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Watching tv shows repeatedly

TOTALLY in agreement with this one..... usually I run in bi-monthly cycles...Star Trek (TOS), The Andy Griffith Show, The Adams Family, All in the Family, ..... this month its Agatha Christies', "Poirot".... After the day ends and I am laying on the sofa.... I watch episode after episode, one right after another until I get tired...... and then I go to bed and fall asleep to episodes of "Family Guy" every night now for the past year.....

I relate this to listening to the same song over and over for weeks on end.... totally irritating my friends..hehe

(oh ya... forgot to mention tons of obscure documentaries and Warehouse 13)
I used to watch some tv shows in a constant loop (Bottom, The New Statesman, Red Dwarf, Prison Break, Sherlock) over and over. I knew every episode word for word and would even talk along without realising. There were films I would have on constant repeat too, especially at night - Whitnail & I and Inception mainly. I don't seem to do it now but I think that is mainly due to lack of time.
Does anyone else do this?

I can't tell you how many times I've seen each episode of my favourite Tv Shows. I'll watch it live, then when it's available, I download it and watch it again to catch any small details I may have missed during the first watch. Then any other time I watch it, It's more like I'm studying it. I'll watch my favourite parts, but I'll also watch the actors and study their acting. Sometimes, I'll have a random memory of a line and have to watch it to get closure. But I enjoy it so much, I end up re-watching the entire episode yet again.

To me, I've always been like this. If I really like something, I can watch it 1000 times and never get tired of it. I want to take it all in all the time. My problem is my sister. I'm currently unemployed, and she just keeps telling me to "stop it". She says "You're basically watching other people work while you're wasting your time". Which isn't completely untrue, but I don't know how to articulate to her that I can't help it. And even if I were to tell her that, she'd tell me that's a stupid excuse. She forbade me to download the last episode of the show I watch, but kept the recording on the tv. Said if I wanted to watch it again, it's there. When I asked her today if she was okay with me downloading it now (it's been 5 days after it aired) she said "No. Why? You've seen it twice already. You don't need to see it again. Put all that energy/passion into something else". But the problem is, I can't force myself to put energy into something that I don't care about. And sadly enough, I don't care enough about getting a job. So I'm not trying all that hard. Which I do feel upset about because I've been unemployed for two years now.

Anyways, I really don't know why I do this. But I'd like to know if there is anyone else out there with the same issue of watching things repeatedly. Also, if someone who could help me understand why I do this.

Yes, I do this. I do not actually watch them in real-time first on TV/Cable, per se-- I just download the whole series online.

The following are my obsessive programs in order of importance to me and the amount of times I have re-watched every episode in the series:
  1. The Sopranos (6x)
  2. Rome (5x)
  3. Deadwood (5x)
  4. Sons of Anarchy (2x)
TOTALLY in agreement with this one..... usually I run in bi-monthly cycles...Star Trek (TOS), The Andy Griffith Show, The Adams Family, All in the Family, ..... this month its Agatha Christies', "Poirot".... After the day ends and I am laying on the sofa.... I watch episode after episode, one right after another until I get tired...... and then I go to bed and fall asleep to episodes of "Family Guy" every night now for the past year.....

I relate this to listening to the same song over and over for weeks on end.... totally irritating my friends..hehe

(oh ya... forgot to mention tons of obscure documentaries and Warehouse 13)

"All in the Family", one of my favorite shows ever!
I rarely watch anything more than once, except for music videos from time to time... I always dread the notion that I'm going to see something I already watched before and feel that the experience of seeing it the first time can't be recreated anymore.

However, I have no issues if others are like this... I just prefer to keep checking out new things rather than being hung up with old stuff into repetition. Took me a while to realize that I'm more like that, especially since I've spend lots of money on dvd's years ago only to realize they don't get watched more than once.. maybe a second time, if I have visitors or such. Maybe a third time with a commentary track on, but in general.. .once is plenty for me.

I agree with this for the same reasons and rarely watch things more than once. I occasionally watch movies that I've enjoyed in the past again after a certain time period has elapsed, at least a year, but it's never the same as the original experience.
i have the same with internet. i keep searching for the same things and listeming the same songs, watching the same videoclips. it just makes me feel more secure cause i am scared and also I dont have much company so i spend a lot of time on that.
I'm like this too, only with books mostly instead of tv, probably because I don't watch tv much anymore. I have memorized Peter Pan and A Charlie Brown Christmas, but that's it for tv/movies. I really like reading the same books over and over again, and I've memorized bits and pieces of some of my favorite books. I'm glad I found this, I was starting to think I was the only one who was like this.
Books I can read over and over, similarly I can watch a good film several times and may revisit them years later.
Yep me too. I could rewatch the same episode or movie more than once in a day. Several times if it's one of my favourites. Same for music. I can listen to it over and over.
I am very much the same. I have watched all of the Gilmore Girl seasons as least 5 times, Grey's anatomy several times as well. I also like to watch movies a ton of times if I really like them such as Anastasia, Tangled, and Catching Fire. I also watched the anime Wolf Girl Black Prince for the first time yesterday and completed all the episodes then immediately started watching them again the next day.

I'm the same with a job too. I have been unemployed for at least three years but my husband does not care and does not expect me to get a job so for that I'm lucky. It's just that when I have a job I'm either so terribly bored or very anxious within the first week that I usually quit.

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