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what's your aspie cave, present or someday?


Well-Known Member
i have 2 things I'd like to do. Buy a used u haul, and retrofit it to be an RV I can live in. And the other one is to live on a boat
Funny that you mention RVs. My husband took me out to look at RVs just last week. He has a dream of buying one & spending a lot of time driving to national parks all over Canada & the USA after he retires. He prefers the smaller sized ones but since there are 2 of us, I know I'd go insane in something small. We saw some big ones with expandable sides that you can virtually live in. They had all the comforts of a 5 star hotel suite. The price tags were daunting & the cost of fuel wouldn't be cheap either BUT compared to the kinds of resort/hotels I like, it would cost less in the long run. Plus, you can always get them slightly used because, as with car freaks, many RV freaks like to change models almost every year when they see the new ones.

As for my Aspie cave, I have several idead. I'll have to think a little about which one I want to write about here.
I once thought about an RV as well. Probably more to turn it into a mobile musicstudio as well as a place to live. But looking at the cost of a decent RV, it costs me the same as a house... yikes.

But I don't drive, so that's not going to work anyway.

I stumbled upon this recently; Mobile Living: The Unicat : TreeHugger

For 2 people I don't know.. but on your own... it's totally awesome.

Since I'm moving out "soon"... within the next year probably, I'm looking options and what works for me. If anything; and money would not be an issue, I'd like to have a detachted house/place with a workshop on the bottom floor and a 2 or 3 room appartment on top. That way I wouldn't have to cram my hobby stuff in a single room or shed and be short on space for both storing and working on projects.

On a more serious note though; detached or really, really, really sound proof. I'd hate to live my life with earplugs in because neighbours are noisy and/or if I can hear them going up the stairs. I need a place that's totally devoid of possible distractions. Pipes isolated enough so I can't hear running water would be a start.

Aside from a bit of practical issues... I lived my life pretty much in a 9 by 12 foot room and I don't really need a lot more space than that. I'm quite efficient with putting my stuff in here. Yes, I use a kitchen and bathroom I share with my parents, but let's include that here as a room + kitchen + bathroom by means of "living". I'm totally fine with having my "hovel" as a place where I sleep, live and maybe even eat. I do end up going in the backyard sometimes for practical reasons that I cannot use spraypaints indoors... unless I have industrial grade ventilation. But looking at it; I think a 2 room appartment would be totally fine for me. Chances are I wouldn't use the rooms as intended either. One hobby room as a sort of workshop, and one as that so called "hovel". A big practical issue I don't run into a lot right now is storage for non "me" things. We have a giant fridge in the basement and one in the shed (as well as one in the kitchen). So we're rarely "out of stock"... such things might require a bit of adapting for me to deal with a single fridge and all, but storage capacity all over in the house is based on an entire family, not a single person... quite sure I couldn't afford to fill 3 fridges on a weekly basis either, lol.

A while ago I also considered moving in with an aspie friend. We had some plans which were totally fine. Those included a "minimal" living thing where we'd have our own bedroom and a giant shared lounge, as well as throwing our instruments and gear together for a studio in the basement.

But yeah... based on how I live right now, I don't think I want it a lot different. Having a house of my own (even rented) annoys me already in terms of "heating bills" and occupying all rooms... I don't even have stuff for that many rooms, lol Nor do I want stuff for other rooms. Changes are that out or boredom I'd just put my bed in a different room each night, just to use said rooms every once in a while.
My studio! My books are there, my computer, letterpress equipment, and bookmaking tools. I love it. Always there in the middle of the day. Lock the door and read, write, print, bind, or design.
I'd like to have two of them. One would be a quaint home in a secluded area with beautiful wildlife and scenery, in a place with an average temperature of seventy degrees Fahrenheit. I'd need to be able to access the internet, though. I like the idea of building a home into the side of a hill. I'd be able to go outside whenever I wanted without having to worry about other humans being around. I'd have my cats with me, of course. I could sit around and do whatever I wanted all day with no pressure to get a formal education or job. I'd have plenty of time to see all of the good movies and read all of books that I wanted.

And for when I want to change things up, I could go to my apartment in some city. Preferably, this would be a semi-safe city with a low crime rate. I'd like to be able to walk around the city by myself at night without the fear of getting attacked. I want the people of the city to be kind, but not friendly. I really like apartments with high ceilings and large windows. I've never had my own place so it would be neat to finally decorate my home to suit my tastes and not my parents' tastes. I like the feel of places like this:

OK, maybe these are more my Aspie "worlds" than "caves" since I can't control what the city I live in is like, but whatever.
My Aspie cave would be any clean and tidy place where it's just me, me and me :) It should be just large enough for me to sleep, and nothing larger.
My bedroom has a comfortable armchair, good reading lamps, shelves full of books and CDs, a reasonably decent stereo, my dog's bed/nest...it's close to perfect.
My library is my cave. I am surrounded by 25 years worth of books and engravings. I also built out the walls and the shelves so it is like an outer representation of the inner me. I go there first thing in the morning and when I get home from work. It is the only place I feel comfortable.
My room. It has one bookshelf, a desk, a small plastic dresser, a wooden cabinet, and my bed which will soon be perfect once I remove the bed frame!
Mine is a little cubbyhole in the silent section of my university's library, right in the corner where nobody can sneak up on me and I can just plug myself into my music and relax :)
I have a huge room which is all mine. As I sew quilts and well anything I can think of its littered with fabric and projects in various stages of completion. Its also the room my animals spend most time in because of me so there are places around the room for my cats to sleep without sleeping on my projects. I'm also one of the less tidy asperger's suffers so my room is a mess but to me its in total order. I find this is the hardest thing to communicate to other people that even though my room looks like a mess its actually in complete order to me. If I tidy it then I loose everything.

I don't think I could survive without my own space. I think only other asperger's people can understand that we regenerate energy by being alone with our stuff so to speak.
My aspie cave is youtube There are some fantastic youtubers out today that have my humor Julian87, Matthias , Brothers Riedell really funny guys!
to live on a boat
I payed off the £250,000 mortgage on my house after 20 years, got divorced and lost the house, so I bought a run-down boat for £10,000 to refit and live on and have never looked back! Been thinking about the RV idea also, converting a Toyota Previa, but petrol prices in the UK have made that idea a bit iffy.
Knowing what I know now, I'd never have made the choice to enter into voluntary slavery for bricks and mortar in the first place. :D
My 525 sq ft apartment is at the edge of a pond in the woods in a rolling meadow. Very woodsy, LL Bean - like here. It has a flowerbed outside the livingroom windows and a bird feeder. My books, laptop, loving dog and friendly cat are here. No TV, no harsh lighting, no chaos-- just nature-y, geeky, nerdy bliss!

When I am out in public and am overloaded/overwhelmed, my cave is deep inside myself, either in my own world in my head, or unfortunately via involuntary shutdowns.
I payed off the £250,000 mortgage on my house after 20 years, got divorced and lost the house, so I bought a run-down boat for £10,000 to refit and live on and have never looked back! Been thinking about the RV idea also, converting a Toyota Previa, but petrol prices in the UK have made that idea a bit iffy.
Knowing what I know now, I'd never have made the choice to enter into voluntary slavery for bricks and mortar in the first place. :D
do you mean one of these

mid engine just like a Ferrari.

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