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What neurodevelopmental disorder is this?


Well-Known Member
What neurodevelopmental disorder is this?

I have some milder symptoms of Intellectual Disability, but am intelligent.
What neurodevelopmental disorder is this?

I have some milder symptoms of Intellectual Disability, but am intelligent.

Neuro development is the proccess how our brains get wired, so any change to the "normal" proccess may be called a lack of order in the neuro development proccess. Thus is a neurodevolpmental dis-order.

They may also be called a "divergence" of the normal procces, thus a neurodivergence.

They are different ways to say that we are different and that those differences have something to do with how our brains was wired.

There are many ways to get to have milder symptoms of Intellectuall Disability, so we cant know if you have a disorder, a divergence or you got hit by that cow really hard.
What neurodevelopmental disorder is this?

I have some milder symptoms of Intellectual Disability, but am intelligent.

If you are speaking of autism, one of the hallmarks of the condition is "asymmetrical" intelligences. When I say this, most people, even neurotypicals will have some asymmetry in their intelligences,...some people naturally navigate towards what they do best,...maths and sciences,...the arts,...marketing and business,...whatever. However, the autistic brain is often noted to be an example of a rather extreme variant of this phenomenon. So, what you may find is someone who is an extremely talented engineer or surgeon,...but may need help with daily life skills. You may find people who have poor social and speaking skills,...but are talented, insightful writers,...or singers. The autistic brain, by virtue of its anatomical structure,...and this can vary quite a bit even within this huge "umbrella" we call autism,...will often create individuals with some degree of "disability" in areas,...sometimes very specific areas,...but then in other areas appear rather normal,...or even exceptional.

So,...yes,...an autistic can be quite intelligent,...but also have specific areas where they fall low on the "bell curve".

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