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Super Bee
Hello everyone, I'm new here. :3 I'm 29 (!) and I'm married. I have Asperger's and suspect my husband does too, though he doesn't care to pursue an official diagnosis. The doctors that diagnosed me said he had "traits" and his sister was diagnosed in her teens. I would love to tell you my marriage is wonderful, but it's incredibly challenging and difficult because I have to navigate my own issues and then somehow navigate my husband's too. D: Anyway~ enough of that, I'm happy to be here and looking forward to joining in. ;D <3
Hi, Arlais. Welcome to the forum! I'm a self-diagnosed Aspie, and I was married to an Aspie as well (now widowed). I understand the problems that can arise from dealing with both sets of issues. This is a great place to discuss any issues you may be having trouble with and get supportive feedback.

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