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what is your stim?

I rub my thumb around the side of my index finger in a circular pattern, or move the side of my index finger in a circle around my lips. The latter especially when I'm on the computer. Unfortunately, I do them unawares and it really makes me look like a wierdo. My dad has the exact same hand thing, so that's hardwired, he's AS, or HFA or something, as well.
I don't know why I even do this or even how it started, but when I'm trying to do a task that requires a lot of concentration and solving (usually a problem of some sort), I become an opera singer - and I can't sing! Or I will hum. And I will do this even at work. No one has said anything yet. Go figure. Making that sound used to be in my yoga exercises (it's used to relax the central nervous system). Maybe that's why I do it.
A stim is basically a regularly repeated tic or habit that may change in frequency (how often it happens) due to stress, fatigue, overstimulation, or even boredom. Tourette's syndrome is a good example of a condition dominated by tics, but these tics are uncontrollable. Stims can be somewhat controlled but they do happen regularly. Mine include picking my scalp, sometimes my nose, picking my ears, picking my teeth with my tongue or fingernail, occasionally shaking my legs, and others I might not be aware of. Watching TV and spending a lot of time on my computer can make them more frequent. Hunger can make them a lot more frequent too.

I think stims or tics have a neuro-chemical basis behind them. There's probably quite a bit of information available on this subject too.
Thanks for the info i think i have one or two stims ones scratching my forehead and the other is scratching my right eye
From what I understand at the moment I go red in the face and fidget, if pissed of grumble under my breath.

I think I may be going through one at the moment, if so mine are mild. I feel like hitting some thing.
I've noticed that sometimes my arms go all over the place, like they are trying to tie themselves in knots, I have always done this but it used to be when I was excited by something now it seems to be frustration related.
Soup's stim of the day: Rocking back & forth while seated. I tried this one standing up, but I got too dizzy. Since I'm already a clutz, I decided that sitting would be safer.
Soup's stim of the day: Rocking back & forth while seated. I tried this one standing up, but I got too dizzy. Since I'm already a clutz, I decided that sitting would be safer.
I used to do that a lot as a child sometimes still do
On the weekends after i wake up i will just lie there and vibrate my muscles, usually my legs, one at a time, back and forth. Sometimes for hours. I did this at night, too, when i was single.

Is pain causing a stim? Not for mutilation or depression, but just the delicious sensation of burning pain under my command, i push the skin around my fingernails hard into the nail at the sides. Especially on one particular finger. It is my compromise because i used to bite them and poke at the nail bed with other nails or objects. Yes, i know, im a sexy lady. Anyway my favorite fingers and nails have become misshapen by this. Is that a stim?
I tap a lot and have been doing this since I eight years old. When I say tap I mean literally drum on everything with my fingers. My dad tells me that I'm probably not going to sleep that night because I seem hyper :/
I have a couple. Sometimes I run my thumbnail along my closed mouth and other times I do this thing where my mouth will be slightly open in kind of an "O" form and I flick my thumb against it (Makes a funny little noise that I like).
Soup's stim of the day: More head-banging. How to: sit at a table, place a sufficiently thick padding on its surface, rock forward bonking forehead against said padding once per forward rock. CAUTION: remember that you probably ave a NOSE that sticks out of your face: do NOT slam your nose down against the padding regardless of how thick it is. I will not disclose the identity of the Aspie who did this...
Yesterday, while at my doctor's appointment, I was incredibly sleep-deprived and found myself stimming like mad. My favorite was sticking my finger in that little tag that one finds at the back of some sneakers and twisting it around.
I recall having a real thing for doctor's appointments at a young age. I just liked the general atmosphere during a bog standard check up. It seems to have worn off as the years have gone by but then again I can't even remember the last time I had a doctor's appointment.
I recall having a real thing for doctor's appointments at a young age. I just liked the general atmosphere during a bog standard check up. It seems to have worn off as the years have gone by but then again I can't even remember the last time I had a doctor's appointment.
There was nothing unpleasant or awkward about the visit, but it's something I tend to do whenever I'm in my doctor's or therapist's office. Whenever I'm in a situation that requires thinking or reflection, I suppose that's what takes over my mind and I am no longer aware of what my body is doing. :)
I have played the drums for many years, I say that to give a reference point. I will play these elaborate patterns on my teeth. There is like a bass,snare, and tom three tone system in my teeth. If you understand note value, it can get up to as fast as 16 th notes + in speed.
I think im the only one that can hear it, its actually very very light tapping. Saying out loud it sounds like gnarly teeth grinding, and that is not what it is like.
Lately I've been "catching" myself standing for periods of time in front of my television swaying back and forth. Don't even recall why I was doing it.

Am I stimming? :confused:
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I shake my leg, sway/rock, sometimes I catch myself spinning in slow circles, I ALWAYS pace while on the phone and can't talk if I can't pace. I (think) I flap when I'm excited either out of happiness or upset... I do this weird thing where I frantically shake my hands in the air. Biting my nails has been a severe lifetime issue. Rolling/playing with various small objects especially bits of paper with my fingers, or folding and unfolding repeatedly.

There's two I try to hide from others because I'm embarrassed. Playing with my hair is a major issue. I like to ball and knot up small sections, especially if it's cold feeling, and repeat until I've covered every inch of hair on my head. It used to drive my mom nuts trying to brush my hair as a kid. Another I don't indulge in very often but I can't seem to break is (hides) sucking my left index finger. I hate it so much.
Just wondering... Anyone know if smoking can be a stim? Would explain why it took me fifteen years to quit and even then I had to switch to vaping. Seems it's not so much the ingredients as it is the mouth/hand stimulation.

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