got.
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I’m personally not a fan of it, probably because I grew up with old Disney movies and 80s/90s movies. I’m a bit biased, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

They did black-washing. What I dislike is that in the media the only thing that seems to matter is a person's skin colour. We used to be more progressive, this is going backwards...
I had to google live-action remake, it says "Live action is a form of cinematography or videography that uses photography instead of animation". So it's a movie..? They just make a movie based on a cartoon? Seems overly complicated to call it live action remake.
Are you guys seriously hating on the film because the actress they cast was black? Well, here's a shocker- the entire cast was multi ethnic.

Do you not remember Cinderella, from the 1990s, starring Brandi? That was a wonderful film.

The movie had zero and I mean zero political or social stuff in it. It was a children's movie about a very feminine, very curious and innocent teenage mermaid, who falls in love with a human. Nothing else.

I strongly suggest giving it a try.

I don't think it is because she is black, I think the problem people have is that Hollywood is remaking the classics and changing them. And they could just make a new mermaid movie with black people if they wanted to, they don't have to make a copy of an old cartoon and change certain things. Hollywood is also disburbingly hung-up on skin color. Everything is about that now.

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